Molecular epidemiology related projects

CERVIVA-Vax: Monitoring the impact of HPV vaccination in Ireland
Infection with Human Papillomavirus (HPV) can lead to development of cervical cancer. For this reason HPV now plays an important role in cervical cancer prevention. For example, HPV vaccination programmes are established in several countries worldwide, including Ireland, where a national school based HPV vaccination programme began in 2010...
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HPV Primary Screening Pilot Study: molecular testing of potential triage strategies for HPV-positive women
The CERVIVA HPV Primary Screening Pilot is exploring the use human papillomavirus (HPV) testing as a first-line cervical screening method...
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HPV and biomarker screening
HPV infections play a crucial role in the aetiology of cervical lesions. Various molecular assays have been developed to detect HPV. HPV DNA testing is already being used for the management of cervical disease...
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Human papilloma virus DNA and mRNA testing in the Irish screening population
Human papilloma virus is now recognised as the major cause of cervical cancer. Although other factors like smoking can contribute to your risk, the general consensus is, the presence of a high-risk type of human papilloma virus is necessary...
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Screening HIV positive women for human papilloma virus RNA transforming genes
There is a clear association between certain types of wart (human papilloma) viruses and the development of abnormal smear tests, and ultimately an increased risk of cervical cancer...
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