Online Postgraduate Courses

The School of Medicine at Trinity College is committed to providing flexible learning opportunities for those wishing to further their education while balancing work and home commitments with their learning.
As a result we offer a range of fully online courses, particularly desirable to healthcare professionals currently working in their chosen field, but ready to take the next step in their postgraduate education.
Online learning has been a part of the School of Medicine for a number of years and we are keen to encourage students to utilise this flexible approach in their further education.
Courses are delivered entirely online, with no requirement to attend in person. Most modules follow a standardised structured format, with new content being released weekly. A key feature of the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is participation and discussion, and to this end weekly small learning tasks (e-tivities) are employed to ensure students engage with the learning material, their peers and the academic team continuously throughout the course. This may take the form of a discussion board, submission of a reflective comment or a quiz.

The core content is delivered via an interactive lecture, which you can review in your own time. This is then supplemented by an ‘Apply’ task, where the student is asked to apply their learning from this lecture to a scenario in their own profession. Weekly live tutorials are scheduled where the lead academic for each module reviews that week’s content, answers student questions and facilitates a discussion around the learning covered that week. Finally, each week, you will be directed to further resources which allow you to expand your knowledge on the subject area and develop a depth of learning on the topic.
Assessment for online courses are varied and are designed individually within modules to align to the learning outcomes of that module. Some examples of assessments utilised include written assignments, online exams, practical submissions of work completed, development of a business case or the application of a risk assessment tool in your clinical workplace.
The academic team delivering online courses operate a virtual ‘open door’ policy, and liaise closely with the students via the VLE or email throughout their course to ensure that all students are supported to achieve their learning objectives.