Current Research Projects

We Can Quit2
We Can Quit2 was a research study which examined if it was feasible to recruit women to a study where they would receive the We Can Quit group stop smoking programme or the standard one to one HSE stop smoking service.

Population Health
The School of Nursing and Midwifery, in partnership with the School of Medicine, established the Institute of Population Health (IPH) in 2016.

Assessing the numbers, needs, risks, and evidence based interventions
Assessing the numbers, needs, risks, and evidence based interventions for children impacted by parental substance misuse within the South East Region

Next Generation Research, the prevalence of children and young people
Next Generation Research, the prevalence of children and young people impacted by parental substance misuse across the Tallaght community

Addiction Nursing Models for Best Practice: Review of the addiction nursing role
Addiction Nursing Models for Best Practice: A review of the addiction nursing role

Routine health surveillance data: a retrospective longitudinal analysis
Routine health surveillance data: a retrospective longitudinal analysis of opioid addiction treatment among older adults

Hidden Harms and Hidden Data
Hidden Harms and Hidden Data: Estimating the number of children of parents who misuse substances and exploring risk and protective factors of young people with parents who used heroin

An investigation family influences
An investigation of how the role of the family influences the health of the school-aged child from a disadvantaged area