Singapore Degree in Physiotherapy
The Discipline has been involved in extensive negotiations with the Singapore Institute of Technology developing a one-year course that will lead to a degree in Physiotherapy for students who have successfully completed a three-year diploma in Physiotherapy in Nanyang Polytechnic in Singapore.

The Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) was established in 2010, by the Ministry of Education in Singapore, and is an umbrella group for the polytechnics in Singapore. The mission of SIT is to provide upgrading opportunities and an industry-focused education, leading to highly desired graduates for growth sectors of the economy. This is being/will be achieved by partnerships between the Polytechnics and reputable overseas universities. The degrees awarded are/will be the same as those awarded to their counterparts from the home universities. Students on these programmes will spend 3-6 weeks in the overseas university as part of the Overseas Immersion Programme (OIP). Each overseas university is provided with offices and has/will have a defined physical presence within the SIT buildings and thus will have their own Singapore campus while using the teaching and learning facilities of SIT/Nanyang Polytechnic.
In October 2010, SIT approached TCD with respect to degrees in Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Radiation Therapy and Diagnostic Radiography. In the case of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy the Ministries of Health and Education, in Singapore, have identified the need for diploma graduates to develop the skills required for initiating, leading, developing and evaluating services in all areas of health but particularly in Primary Care, Extended Care, and Chronic Disease Management and Rehabilitation. The acute hospital sector is very well established in Singapore. Primary/Community Care, Long- term extended Care and Rehabilitation Services are in the process of being developed and there is a need for a skilled workforce who can lead, deliver and evaluate services in these areas.
The one-year course aims to upgrade the Diploma in Physiotherapy awarded by Nanyang Polytechnic in Singapore to a degree level. This will be achieved through the delivery of five modules over one academic year. The main aims of this one-year course are to develop knowledge and skills in critical analysis and global health as well as those related to the profession i.e. advanced physiotherapy practice, advanced exercise prescription and leadership and management in Physiotherapy. The aspiration is that this course will produce independent practitioners who can initiate, drive and evaluate the services required for the future health system in Singapore.