Health psychology related projects

What influences cervical screening uptake in older women and how can screening programmes translate this knowledge into behaviour changing strategies?
Achieving high cervical screening coverage is important both for the population and individual women. However older women in Ireland are less likely to engage with cervical screening. The aims of the project are (i) to understand non-participation in cervical cancer screening among older women and (ii) to explore...
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Development of a theory-based psychoeducational intervention for cervical cancer screening
The aim of this project is to develop a theory-based psycho-educational intervention to alleviate the adverse psychological after-effects of colposcopy and related management procedures, such as punch biopsies and LLETZ. ...
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ATHENS (A Trial of HPV Education and Support)
GPs and practice nurses play a key role in cervical cancer prevention activities in Ireland. In addition to providing smear tests, they are likely to be key sources of information and advice for patients on HPV infection, vaccination and testing. ...
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Knowledge of, attitudes towards and psychosocial impact of cervical screening, HPV infection, testing and vaccination
Cervical cancer is the second most common female malignancy worldwide. There are approximately 200 new cases diagnosed and 70 deaths annually in Ireland. A number of factors are known to be associated with increased risk of cervical cancer including smoking and infection with human papilloma virus (HPV). ...
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