Feature Details
Course Title Clinical Exercise (P.G. Diploma.)
Qualification PG Diploma
Duration One year Full-time / Two years Part-time
Next Intake September annually

Study Clinical Exercise (Online Diploma FT / Online Cert.) at Trinity

In this video Dr. Cuisle Forde speaks about the online postgraduate certificate and diploma in clinical exercise. She details the origins of these courses, the differences between them and how you can find out more.

The Diploma in Clinical Exercise is delivered over one year (full time) or two years (part time). Students will engage in material online but will also be required to come to the Exercise Laboratory in Trinity College Dublin for one week in order to complete practical classes and a practical exam. The aim of the Diploma in Clinical Exercise is to  enable health care clinicians to prescribe exercise as a disease preventative and treatment modality in a safe, effective and scientific manner. The Diploma will go beyond the scope of the Certificate by teaching students how to critically appraise relevant literature, what is needed to conduct clinical research, and how to appropriately analyse data. There is also a practical element involved in the Diploma, as such students will learn and be examined on the practical skills needed to measure outcomes associated with clinical exercise prescription.

The Diploma in Clinical Exercise consists of 7 modules.

  • Module 1: Exercise Physiology 1 (10 ECTS)
  • Module 2: Physical activity and exercise (5 ECTS)
  • Module 3: Exercise in the prevention and treatment of disease (10 ECTS)
  • Module 4: Exercise prescription for clinical populations (5 ECTS)
  • Module 5: Advancements in Clinical Exercise (10 ECTS)
  • Module 6: Exercise physiology 2 (10 ECTS)
  • Module 7: Practical Applications of Clinical Exercise (10 ECTS)

Students will be assessed through the timely submission of written work, the completion of multiple choice quizzes and a practical exam. Marks will also be awarded for substantial relevant contributions to discussion boards and for engagement with online learning resources. The final mark awarded is based on a credit-weighted average of the mark awarded in each module.  The final mark for each module will be the weighted average mark derived from a combination of all the assessment elements. Students must observe all published deadline dates, which are final and have the status of examination dates. The pass mark is 50%.  Compensation between modules is not allowed. Students who fail to achieve a minimum of 50% in a written assessment element may resubmit with a deadline for resubmission of one month from the publication of the initial results. Only one resubmission will be allowed, and the maximum mark awarded for the resubmitted assignment is 50%.

A student who fails the overall module but who has not taken the opportunity to resubmit any failed elements will have one opportunity to resubmit failed written elements before the supplemental examination board.

Students who have successfully passed all the required modules and accumulated 60 ECTS will be considered for a Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Exercise.  Students who have achieved an overall credit-weighted average mark of at least 70% will be eligible for consideration for the award of Distinction in Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Exercise. A distinction cannot be awarded if a candidate has failed any credit during the period of study.

The programme will be open to graduates from medicine, nursing, dietetics and nutrition, medicine, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and physiology. Graduates from other degree courses will be assessed on an individual basis. Those with clinical experience will be prioritised. Successful applicants will hold a level 8 degree or equivalent professional degree at 2.1 level or equivalent.  Applicants who do not fit these criteria, but who have clinical experience will be assessed on an individual basis by the Dean of Graduate Studies. 

Clinical Exercise students may need to purchase some supplies to support their learning experiences such as skinfold callipers, tape measure and HR monitor with chest strap.  It is expected that these items would total approximately 100 euros (2024 average costing and dependant on supplier prices.)

Please note: For students who have already successfully completed the Online Certificate in Clinical Exercise and wish to complete the Diploma a special application applies. Please contact Dr Cuisle Forde at clinicalexercise@tcd.ie for specific information on this entry method.


For enquiries, please contact Dr Cuisle Forde at clinicalexercise@tcd.ie