John Stearne Medical Library, SJH
The John Stearne Medical Library was established in 1973 when the Medical School of Trinity College began to move its teaching units into St. James’s Hospital. The Library was relocated to its current location in the Trinity Centre for the Health Sciences in 1992.
The John Stearne Medical Library was established in 1973 when the Medical School of Trinity College began to move its teaching units into St. James’s Hospital. The Library was relocated to its current location in the Trinity Centre for the Health Sciences in 1992. During the summer of 2006 the Library underwent extensive refurbishment and additional space was created to house the book collection and accommodate readers. The Library houses the clinical portion of Trinity College’s medical collection. This collection includes textbooks and journals relating to the clinical disciplines. In addition, other periodicals and textbooks in fields allied to medicine and surgery - primarily physical, occupational and radiation therapy - are also housed here. A large proportion of current and recently published material is housed in the Library and older medical material is kept in the Library’s storage areas.
The library has places for100 readers and there are also 3 bookable group study rooms for those readers who need to work collaboratively. The reading room is enabled for wireless internet connection and has a number of “live points” which allow access to the College Network.
The Library is intended to serve as the primary reading room medical students in the latter years of their training; occupational, physical and radiation therapy (all years) and nursing students. It is also used by postgraduate students, researchers and staff throughout the year.
Opening Hours
Term Time | Opening Days | Opening Time |
In term | Monday to Friday | 9.30 - 21.45 |
Saturday | 9.30 - 13.00 | |
Out of term: | Monday to Friday | 9.30 - 17.00 |
All registered students and staff of Trinity College Dublin are entitled to use the Library facilities.
Undergraduate readers can check out items from the SJ collection. Staff and research postgraduates can borrow material from the SJR collection. Borrowers can also renew checked out material to extend the period of their loan and reserve items that are already out on loan to other patrons.
Borrowing Entitlements
Staff: 20 Books for 12 weeks*
Research Postgraduates: 10 Books for 4 weeks*
Undergraduates: 4 Books for 1 week
*Staff and research postgraduate students are entitled to borrow items that have been deposited under copyright legislation in the Library.
Electronic Resources
As with most Libraries these days, online resources form an important and substantial portion of the collection available to readers. They also represent a substantial financial outlay. These resources assume two broad categories - electronic journals and databases. The Library has access to the online collections of most of the major publishers in the scientific, technical and medical fields. In addition the Library has subscriptions to, the Cochrane Library, Scopus, Web of Knowledge, PubMed, AMED, CINAHL, BIOSIS and PsycINFO databases.
Information Skills Training
Educational Services at the John Stearne Medical Library include instruction in information retrieval skills; general introductions to the Library and its services; and training in the use of EndNote. Instruction sessions are usually customised for different groups and sessions are conducted in the Trinity Centre. Please contact the medical librarian for further information.
Access to the College Network
At present, the Library provides access to four PCs in the reading room which can be used to access the College’s network. In addition each of the three group study rooms also contains a PC. These are primarily used for accessing our academic electronic resources (databases, electronic journals and E-books). The reading room is also Wi-Fi enabled and readers can access the College network from their own laptops. Please see the Information Systems services website for more details.
Assistive Technology
The library provides access to an assistive technology computer/scanner in group study room 2. This computer is wheelchair accessible and equipped with the latest assistive technology software, including; Zoomtext™, Duxbury™, JAWS™, Kurzweil 1000™/Kurzweil 3000™, Hal™, Lunar™ and Supernova™.
Please refer to the Student Disability Service Library's pages website for general library information and copies of the code of practice, regulations, staff and specialist contact numbers and details of photocopying facilities and privileges.
Examination Papers
Examination Papers online is a service of the Senior Lecturer's Office and Information Systems Services.
Further exam papers are available for photocopying at The Central Secretariat, Room 4053, Arts Building and at the Students' Union Office, House 6, Front Square.
Search Examination Papers online
Interlibrary Loan
To obtain materials not available at the John Stearne Library, readers can avail of our Interlibrary Loan service.