Professor J Mark Ryan

Professor J Mark Ryan

Clinical Professor, Surgery


Professor J Mark Ryan MB, BCh, FRCR (London), FFRRCSI, EBIR, FCIRSE is a Clinical Professor at Trinity College Dublin, and an Interventional Radiologist at St James Hospital Dublin. He is a Fellow of the Cardiovascular Interventional Radiological Society of Europe (FCIRSE), and holds the European Board of Interventional Radiology (EBIR) qualification. Professor Ryan graduated in Medicine from Trinity College Dublin in 1988, and trained in Radiology, obtaining Fellowship qualifications from both The Royal College of Radiologists in London (FRCR) and The Faculty of Radiology at The Royal College of Surgeons in Dublin (FFRRCSI). He completed Specialist Fellowship Training in Interventional Radiology and Abdominal-Cross Sectional Imaging at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston. He was an Assistant Professor of Radiology at Duke University Medical Center in North Carolina from 1998-2004. Professor Ryan specialises in delivering minimally invasive oncological and endovascular treatments for many forms of cancer, portal hypertension, liver disease, and for bleeding and thrombotic disorders. He has a particular interest in minimally invasive treatments for cancer including chemoembolization and ablation therapies. He has specialist clinical and research interest in the endovascular management of haemorrhage and thrombosis, and in performing treatments for the management of chronic urinary obstruction in the setting of gynaecological malignancy. Professor Ryan has been actively involved in academics and clinical research for over 25 years, during which time he has published and presented more than 170 peer-reviewed scientific papers, editorials, articles, and book chapters with > 2700 citations in the medical literature (Google Scholar: h-index 27, i10 index 48). Professor Ryan has lectured in Europe, Asia and the USA and has been on Faculty for international conferences for over two decades including The Society of Interventional Radiology (SIR), The International Symposium on Endovacular Therapies (ISET), The Cardiovascular Interventional Radiology Society of Europe (CIRSE),The European Congress of Radiology (ECR), Global Embolization Symposium and Technologies (GEST) and European (ECIO) and World Congresses of Interventional Oncology (WCIO). He was a Member of the e-Learning Sub-Committee for Interventional Radiology for the European Society of Radiology (ESR) for 2020-2021. He was a Faculty Member of CIRSE 2020, and a Scientific Reviewer for the Scientific Programme Committee for the CIRSE Annual Meeting 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023. He was a member of the Organising Host Committee for The European Congress of Interventional Oncology (ECIO) in Dublin in 2016. Current Appointments: Consultant Interventional Radiologist & IR Head of Division, St James's Hospital, Dublin Clinical Professor, Trinity College Dublin Honorary Consultant Paediatric Interventional Radiologist at Our Ladys Hospital for Sick Children, CHI, Crumlin Consultant Interventional Radiologist, Beacon Hospital Dublin. Non-Executive Director Board Member of the Operation Childlife Childrens Charity ( the medical affiliate of The Christina Noble Children's Foundation (

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • C Logan, J Kavanagh, N O'Connell, N McEniff, JM Ryan, M Guiney, K Ryan, O Seery, J O'Donnell, B White., Out of sight, out of mind? An audit which proposes a follow-up and management pathway for Inferior Vena Cava Filters. , Thrombosis, MS No 483870, 2016, pdoi:10.1155/2016/6538456Journal Article, 2016
  • K Field, N Gleeson, JM Ryan., Uterine Artery embolization in the setting of Gynaecological-cancer related bleeding., European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology, Ref. EJGO 3160/35:, 2016, pRef. EJGO 3160/35:Journal Article, 2016
  • U O' Connor, C Walsh, JM Ryan et al., Occupational radiation dose to eyes from interventional radiology procedures in loght of the new eye lens dose limit from the International Commission on Radiological Protection., British Journal of Radiology, 88, 2015, p20140627Journal Article, 2015
  • McCarthy E, Kavanagh J, McKernan S, O'Mahony N, McEniff N, Ryan JM, et al, Fluoroscopically guided transurethral removal and/or replacement of ureteric stents in women. , Acta Radiologica, 2014, p[Epub ahead of print] PMID: 24Journal Article, 2014
  • Dunne R, McCarthy E, Joyce E, Ryan JM, McEniff N,, Post-endoscopic biliary sphincterotomy bleeding: an interventional radiology approach., Acta Radiologica, 54, (10), 2013, p1159 - 1164Journal Article, 2013
  • McCarthy E, Mahony NO, Ryan JM et al, Successful catheter directed thrombolysis of IVC and renal vein occlusive thrombus., Irish Medical Journal, 104, (10), 2011, p311 - 312Journal Article, 2011
  • JM Howard, AM Hanly, M Keogan, JM Ryan, JV Reynolds , Percutaneous Cholecystostomy - A safe option in the Management of Acute Biliary Sepsis in the Elderly., International Journal of Surgery, 7, (2), 2009, p94 - 99Journal Article, 2009
  • Beddy P, McGrath A, Reynolds JV, Ryan JM, Primary embolisation of a symptomatic gastrointestinal stromal tumor, Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, 20, (8), 2009, p1099 - 1101Journal Article, 2009
  • O'Keeffe SA, McGrath A, Ryan JM, Byrne B, Management of a massive pulmonary embolism in a pregnant patient with mechanical fragmentation followed by delayed catheter-directed thrombolysis in the early postpartum period. , Journal of Maternal Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, 21, (8), 2008, p591 - 594Journal Article, 2008
  • Johnson C, Tuite D, Pritchard R, Reynolds J, McEniff N, Ryan JM, Use of Provocative Angiography to Localise site in Recurrent Gastrointestinal Bleeding., Cardiovascular and InterventionalRadiology, 30, (5), 2007, p1042 - 1046Journal Article, 2007
  • Beddy P, Ryan JM, Antibiotic prophylaxis in interventional radiology- anything new?, Techniques in Vascular Interventional Radiology, 9, (2), 2006, p69 - 76Journal Article, 2006
  • Tuite DJ, Ryan JM, Johnston C, Brophy DP, McEniff N, Ureteroiliac fistula : a late sequelae of radiotherapy and longterm ureteric stent placement. , Clinical Radiology, 61, (6), 2006, p531 - 534Journal Article, 2006
  • Miller MJ, Smith TP, Ryan JM., Sepsis in the interventional radiology patient., Techniques in Vascular Interventional Radiology, 9, (2), 2006, p64 - 68Journal Article, 2006
  • Ryan JM, Smith TP., Current issues in antibiotic prophylaxis for the interventional radiologist, Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, 15, 2004, p547 - 556Journal Article, 2004
  • Ryan JM, Reddan DN, Smith TP., Transhepatic catheter placement for dialysis access in patients with occluded peripheral veins. , Radiology, 232, (1), 2004, p246 - 251Journal Article, 2004
  • Ryan BM, Stockbrugger RW, Ryan JM., A Pathophysiological, endoscopic and radiological approach to the assessment and management of gastric varices., Gastroenterology, 126, 2004, p1175 - 1189Journal Article, 2004
  • Smith TP. Ryan J., Sepsis in the vascular-interventional patient. , Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, 15, 2004, p317 - 325Journal Article, 2004
  • Atkins BZ, Ryan JM, Grey JL. , Treatment of celiac artery aneurysm with endovascular stent grafting., Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 37, 2003, p367 - 373Journal Article, 2003
  • Ryan JM, Dumbleton SA, Smith TP. , Use of a Cutting Balloon for treating resistant high-grade dialysis graft stenosis - technical innovation., The American Journal of Roentgenology, 180, (4), 2003, p1072 - 1074Journal Article, 2003
  • Ryan JM, Dumbleton SA, Doherty J, Smith TP. , Use of a covered stent (Wallgraft) for treatment of pseudoaneurysms of dialysis bridge grafts and fistulae. , The American Journal of Roentgenology, 180, (4), 2003, p1067 - 1071Journal Article, 2003
  • Brown SD, Ryan JM. , Traumatic injury of the pelvis causing compression and acute critical stenosis of a common iliac artery stent with resultant critical ischemia: successful treatment with transbrachial balloon angioplasty. , Journal of Trauma, 54, 2003, p190 - 192Journal Article, 2003
  • Smith TP, Presson TL, Heneghan MA, Ryan JM, Transjugular Liver Biopsy in patients with Liver Dysfunction: A retrospective review of 410 consecutive procedures using an 18-gauge automated core biopsy needle., The American Journal of Roentgenology, 180, 2003, p167 - 172Journal Article, 2003
  • Welsby I, Ryan JM, Booth JV, Flanagan E, Messier R, Borel C., Bispectral Index (BIS) in the diagnosis of periprocedural stroke and its role in early Stroke Thrombolysis., Anaesthesia and Analgesia, 96, 2003, p435 - 437Journal Article, 2003
  • Schima W, Fugger R, Schober E, Oettl C, Ryan JM, Novacek G. , Diagnosis and Staging of Pancreatic Cancer: Comparison of Mangafodipir-enhanced MRI and Contrast-enhanced Helical Hydro-CT. , The American Journal of Roentgenology, 170, 2002, p714 - 724Journal Article, 2002
  • Ryan JM, Gainey M, Glasson J, Doherty J, Smith TP , Simplified Pain Protocol after Uterine Artery Embolization., Radiology, 224, 2002, p610 - 612Journal Article, 2002
  • Smith TP, Ryan JM, Brodwater B. , Acute Pulmonary Thromboembolism: Comparison of the Diagnostic Capabilities of Conventional Film Screen and Digital Angiography., Chest, 122, 2002, p968 - 972Journal Article, 2002
  • Ba-Ssalamah A, Schima W, Schmook MT, Linnau KF, Schibany N, Helbich T, Reimer P, Ryan JM, Mann F. , Atypical Focal Nodular Hyperplasia of the Liver: Imaging features of non-specific and liver-specific MR contrast agents., The American Journal of Roentgenology, 179, (6), 2002, p1447 - 1456Journal Article, 2002
  • Ryan JM, Key SM, Dumbleton SA, Smith TP., Provocative Mesenteric Bleeding Studies with tPA, heparin and tolazoline in patients with non-localized Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding., Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, 12, 2001, p1273 - 1277Journal Article, 2001
  • Rougier-Chapman D, Key SM, Ryan JM., Uterine Fibroid Embolization for the treatment of symptomatic fibroid Disease., Journal of Applied Radiology , 30, (9), 2001, p11 - 19Journal Article, 2001
  • Ryan JM, Suhocki PV, Smith TP., Coil Embolization of Segmental Arterial Mediolysis of the Hepatic Artery., Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, 11, 2000, p865 - 868Journal Article, 2000
  • Brodwater BK, Silber JS, Smith TP, Suhocki PV, Ryan JM, Newman GE. , Conversion of Indwelling Chest Port Catheters to Tunnelled Central Venous Catheters., Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, 11, 2000, p1137 - 1142Journal Article, 2000
  • Ryan JM, Dupuy D, Pitman M, Boland GW, Hahn PF, Mueller PR. , Metastases to the Liver from Extraskeletal Myxoid Chondrosarcoma: Successful Treatment with Percutaneous Ethanol Injection., Clinical Radiology, 55, 2000, p214 - 217Journal Article, 2000
  • Ryan JM, Hahn PF, Harisinghani M, Wood B, Saini S, Mueller PR., A Protocol for performing percutaneous radiologic gastrostomy and gastro-jejunostomy in patients with ascites. , The American Journal of Roentgenology, 171, 1998, p1003 - 1008Journal Article, 1998
  • Ryan JM, Kelsey P, Ryan BM, Mueller PR., Alendronate-induced esophagitis - A recently recognized form of severe esophagitis with esophageal stricture -Radiographic features. , Radiology, 206, 1998, p398 - 391Journal Article, 1998
  • Schima W, Ryan JM, Harisinghani MG. Schober E, Pokieser, Denk E, Stacher G. , Radiographic detection of Achalasia: Diagnostic accuracy of Videofluoroscopy. , Clinical Radiology, 53, 1998, p372 - 375Journal Article, 1998
  • Ryan JM, Boland GW, Murphy BL, Mueller PR. , The use of the transgluteal route for percutaneous abscess in acute diverticulitis facilitating delayed primary surgical repair. , The American Journal of Roentgenology, 170, 1998, p1189 - 1193Journal Article, 1998
  • Ryan JM, Boland GW, Murphy BL, MJ Lee, Mueller PR. , Percutaneous Ultrasonic Lithotrypsy in patients with horseshoe kidneys. , The American Journal of Roentgenology, 169, 1997, p447 - 451Journal Article, 1997
  • Ryan JM, Hahn PF, Boland GW, McDowell RK, Saini S, Mueller PR. , Percutaneous Gastrostomy with T-fastener Gastropexy: Results of 316 consecutive procedures. , Radiology, 203, 1997, p496 - 500Journal Article, 1997
  • 'Radiologic Gastrostomy and Gastrojejunostomy'. in, editor(s)Bakal C, Silberzweig J, Cynamon J. and Sprayregen S. , Principles and Practice of Vascular and Interventional Radiology. , New York, Thieme Medical Press, 2002, pp123 - 130, [ Ryan JM, Dawson S.]Book Chapter, 2002
  • 'Percutaneous abscess drainage in the abdomen'. in, editor(s)Gore, Levine and Laufer- , Textbook of Gastro-Intestinal Radiology, 2nd Edition. , Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 2000, pp1066 - 1086, [Ryan JM, Mueller PR. ]Book Chapter, 2000
  • 'Use of a Cutting Balloon for treating resistant high-grade dialysis graft stenosis' in, editor(s)Moneta GL. , Mosby Year Book of Vascular Surgery, New York, Mosby, 2004, pp300 - 305, [JM Ryan.]Book Chapter, 2004
  • Harisinghani MG, Ryan JM, Schima W, Yoder IC, Saini S., Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Uterus. , Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging, 6, 1997, p173 - 182Journal Article, 1997
  • Ryan JM, Boland GW, Lee MJ, Mueller PR. , Intracavitary urokinase therapy as an adjunct to percutaneous drainage in patients with a multi-loculated empyema. , The American Journal of Roentgenology, 167, 1996, p643 - 647Journal Article, 1996
  • Image Guided Pancreatic Biopsy: Development, Indications, and Complications in, editor(s)Centano B, Pitman M. , Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy of the Pancreas, Boston, Butterworth-Heinemann, 1998, pp1 - 4, [Ryan JM, Hahn PF, Mueller PR]Book Chapter, 1998
  • Pancreatic Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy: Imaging, Equipment and Technique in, editor(s)Centano B, Pitman M. , Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy of the Pancreas, Boston, Butterworth-Heinemann, 1998, pp5 - 11, [ Ryan JM, Hahn PF, Mueller PR. ]Book Chapter, 1998
  • Harisinghani MG, Schima W, Ryan JM, Saini S, Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Focal Hepatic Masses. , Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging, 6, 1996, p127 - 135Journal Article, 1996
  • Ryan JM, Schima W, Harisinghani MG, Mueller PR., Radiologic Gastrostomy and Gastrojejunostomy: Indications and Complications., Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging, 5, 1996, p119 - 125Journal Article, 1996
  • Ryan JM, Harisinghani MG, Schima W, Saini S, Mueller PR., Percutaneous Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy of the Pancreas: Current Practice and Concepts., Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging, 7, 1997, p54 - 57Journal Article, 1997
  • Ryan JM, Glasson J, Gainey M, Doherty J, Smith TP., Reply: Simplified Pain Protocol for Uterine Artery Embolization. , Radiology, 224, (6), 2002, p610 - 612Journal Article, 2002
  • Ryan JM, Smith TP., The Safety of Uterine Artery Embolization. , Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, 15, 2004, p99 - 100Journal Article, 2004
  • Ryan JM, Key SM, Dumbleton SA, Smith TP., Provocative Mesenteric Bleeding Studies with tPA, heparin and tolazoline in Patients with non-localized Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding. , Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, 13, 2002, p548 - 549Journal Article, 2002
  • Ryan BM, Stockbrugger RW, Ryan JM., TIPS for gastric varices. , Gut, 52, 2003, p772 - 773Journal Article, 2003
  • Ryan JM., Misinterpretation of postembolization syndrome after conservative treatment of fibroids. , Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, 15, 2004, p99 - 100Journal Article, 2004
  • Farrelly C, Ryan JM, Advances in Interventional Radiology in the Treatment of Liver Cancer, European Oncological Disease, 1, (2), 2007, p68 - 72Journal Article, 2007
  • P Hughes, C Grant, N Healy, JM Ryan, Treatment of Hepatic Metastases from Medullary Thyroid Cancer with Transarterial Embolisation. European Radiology Experimental., 2017Case Study, 2017
  • Redmond M, O Hare B, Ozlislok P, Casey B, Ryan JM, Corbally M, A Simple Model of Complex Clinical Skills Exchange., Global Health Partnerships:
Innovations in Surgery, Education and Research Conference, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI), Dublin, Ireland, April 2016, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
  • J Mark Ryan, Corbally M, Redmond M, Oslizlok P, O,Hare B., Operation Childlife: A a Model for Skills Transfer Collaborative Models for Childhood Cancer in LMIC, Conference: 48th Congress of The International Society of Paediatric Oncology, Dublin, Ireland, October 2016, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
  • McCarthy E, O'Riordan C, O'Mahony N, Cronin K, Harmon M, McEniff N, Guiney J M, Ryan M, Vessel recruitment in redo transarterial chemoembolization for HCC, an approach to management., European Congress of Radiology, Vienna, March 2012, 2012Conference Paper, 2012
  • Howard J, Ryan JM., Spectrum of endovascular management of differing GDA pathologies. , ECR, Vienna, 2010, DOI 10.1594/ecr2010/, 2010Poster, 2010
  • Dunne R, McEniff N, Guiney M, Ryan JM. , Distinction Award - Percutaneous Radiofrequency Ablation of Renal Tumors: Technique and Follow up, ECR, Vienna, 2010, 2010Poster, 2010
  • Dunne R, Beddy P, Guiney M, McEniff N, Ryan JM , Transarterial Chemoembolisation using Drug Eluting Beads in the Treatment of Hepatic Metastases in Patients with Colorectal Metastases: An Initial Experience , Radiology, RSNA, Chicago, USA, 2009, 2009Conference Paper, 2009
  • Dunne R, Beddy P, Guiney M, McEniff N, Ryan JM , Management of Post-Sphincterotomy Bleeding: An Interventionalist's Perspective, Radiology, RSNA, Chicago, USA, 2009, 2009Conference Paper, 2009
  • Provocative mesenteric angiography in the setting of acute gastrointestinal bleeding. , McNally S, Ryan JM , Radiology, RSNA, Chicago, USA, 2006, 2006Conference Paper, 2006
  • Atkins BZ, Ryan JM, Gray JL. , Celiac artery aneurysm management by Endovascular Stent Grafting. , International Endovascular Laparoscopic Congress. , Quebec City, Canada,, 2003, 2003Conference Paper, 2003
  • Ryan JM, Dumbleton SA, Doherty J, Smith TP. , Use of a covered stent (Wallgraft) for treatment of pseudoaneurysms of dialysis bridge grafts and fistulae. , Society of Interventional Radiology, Salt Lake City, Utah,, March 2003., 2003Conference Paper, 2003
  • JM Ryan , Use of preemptive analgesia in treating post procedural UAE pain. , JVIR, Society of Interventional Radiology, Salt Lake City, Utah,, 2003, 2003Conference Paper, 2003
  • Ryan JM, Smith TP. , Simplified Pain Protocol for Uterine Artery Embolization., European Congress of Radiology, Vienna, 2003, 2003Conference Paper, 2003
  • Dumbleton SA, Ryan JM, Smith TP. , A single US centers initial experience with the retrievable Gunther Tulip filter. , Radiology, RSNA, Chicago, USA, 2002, 2002Conference Paper, 2002
  • Provocative Bleeding Studies with Thrombolytic Agents in Patients with Non-Localized Gastrointestinal Bleeding., Ryan JM, Dumbleton SA, Smith TP., European Congress of Radiology, Vienna, Austria, 2002, 2002Conference Paper, 2002
  • Ryan JM, Cranley R, Dumbleton SA, Smith TP. , Uterine Artery Embolization for Symptomatic Fibroid Disease - Providing a Service without Ob/Gyn Service Participation-The Trials and the Tribulations. , RSNA, Chicago, USA, 2001, 2001Conference Paper, 2001
  • Dumbleton SA, Ryan JM, Suhocki PV, Newman GE, Smith TP., ASH Dialysis Catheter Placement using a Monorail Technique- A Decrease in Incidence of Air Embolism and Bleeding. , Radiology, RSNA, Chicago, USA, 2001, 2001Conference Paper, 2001
  • Ryan JM, Crawford S, Dumbleton SA, Suhocki PV, Smith TP., Percutaneous Treatment of Congenital Vascular Malformations - An Institutional Experience., JVIR, Society of Interventional Radiology, San Antonio, Texas, 2001, 2001Conference Paper, 2001
  • Presson T, Ryan JM, Dumbleton SA, Suhocki PV, Smith TP. , Transjugular Liver Biopsy - Experience in 223 Cases. , JVIR, Society of Interventional Radiology, San Antonio, Texas, 2001, 2001Conference Paper, 2001
  • Smith TP, Ryan JM, Dumbleton SA, Suhocki PV. , Digital Pulmonary Angiography versus Cut-film Pulmonary angiography. , JVIR, Society of Interventional Radiology, San Antonio, Texas, 2001, 2001Conference Paper, 2001
  • Ryan JM, Pappas J, Hedlund LJ, Suhocki PV, Smith TP. , Early Experience of Intervention and Stenting of Axillo-Atrial Dialysis Grafts. , JVIR, Society of Interventional Radiology, San Diego, USA, 2000, 2000Conference Paper, 2000
  • Hewitt J, Ryan JM, Pappas J, Suhocki PV, Smith TP. , Intervention in Axillary Necklace Dialysis Grafts-An Institutional Experience. , JVIR, Society of Interventional Radiology, San Diego, USA, 2000, 2000Conference Paper, 2000
  • Ryan JM, Suhocki PV, Newman GE, Smith TP, Holbrook M., Radiologic Gastrostomy Tube Placement -To Gastropexy or Not to Gastropexy? - A Randomized Prospective Study. , JVIR, Society of Interventional Radiology, San Diego, USA, 2000, 2000Conference Paper, 2000
  • Brodwater B, Smith TP, Newman GE, Suchocki PV, Ryan JM. , Conversion of indwelling port catheters to tunneled central venous catheters in a high risk patient population. , JVIR, Society of Interventional Radiology, Orlando, USA, 1999, 1999Conference Paper, 1999
  • Ryan JM, Harisinghani MG, Schima W, Mueller PR. , The adjunctive utilization of urokinase in patients undergoing percutaneous catheter drainage of complex intraabdominal collections. , Radiology, RSNA, Chicago, USA, 1997, 1997Conference Paper, 1997
  • Ryan JM, Harisinghani MG, Wood B, Mueller PR. , Percutaneous gastrostomy in patients with malignant ascites: The role of gastropexy and serial paracentesis in a series of 44 consecutive patients. , Radiology, RSNA, Chicago, USA, 1997, 1997Conference Paper, 1997
  • Schima W, Ryan JM, Harisinghani MG, Hahn PF, Mueller PR. , Evaluation of biliary complications after liver transplantation in children: The value of magnetic resonance cholangio-pancreatography (MRCP). , Radiology, RSNA, Chicago, USA, 1997, 1997Conference Paper, 1997
  • Balestrero LM, Wood BJ, Ryan JM, Boland GW, Mueller PR. , Outcomes in patients undergoing intracavitary urokinase for treatment of complex intrapleural collections. , Radiology, RSNA, Chicago, USA, 1997, 1997Conference Paper, 1997
  • Ryan JM, Doherty J, Smith TP. , The use of covered stents for salvage of dialysis grafts and fistulae with pseudoaneurysm, JVIR, Society of Interventional Radiology, Salt Lake City, Utah,, 2003, 2003Conference Paper, 2003
  • Ryan JM, Ryan BM. , The use of autologous fibrin glue in the treatment of perirectal fistula: A combined radiologic and colonoscopic approach., Radiology, RSNA, Chicago, USA, 1998, 1998Conference Paper, 1998
  • Ryan JM, Ryan BM, Hahn PF, Mueller PR. , Alendronate induced esophagitis: a cause of severe esophagitis and long esophageal stricture- Radiographic features with endoscopic correlation., Radiology, RSNA, Chicago, USA, 1998, 1998Conference Paper, 1998
  • Ryan JM, Ryan BM, Hahn PF, Mueller PR., The how and why of performing a radiologic gastropexy - An Illustrated approach to the technique. , Radiology, RSNA, Chicago, USA, 1998, 1998Conference Paper, 1998
  • Ryan JM, Hahn PF, Mueller PR. , Utilizing urokinase in the treatment of intra-abdominal hematomas - A suggested protocol. , Academic Radiology, The Asssociation of University Radiologists, New Orleans, USA, 1998, 1998Conference Paper, 1998
  • Ryan JM, Hahn PF, Mueller PR. , How to perform a radiologic gastropexy - An Illustrated step-by-step approach to the technique , Academic Radiology, The Asssociation of University Radiologists, New Orleans, USA, 1998, 1998Conference Paper, 1998
  • Harisinghani MG, Ryan JM, Stein B, Yoder I, Mueller PR., The value of hysterosonosalpingography in the diagnosis of endometrial and subendometrial disease. , Radiology, RSNA, Chicago, USA, 1997, 1997Conference Paper, 1997
  • Wood BJ, Boland GW, Ryan JM, Mueller PR, Zeman RK. , The inflammatory and idiopathic diseases of the gallbladder. , Radiology, RSNA, Chicago, USA, 1997, 1997Conference Paper, 1997
  • Schima W, Schober E, Denk D, Pokieser P, Ryan JM, Herold CJ., Videofluoroscopic evaluation of complications after treatment of Laryngo-pharangeal cancer. , Radiology, RSNA, Chicago, USA, 1996, 1996Conference Paper, 1996
  • Ryan JM, Boland GW, Harisinghani MG, Schima W, Mueller PR., Patients with CT diagnosis of acute diverticulitis: Incidence of unsuspected neoplasm., Radiology, RSNA, Chicago, USA, 1996, 1996Conference Paper, 1996
  • Ryan JM, Schima W, Harisinghani MG, Hahn PF, Mueller PR., Radiologic gastrostomy with T-fastener gastropexy : Experience in 316 consecutive patients. , Radiology, RSNA, Chicago, USA, 1996, 1996Conference Paper, 1996
  • Boland GW, Graf O, Ryan JM, Hahn PF, Mueller PR. , Arterial versus portal venous phase spiral CT for pancreatic carcinoma: ROC analysis of tumor detectability, conspicuity and operability., Radiology, RSNA, Chicago, USA, 1996, 1996Conference Paper, 1996
  • Harisinghani MG, Saini S, Schima W, Ryan JM, McNicholas M, Mueller PR., Simethicone-coated cellulose as an oral contrast agent for ultrasound. , Radiology, RSNA, Chicago, USA, 1996, 1996Conference Paper, 1996
  • Ryan JM, Boland GW, Walton S, Mueller PR. , Transgluteal Drainage of Pelvic Fluid Collections in 95 patients: Indications, Outcomes and Complications. , European Radiology, ECR, Vienna, Austria, 1997, 1997Conference Paper, 1997
  • Ryan JM, Hahn PF, Mueller PR., Fine-needle aspiration biopsy of Abdominal Mesenchymal Tumors - Is it worth it?, American Journal of Roentgenology, Annual Scientific Meeting of The American Roentgen Ray Society, Boston, USA, 1997, 1997Conference Paper, 1997
  • Imam N, Saini S, Harisinghani MG, Schima W, Ryan JM, Mueller PR. , Optimizing Slice Thickness and Interslice Gap for CT detection of Focal Liver Lesions: Theoretical and Phantom analysis., American Journal of Roentgenology, Annual Scientific Meeting of The American Roentgen Ray Society, Boston, USA, 1997, 1997Conference Paper, 1997
  • Saini S, Harisinghani MG, Ryan JM, Schima W, Mueller PR., Cost-analysis Comparing Computed Tomography and Intravenous Urography in Evaluating Flank Pain., American Journal of Roentgenology, Annual Scientific Meeting of The American Roentgen Ray Society, Boston, USA, 1997, 1997Conference Paper, 1997
  • Wood B, Ryan JM , Dretler S, Mueller PR. , Urological Applications of 3-D CT and Virtual Reality Endoscopy., Urology, The New England Section of the American Urological Association, Boston, USA, 1997, 1997Conference Paper, 1997
  • Ryan JM, Hahn PF, Mueller PR. , Percutaneous fine-needle aspiration biopsy versus core biopsy in the diagnosis of abdominal mesenchymal tumors., Abdominal Radiology, he Society of Gastro-Intestinal Radiologists,, Bermuda, 1996, 1996Conference Paper, 1996
  • D Mulholland, JM Ryan , Retrograde Ureteric Stent Exchange: The Experience of a Single Tertiary Referral Centre , European Radiology, ECR, Vienna, Austria, March 2017, 2017Conference Paper, 2017
  • Roger Smyth, Douglas Mulholland, J. Mark Ryan , A comparison of magnetic resonance angiography and digital subtraction angiography for the diagnosis of renal artery stenosis: a five-year study. , Irish MRI Meeting, Kilkenny, Ireland, 21 January 2017, 2017Poster, 2017
  • Eoghan McCarthy · Niamh O'Mahony · J. Mark Ryan · Michael Guiney, Combined thrombin-collagen injection for the management of an iatrogenic pseudoanuerysm in the popliteal region, Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging, 22, (4), 2012, p257 - 259Journal Article, 2012
  • Ba-Ssalamah A, Schima W, Schmook MT, Linnau KF, Schibany N, Helbich T, Reimer P, Ryan JM, Mann F. , , Atypical Focal Nodular Hyperplasia of the Liver: Imaging features of non-specific and liver-specific MR contrast agents., , Annual Scientific Meeting of The American Roentgen Ray Society, Seattle, USA, April 2001, 2001Conference Paper, 2001
  • J Harbison, J Mark Ryan, Stroke Interventions- Remapping the Boundaries of Patient Care, Intervention Quarter, 2, 2010, p14 - 16Journal Article, 2010
  • L Wilson, JM Ryan , Central Venous Catheters - Uses, Issues and Management., The Irish Journal of Clinical Medicine, 36, (7), 2006, p14 - 18Journal Article, 2006
  • Peter Hughes; Ian Brennan; J Mark Ryan, Use of the EMBA Hourglass Peripheral Embolisation Device: early experiences European Radiology Experimental, European Radiology Experimental, 2, (4), 2018, p1 - 6Journal Article, 2018
  • T.P. Farrell, C. Garvey, N.C. Adams, D. Mulholland, J.M. Ryan, M. Guiney, I Brennan, N. McEniff, Comparison of Outcomes and Cost Effectiveness of Trisacryl Gelatin Microspheres alone (TAGM) versus combined TAGM and Gelatin Sponge (GS) embolisation in Uterine Fibroid Embolisation, Acta Radiologica, 2020Journal Article, 2020
  • R. Heaney, J Mark Ryan, The Abernethy Malformation - A review of clinical, anatomical and therapeutic features with case presentation of this rare entity., Abdominal Radiology, ESGAR - European Society of Genitourinary and Abdominal Radiology, Dublin, June 2018 , 2018Conference Paper, 2018
  • T.P. Farrell, C. Garvey, J Mark Ryan, N. McEniff, Comparison of Outcomes and Cost Effectiveness of Trisacryl Gelatin Microspheres alone (TAGM) versus combined TAGM and Gelatin Sponge (GS) embolisation in Uterine Fibroid Embolisatio, Irish Society of Interventional Radiology, Ireland, March 2018, 2018Conference Paper, 2018
  • Patrick Maguire; Aleksandra Sobota; Doug Mulholland; Ryan, J. Mark; Noreen Gleeson, Ureteric Obstruction: Clinical Profile of a common complication in women with cervical cancer , BGCS, British Gynaecological Cancer Society , London, July 2018, 2018Conference Paper, 2018
  • D. O'Driscoll, G. Wilson, Ryan JM, Von-Hippel Lindau syndrome - an educational review , European Journal of Radiology, European Congress of Radiology, Vienna, March 2010, 2010Poster, 2010
  • D. O'Driscoll, JM. Ryan., Polyarteritis Nodosa : An educational review , European Journal of Radiology, European Congress of Radiology, Vienna, March 2010, 2010Poster, 2010
  • Dunne R, McEniff N, Guiney M, Ryan JM. , Hemoptysis: An Interventionalist's Perspective , Faculty of Radiology RCSI Annual Scientific Meeting,, Dublin, September 2009, 2009Oral Presentation, 2009
  • Ryan JM, O Brien M, McInerney D, Hurley GD. , Plain radiographical assessment of athletes with chronic low back pain. , The Royal Academy of Medicine of Ireland, Section of Radiology, , Dublin, 1993, 1993Oral Presentation, 1993
  • Ryan JM, Hurley GD, McInerney D. , The testicular ultrasound findings in patients with Spina Bifida and their implications for fertility potential. , The Royal Academy of Medicine of Ireland, Section of Radiology, , Dublin, 1992, 1992Oral Presentation, 1992
  • JM Ryan, Radiology assessment and interventional biopsy techniques and management of tumours in a paediatric population., Paediatric Cancer Symposium, Childrens Hospital No 2, Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam, November 2017, 2017, Childrens Hospital No 2Invited Talk, 2017
  • JM Ryan, Percutaneous management of the peripancreatic collections., Cardiovascular Interventional Society of Europe. (CIRSE) Glasgow , Glasgow, Scotland, September 2014, 2014, Cardiovascular Interventional Society of Europe (CIRSE)Invited Talk, 2014
  • JM Ryan, Embolic agents and how to use them., Global Embolisation Symposium and Technologies. (GEST), Prague, Czech Republic, April, 2013Invited Talk, 2013
  • JM Ryan, The role of the Interventional Radiologist in the management of complicated Pancreatitis., Cardiovascular Interventional Society of Europe. , Lisbon, September, 2012, Cardiovascular Interventional Society of Europe (CIRSE)Invited Talk, 2012
  • JM Ryan, Advances in Transarterial Chemoembolisation for the Treatment of Liver Cancer. , Meeting of The International Cancer Imaging Society, Salzburg, Austria., June, 2009, The International Cancer Imaging SocietyInvited Talk, 2009
  • JM Ryan, Endovascular Management of Life-threatening Gastrointestinal Bleeding, Royal College of Surgeons Annual Houghton Invited Lecture, RCSI Dublin, 2007, RCSIInvited Talk, 2007
  • JM Ryan, Treatment of Liver Tumours - New Techniques and Advances., Global Embolisation Symposium and Technologies. (GEST), Barcelona, Spain, April, 2007, Cardiovascular Interventional Society of Europe (CIRSE)Invited Talk, 2007
  • JM Ryan, Technical Innovation of Drug Eluting Embolic Particle. Cardiovascular Interventional Society of Europe CIRSE Lisbon, 2007., Meeting of The Cardiovascular Interventional Society of Europe., Lisbon, 2007, Cardiovascular Interventional Society of Europe (CIRSE)Invited Talk, 2007
  • JM Ryan, Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Interventional Radiology : Whats the evidence?., Meeting of The Cardiovascular Interventional Society of Europe., Rome, September, 2006, Cardiovascular Interventional Society of Europe (CIRSE)Invited Talk, 2006
  • JM Ryan, IR Treatment of Vascular Malformations. , Cardiovascular Interventional Society of Europe. , Rome, September, 2006, Cardiovascular Interventional Society of Europe (CIRSE)Invited Talk, 2006
  • JM Ryan, Diagnosis and endovascular management of gastrointestinal bleeding., Meeting of The Society of Interventional Radiology, Phoenix, Arizona, March, 2004, Society of Interventional RadiologyInvited Talk, 2004
  • JM Ryan, Diagnosis and management of Life threatening haemorrhage. , Meeting of The Society of Interventional Radiology, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, March, 2003, Society of Interventional RadiologyInvited Talk, 2003
  • JM Ryan, Use of covered stents in the treatment of dialysis graft pseudoaneurysm. , VEITH Symposium /AIM. , New York, NY., November, 2003, Veith SymposiumInvited Talk, 2003
  • JM Ryan, Radiofrequency Ablation in combination with Chemoembolisation., SEAS Interventional Techniques Update, Beaufort, North Carolina, January, 2003, South-Eastern Angiographic SocietyInvited Talk, 2003
  • JM Ryan, Aortic Stent Grafts I - How I do them. , SEAS Interventional Techniques Update, Beaufort, North Carolina, January, 2003, South-Eastern Angiographic SocietyInvited Talk, 2003
  • JM Ryan, Aortic Stent Grafts II - Diagnosing and Treating Endoleaks. , SEAS Interventional Techniques Update, Beaufort, North Carolina, January, 2003, South-Eastern Angiographic SocietyInvited Talk, 2003
  • JM Ryan, Update on Radiofrequency ablation of the Liver and Kidney., , Forum on Interventional Techniques and Applications, Scottsdale, Arizona, October, 2002, DUMCInvited Talk, 2002
  • JM Ryan, Imaging and Treatment of Vascular malformations in the Multidisciplinary Clinic. , Forum on Interventional Techniques and Applications, Scottsdale, Arizona, January, 2002, DUMCInvited Talk, 2002
  • JM Ryan, Uterine Fibroid Embolisation. , Forum on Interventional Techniques and Applications, Scottsdale, Arizona, October, 2002, DUMCInvited Talk, 2002
  • JM Ryan, Inferior Vena Caval Filters in the setting of actual or potential Pulmonary Embolism - Whats New? , Forum on Interventional Techniques and Applications, Scottsdale, Arizona, October, 2002, DUMCInvited Talk, 2002
  • JM Ryan, Radiofrequency Ablation : a new tool in the fight against cancer - its use and applications. , SEAS Interventional Techniques Update, Greenbrier, West Virginia, September, 2001, South-Eastern Angiographic SocietyInvited Talk, 2001
  • JM Ryan, Assessment and Treatment of Vascular malformations in a Pediatric Population. , Meeting of the North Carolina Pediatric Society, Charlotte, NC, November, 2000, The North Carolina Pediatric SocietyInvited Talk, 2000
  • JM Ryan, Interventional Radiology in the Paediatric Setting. , Paediatric Surgery Symposium, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam., April, 2012, Childrens Hospital No 2, HCMCInvited Talk, 2012
  • JM Ryan, Percutaneous Abscess Drainage and Use of Urokinase in the Treatment of Abscess and Empyema. , Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School Continuing Medical Education Symposium on Intra-abdominal Intervention, Boston, MA, 1996, Harvard Medical SchoolInvited Talk, 1996
  • JM Ryan, Transhepatic Biliary Drainage and The Use of Biliary Stents in Neoplastic Disease. , Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School Continuing Medical Education Symposium on Intra-abdominal Intervention, Boston, MA, 1996, Harvard Medical SchoolInvited Talk, 1996
  • JM Ryan, Percutaneous Radiologic Gastrostomy Tube Placement. , Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School Continuing Medical Education Symposium on Intra-abdominal Intervention, Boston, MA, 1996, Harvard Medical SchoolInvited Talk, 1996
  • Patrick J. Maguire , Aleksandra Sobota Doug Mulholland , Roisin Baker Claire Thompson J. Mark Ryan , Noreen Gleeson , Ureteric obstruction: clinical profile of a common complication in women with cervical cancer , International Journal of Gynaecological Cancer, 2018Journal Article, 2018
  • Hughes P, Brennan I, Ryan JM, Use of the HourGlass Peripheral Embolisation Device, Highlights in European Radiology Experimantal, (5), 2018Journal Article, 2018
  • Ryan JM, The utility of Interventional Radiology in the Paediatric Population, The 13th National Paediatric Surgery Conference , Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam., October, 2018, Paediatric Surgery Society of VietnamInvited Talk, 2018
  • C. Ní Leidhin, J Mark Ryan, All you need to know about catheter-based reperfusion treatment of acute pulmonary embolism., European Congress of Radiology, Vienna, Austria, March 2019, edited by European Radiology , 2019Poster, 2019
  • Patrick J Maguire, MD, MRCOG, MRCPI; Aleksandra Sobota, PhD; Doug Mulholland, MB, FRR(RCSI); J. Mark Ryan, MB, FRCR, EBIR; Noreen Gleeson, MD, MRCOG , Incidence, management and sequelae of ureteric obstruction in women with cervical cancer, Supportive Care in Cancer, 2019Journal Article, 2019
  • T.P. Farrell, C. Garvey, J Mark Ryan, N. McEniff, , Comparison of Outcomes and Cost Effectiveness of Trisacryl Gelatin Microspheres alone (TAGM) versus combined TAGM and Gelatin Sponge (GS) embolisation in Uterine Fibroid Embolisation, RSNA -Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, USA, Dec 2018, 2018Poster, 2018
  • Smyth R, Mulholland D, Ryan JM, Retrograde ureteric stent exchange in the female oncology patient by Interventional Radiology: the experience of a single tertiary referral centre, IJMS, 2019Journal Article, 2019
  • Filip Vanhavere, UO Connor, JM Ryan, How to Use Active Personal Dosemeters in Interventional Fields in Hospitals: Results from Laboratory and Workplace Field Tests, 19th International conference,on Solid State Dosimetry, Hiroshima, Japan , September 2019, 2019Oral Presentation, 2019
  • O'Connor, Cormac; Murray, Peter; Ryan, J Mark, Byrne, Declan; , A case of Phlegmasia Cerulea Dolens as a Result of May- Thurner Syndrome, 113, 6, Quarterly Journal of Medicine, 2020, p419 - 420Report, 2020
  • J Mark Ryan, Ureteric stents - Indications, Complications, Tips and Tricks, CIRSE, Munich, September 2020, 2020, CIRSEInvited Talk, 2020
  • S Dolan, J Mark Ryan, Ablative Renal artery embolisation in the setting of Gyunaecological Malignancy, European Congress of Interventional Oncology, Nice, France, November 2020, 2020Poster, 2020
  • J O Mahoney, J Mark Ryan, Diagnosing Brain Death - The Imaging Features on Conventional Angiography, CTA and MRI/MRA. What the Radiologist needs to know. , CIRSE 2020, Munich, edited by CIRSE , 2020Poster, 2020
  • J Mark Ryan, Management of Venous Malformations in a Paediatric Setting., 21 st National Vietnamese Paediatric Surgery Conference , Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam, November 2020, 2020Oral Presentation, 2020
  • J Mark Ryan C Garvey, Interventional Radiology Management of a Transected Ureter, International Journal of Surgery Case Reports, 2022Report, 2022
  • G Lambe, J Mark Ryan, Gone in 60 days -First Experience of a Novel Bio-Convertible Filter, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 2021Report, 2021
  • Lambe G, Couurtney M, Judge C, Donlon M, Ravi N, Ryan JM, Endovascular management of delayed upper gastrointestinal bleeding after open esophagectomy for a benign oesophageal stricture,, Vol 85, International Journal of Surgery Case Reports, Aug 2021, 2021, p1 - 4Report, 2021, TARA - Full Text
  • Rohan P, Ryan JM, A delayed presentation of vesicocutaenous fistula, EuroRad, 2021Report, 2021
  • Lambe, Gerard, Mahony, Johnny O", Courtney, Michael, Donlon, Noel, Donohoe, Claire, Ryan, JMark, Gone in 60 days: our first experience with a bioconvertible IVC filter, Irish Journal of Medical Science (1971 -), 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • M O'Dwyer, JM Ryan , Pulmonary AVM and their management, SIR, Boston, 2022Poster, 2022
  • J Mark Ryan R Motyer, Embolisation of Pulmonary Artery Pseudoaneurysm secondary to sepsis, CIRSE 2022, 2022Case Study, 2022
  • J Mark Ryan R Motyer, Fluoroscopic-Guided Transurethral Retrograde Ureteric Embolization for Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer with Uretero-Vaginal Fistula., CIRSE, 2022Report, 2022
  • J Mark Ryan R Motyer, Fluoroscopic-guided Retrograde Transurethral Ureteric Stent Insertion - Technical challenges and solutions., CIRSE, 2022Report, 2022
  • R Motyer J Mark Ryan Guiney M, Uroptysis - unexpected discovery of nerphrobronchial fistula following nephrostogram, CIRSE 2022, Spain, 2022Poster, 2022
  • O Mahoney J, R Motyer J Mark Ryan , Embolisation of large Pulmonary Artery mycotic Pseudoaneurysm causing massive haemoptysis - a life saving therapeutic option, EuroRad, 2022Report, 2022
  • Heaney A, Morrow J, Heaney R, Ryan JM, Endovascular SVC Reconstruction offers significant symptom relief and effective palliation for Superior Vena cava Obstruction (SVCO)- a single center experience., CIRSE 2023, Copenhagen, Seotember 2023, 2023Poster, 2023
  • S O Neill R Motyer H O Neill J Mark Ryan M Guiney, "Uroptysis!" - A case report of xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis with nephrobronchial fistulation, 98, International Journal of Surgery Case Reports, Elselvier, September, 2022, p1 - 4Report, 2022
  • Waldron J, R Motyer, Ryan JM, Bilateral adrenal infarction complicating abdominal sepsis, EuroRad, 2022Report, 2022
  • H Acton, J Mark Ryan, US of acute gynaecological conditions- what the on-call radiologist needs to know, ECR, Vienna, 2023, edited by European Journal of Radiology , 2023Poster, 2023
  • Michael Courtney, Motyer R, Hazel O'Neill Johnny O'Mahony Ronan Motyer Niall McEniff Ian Brennan Michael Guiney Mark Ryan, Fluoroscopic-guided retrograde transurethral ureteric stent insertion case series - Technical challenges and solutions., International Journal of Surgery, 2023Journal Article, 2023
  • Holly Acton Ronan Motyer Johnny O'Mahony Ian Brennan JM Ryan, , Transurethral ureteric embolization for locally advanced cervical cancer with ureterovaginal fistula - a case report, International Journal of Surgery Case Reports, 2023Journal Article, 2023
  • Morrow J, Ryan JM, Haemorrhagic Pancreatitis: Imaging Features of Diagnosis and Treatment , ECR, Vienna, March , 2023Poster, 2023
  • Morrow J, Ryan JM, Can it wait until morning? - Radiology Residents guide to emergency on call procedures., ECR, Vienna, March , 2023Poster, 2023
  • Morrow J, Garvey C, Ryan JM, Haemorrhagic Cholecystitis treated with Endovascular Embolisation, Volume 2023, Issue 7, Journal of Surgical Case Reports, July , 2023Report, 2023
  • O'Dwyer M, Morrow J, Brannan I, Ryan J, Guiney M, McEniff N, Cardiac Device Explantation: What the Interventional Radiologist should consider. , CIRSE 2023, Copenhagen, Seotember 2023, 2023Poster, 2023
  • O'Regan, GM, Watson, R, Orr, D, O'Donovan, D, Russell, J, Phelan, E, Ryan, M, Brosnahan, O, Irvine, A, Management of vascular birthmarks: review of a multidisciplinary clinic., Irish Medical Journal, 100, (4), 2007Journal Article, 2007, URL
  • Sheehy N, Ford S, McDermott R, Young V, Ryan JM, Ultrasonographically guided percutaneous embolization of a pulmonary pseudoaneurysm., Journal of vascular and interventional radiology : JVIR, 17, (5), 2006, p895-8Journal Article, 2006
  • Ryan JM. , "Aortic stent grafts - Current Clinical Practice." Book Review, Review of "Aortic stent grafts - Current Clinical Practice.", by Dolmach BL, Blum U , The American Journal of Roentgenology, 176, 2000, p214Review
  • J Mark Ryan , My Experience as a Volunteer Interventional Radiologist in Vietnam, Intervention Quarterly, 3, (4), 2015, p24 - 25Journal Article
  • JM Ryan, Uterine Artery Embolization - A Mimimally Invasive Alternative to Surgery for the Treatment of Fibroid Disease. , Irish Medical Times , 2002Review Article
  • JM Ryan, Radiofrequency Ablation -A new interventional tool in the fight against liver cancer. , Irish Medical Times , 2003Review Article
  • Ferguson C, Compton C, , New England Journal of Medicine: Cases from Massachusetts General Hospital. A 45 year-old woman with abdominal pain and a polypoid mass in the colon. , 1996Case Study
  • Berg C, , The New England Journal of Medicine. Case Studies from Massachusetts General Hospital.A 68 year old woman with hepatic encephalopathy. , 1997Case Study
  • Sands B, Compton C, , The New England Journal of Medicine. Cases from Massachusetts General Hospital A 58 year old man with recurrent ulcerative colitis, bloody diarrhoea and abdominal distension. , 1997Case Study
  • JM Ryan, GI Bleeding and Stroke. Call your Interventionalist. Dublin, Ireland, Updates on Haemostasis and Thrombosis , Dublin, November, 2009, Irish Blood Transfusion ServiceInvited Talk
  • JM Ryan, Role of the Interventional Radiologist in management of Thrombotic Discorders. Updates on Haemostasis and Thrombosis 2008. Dublin, Ireland , Updates on Haemostasis and Thrombosis , Dublin, November, 2008, Irish Blood Transfusion ServiceInvited Talk
  • JM Ryan, Role of the Interventional Radiologist in management of acute bleeding., Updates on Haemostasis and Thrombosis , Dublin, November, 2007, Irish Blood Transfusion ServiceInvited Talk
  • JM Ryan, Provoked GI bleeding. What is it? , Updates on Haemostasis and Thrombosis , Dublin, November, 2006Invited Talk
  • JM Ryan, Embolisation techniques for treatment of acute massive haemorrhage. , Updates on Haemostasis and Thrombosis , Dublin, November, 2005, Irish Blood Transfusion ServiceInvited Talk
  • JM Ryan, Interventional Radiology - Medicine for the 21st Century. , Forum on Product Developments, Boston Scientific, Cork , August, 2002, Boston ScientificInvited Talk
  • JM Ryan, Interpretation of the Chest Radiograph in The Intensive Care Setting. , Meeting of The Irish Association of Critical Care Nurses, Blackrock Clinic, Dublin, 1995, The Irish Association of Critical Care NursesInvited Talk
  • JM Ryan, The use of the Oropharyngeal Swallow Test in patients with swallowing disorders. , Symposium on Swallowing Disorders, Tullamore, Ireland, 1992, Irish Society of Speech TherapistsInvited Talk

Research Expertise

Professor Ryan practices in the specialty of Interventional Radiology, a technology and medical device driven specialty that involves performing minimally invasive surgical procedures with specialist medical devices under radiological imaging guidance. He has been actively involved in clinical research for over 25 years, has published and presented more than 170 scientific papers, editorials,, book chapters and articles, with 2700 citations (Google Scholar; h-index 27, i10 index 48) in the medical literature. Prof Ryan's primary academic interests are in the field of Interventional Oncology which includes tumour embolization and ablation, diagnosis and treatment of haemorrhage, management of visceral organ obstruction, maintenance of vascular access, pain management and palliative therapies. He has a specialist interest in the diagnosis and minimally-invasive treatment of acute life threatening haemorrhage. He described a novel technique for the investigation of patients with occult bleeding that has become a standard technique in Interventional Radiology practice and is widely cited in the radiology literature. He has a particular interest in urological problems associated with gynaecological malignancy and ureteric obstruction and has developed new techniques and management strategies for patients with these problems. He also has particular interest in vascular interventions for all aspects of vascular disease including acute thrombosis, bleeding disorders, arterial and venous obstruction, congenital vascular malformations, and in intra-arterial pharmacological and mechanical thrombolysis. He also has a particular interest in the interventional management and treatment of chronic liver disease and in minimally invasive treatments for hepatocellular carcinoma and transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunts (TIPS) for portal hypertension. He was a senior co-author on a widely cited seminal paper on the management of gastric varices. Professor Ryan has been involved in medical device testing, evaluation and development and has worked as a medical advisor to a number of medical device companies.

Cardiovascular medicine and haematology, Other clinical medicine, Clinical Medicine, Cancer, Medical and biomedical engineering,


  • ESTHER/Irish Aid Grant 2016 ( # 26791) 2016
  • Royal Academy of Medicine Registrars Prize Meeting - second 1994
  • American Assoc University Radiologists Promising Junior Faculty Award, American Association of University Radiologists 1998
  • Award For Services Provided to Paediatric Health Care Development in Vietnam - Christina Noble Childrens Foundation 2019
  • Best Poster Award ASM ' Endovascular reconstruction offers significant symptom relief and effective palliation for SVCO - A Single Center Experience' Heaney A, Ryan JM, Morrow J, Heaney R. 2023
  • Graduated Trinity College Dublin with 1st Class Honours in Surgery, Psychiatry & Ob/Gyn 1988
  • European Congress of Radiology. Distinction Award. Vienna 2010 2010
  • The Sir John William Moore Prize Medal (1st), Meath Hospital, Trinity College Dublin, Final Medical Year 1988
  • Elected Fellow of The Cardiovascular Interventional Society of Europe 2012
  • Fellow of The Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe (FCIRSE) Present
  • Member of The Cardiovascular Interventional Society of Europe (CIRSE) Present
  • Member of The Irish Society of Interventional Radiology (ISIR) Present
  • Member of The Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Present
  • Member of The European Congress of Radiology Present
  • Director and Board Member of Operation Childlife ( Present
  • Fellow of The Faculty of Radiologists in The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Present
  • Èuropean Board Certification in Interventional Radiology (EBIR) from The Cardiovascular Interventional Radiology Society of Europe (CIRSE) Present
  • Fellow of The Royal College of Radiologists, London Present
  • Member of The American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS) Present
  • Fellow of The Dublin University Biological Association
  • Member of The Society of Interventional Radiology (SIR) Present
  • Examiner European Board of Interventional Radiology 2011-
  • Conference Faculty Member at International Society for Endovascular Technologies
  • Member of the Cardiovascular Interventional Society of Europe 2004
  • Conference Faculty Member at European Congress of Radiology
  • Member of the Cardiovascular Interventional Society of Europe 2004
  • Conference Faculty Member at International Society for Endovascular Technologies
  • Reviewer for Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology 2000-
  • Conference Faculty Member at Cardiovascular Interventional Radiology Society of Europe
  • Reviewer for American Journal of Roentgenology. 1999-
  • Organising Committee Member for European Congress of Interventional Oncology,(ECIO) 2016 2016
  • Reviewer for American Journal of Roentgenology. 1999-
  • Examiner European Board of Interventional Radiology 2011-
  • Conference Faculty Member at International Cancer Imaging Society
  • Reviewer for Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology 2000-
  • Conference Faculty Member at South Eastern Angiographic Society
  • Conference Faculty Member at Society of Interventional Radiology 1998-2016
  • Conference Faculty Member Roentgenological Society of North America
  • Conference Faculty Member at Irish Society of Interventional Radiology
  • Fellow of the Cardiovascular Interventional Society of Europe 2012
  • Faculty Member CIRSE 2020 2020
  • Director and Board Member of Operation Childlife. 2015
  • Conference Faculty Member at South Eastern Angiographic Society
  • Fellow of the Dublin University Biological Association 2018
  • Conference Faculty Member at European Congress of Radiology
  • Conference Faculty Member Veith Symposium, NY, USA
  • Reviewer for Scientific Programme Committee CIRSE 2020 Annual Meeting (Munich, September 12-16, 2020).
  • Conference Faculty Member European Congress on Interventional Oncology
  • Fellow of the Dublin University Biological Association 2018
  • Non-Executive Director Board Member of Operation Childlife. 2015
  • Conference Faculty Member European Congress on Interventional Oncology
  • Conference Faculty Member at Global Embolisation Symposium and Technologies.
  • Reviewer for Irish journal of Medical Science 2018
  • Conference Faculty Member at 13th National Vietnamese Paediatric Surgery Conferenvence 2018
  • Reviewer for Irish journal of Medical Science 2018
  • Conference Faculty Member at International Cancer Imaging Society
  • Conference Faculty Member at Irish Society of Interventional Radiology
  • Conference Faculty Member at 13th National Vietnamese Paediatric Surgery Conferenvence 2018
  • Conference Faculty Member Radiological Society of North America
  • Member of Scientific Committee eLearning Sub-Group European Socoety of Radiology 2020-2022
  • Fellow of the Cardiovascular Interventional Society of Europe 2012
  • Conference Faculty Member Roentgenological Society of North America
  • Organising Committee Member for European Congress of Interventional Oncology,(ECIO) 2016 2016
  • Conference Faculty Member Veith Symposium, NY, USA
  • Conference Faculty Member Radiological Society of North America
  • Reviewer for Scientific Programme Committee CIRSE Annual Meeting (2020-2022).
  • Conference Faculty Member at Global Embolisation Symposium and Technologies.
  • Conference Faculty Member at Society of Interventional Radiology 1998-2016
  • Conference Faculty Member at Cardiovascular Interventional Radiology Society of Europe
  • Faculty Member CIRSE 2020 2020