
Undergraduate students complete an eight week programme in obstetrics and gynaecology during the fourth year.  Students are attached to either the Coombe Women and Infants University Hospital or the Rotunda Hospital with additional attachments in St James's Hospital and the University Hospital Tallaght.

The emphasis is on teaching basic clinical knowledge, core clinical skills and professionalism.  Students receive a comprehensive exposure to antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care, sexual and reproductive health, benign and malignant gynaecology.  Small-group teaching is provided within clinics, theatres, bed-side tutorials and classroom problem-based learning sessions. The labour ward placement is an opportunity to embrace multi-disciplinary team working in a dynamic and potentially challenging clinical environment.  The programme is highly rated by students reflecting the generous input form senior clinicians, doctors-in-training and experienced nurses and midwives as well as the personal attention provided by our secretarial and administrative staff.  The course content and structure is modified on an ongoing basis in response to student feedback.

An OSCE takes place during the final week of the attachment which comprises 20% of the total marks of the Final Examination.  The written and clinical parts of the Final Examination take place in June of the fourth year.

Student Testimonials

So much time with the professors and consultants. People generally interested in your learning and teaching. Having specific time to take histories etc allows you to become more comfortable with the subject and not see it as ‘extra work’ as can happen in other rotations.



Content of the teaching was excellent. Clearly a lot of thought has been put into how to best teach and assess us.


Senior freshman

The whole experience I found was very positive. Small group tutorials with case presentations were very useful.


Junior Sophister

The teaching from all the tutors was fantastic. The consultant tutorials were fantastic directed at clinical teaching, particularly when examination occurred in the presence of the consultant. Labour ward was a fantastic experience.


Senior Sophister