Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Murphy, S.E., Blake, C., Power, C.K., Fullen, B.M., Comparison of a Stratified Group Intervention (STarT Back) with Usual Group Care in Patients with Low Back Pain: A Nonrandomized Controlled Trial, Spine, 41, (8), 2016, p645-652Journal Article, 2016
- Blake, C., Cunningham, J., Power, C.K., Horan, S., Spencer, O., Fullen, B.M., The Impact of a Cognitive Behavioral Pain Management Program on Sleep in Patients with Chronic Pain: Results of a Pilot Study, Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.), 17, (2), 2016, p360-369Journal Article, 2016
- Murphy, S., Blake, C., Power, C.K., Fullen, B.M., Outcomes of a group education/exercise intervention in a population of patients with non-specific low back pain: A 3-year review, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 183, (3), 2014, p341-350Journal Article, 2014
- Fullen, B.M., Blake, C., Horan, S., Kelley, V., Spencer, O., Power, C.K., Ulysses: The effectiveness of a multidisciplinary cognitive behavioural pain management programme - An 8-year review, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 183, (2), 2014, p265-275Journal Article, 2014
- Murphy, S.E., Blake, C., Power, C.K., Fullen, B.M., The effectiveness of a stratified group intervention using the STarTBack screening tool in patients with LBP - A non randomised controlled trial, BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 14, 2013Journal Article, 2013
- Murphy, S., Blake, C., Power, C.K., Fullen, B.M., The role of clinical specialist physiotherapists in the management of low back pain in a spinal triage clinic., Irish journal of medical science, 182, (4), 2013, p643-650Journal Article, 2013
- Sommerfield, D.L., McDonagh, P., Heffernan, A.M., Hu, P., Power, C.K., Peripheral neuropathy masquerading as an epidural complication, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 181, (1), 2012, p119-121Journal Article, 2012
- Kelly, G.A., Blake, C., Power, C.K., O'Keeffe, D., Fullen, B.M., The impact of spinal cord stimulation on physical function and sleep quality in individuals with failed back surgery syndrome: A systematic review, European Journal of Pain (United Kingdom), 16, (6), 2012, p793-802Journal Article, 2012
- Tan, T., Wilson, D., Walsh, A., Hu, P., Power, C., Audit of a ward-based patient-controlled epidural analgesia service in Ireland, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 180, (2), 2011, p417-421Journal Article, 2011
- Kelly, G.A., Blake, C., Power, C.K., Okeeffe, D., Fullen, B.M., The association between chronic low back pain and sleep: A systematic review, Clinical Journal of Pain, 27, (2), 2011, p169-181Journal Article, 2011
- Cunningham, J.M., Blake, C., Power, C.K., O'Keeffe, D., Kelly, V., Horan, S., Spencer, O., Fullen, B.M., The impact on sleep of a multidisciplinary cognitive behavioural pain management programme: A pilot study, BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 12, 2011Journal Article, 2011
- Ahmad, I., Thompson, A., Frawley, M., Hu, P., Heffernan, A., Power, C., Five-year experience of critical incidents associated with patient-controlled analgesia in an Irish University Hospital, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 179, (3), 2010, p393-397Journal Article, 2010
- McDonnell, J.G., O'Donnell, B., Curley, G., Heffernan, A., Power, C., Laffey, J.G., The analgesic efficacy of transversus abdominis plane block after abdominal surgery: A prospective randomized controlled trial, Anesthesia and Analgesia, 104, (1), 2007, p193-197Journal Article, 2007
- McDonnell, J.G., O'Donnell, B.D., Farrell, T., Gough, N., Tuite, D., Power, C., Laffey, J.G., Transversus Abdominis Plane Block: A Cadaveric and Radiological Evaluation, Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, 32, (5), 2007, p399-404Journal Article, 2007
- Fullen, B., Hurley, D.A., Power, C., Canavan, D., O'Keeffe, D., The need for a national strategy for chronic pain management in Ireland, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 175, (2), 2006, p68-73Journal Article, 2006
- Power, C., Crowe, C., Higgins, P., Moriarty, D.C., Anaesthetic depth at induction. An evaluation using clinical eye signs and EEG polysomnography, Anaesthesia, 53, (8), 1998, p736-743Journal Article, 1998
- Buggy, D.J., Power, C.K., Meeke, R., O'Callaghan, S., Moran, C., O'Brien, G.T., Prevention of spinal anaesthesia-induced hypotension in the elderly: i.m. methoxamine or combined hetastarch and crystalloid, British Journal of Anaesthesia, 80, (2), 1998, p199-203Journal Article, 1998
- Power, C.K., Buggy, D., Keogh, J., Acute superior vena caval syndrome with airway obstruction following elective mediastinoscopy, Anaesthesia, 52, (10), 1997, p989-992Journal Article, 1997
- Power, C.K., Marshall, S.E., Phelan, D.M., Burke, C.M., Pulmonary artery catheter: Arterialisation of aspirated wedge blood confirms the wedge position in pulmonary hypertension, Clinical Intensive Care, 7, (1), 1996, p39-41Journal Article, 1996
- Poulter, L.W., Janossy, G., Power, C., Sreenan, S., Burke, C., Immunological/physiological relationships in asthma: potential regulation by lung macrophages, Immunology Today, 15, (6), 1994, p258-261Journal Article, 1994
- Power, C.K., Burke, C.M., Sreenan, S., Hurson, B., Poulter, L.W., T-cell and macrophage subsets in the bronchial wall of clinically healthy subjects, European Respiratory Journal, 7, (3), 1994, p437-441Journal Article, 1994
- Clarkson, K., Power, C.K., O'Connell, F., Pathmakanthan, S., Burke, C.M., A comparative evaluation of propofol and midazolam as sedative agents in fiberoptic bronchoscopy, Chest, 104, (4), 1993, p1029-1031Journal Article, 1993
- Power, C., Sreenan, S., Burke, C., Hurson, B., Poulter, L.W., Distribution of immunocompetent cells in the bronchial wall of clinically healthy subjects showing bronchial hyperresponsiveness, Thorax, 48, (11), 1993, p1125-1129Journal Article, 1993
- Burke, C., Power, C.K., Norris, A., Condez, A., Schmekel, B., Poulter, L.W., Lung function and immunopathological changes after inhaled corticosteroid therapy in asthma, European Respiratory Journal, 5, (1), 1992, p73-79Journal Article, 1992
- Poulter, L.W., Norris, A., Power, C., Condez, A., Schmekel, B., Burke, C., T-cell dominated inflammatory reactions in the bronchi of asthmatics are not reflected in matched bronchoalveolar lavage specimens, European Respiratory Journal, 5, (2), 1992, p182-189Journal Article, 1992
- Poulter, L.W., Norris, A., Power, C., Condez, A., Burnes, H., Schmekel, B., Burke, C., T cell dominated inflammatory reactions in the bronchioles of asymptomatic asthmatics are also present in the nasal mucosa, Postgraduate Medical Journal, 67, (790), 1991, p747-753Journal Article, 1991
- Poulter, L.W., Power, C., Burke, C., The relationship between bronchial immunopathology and hyperresponsiveness in asthma, European Respiratory Journal, 3, (7), 1990, p792-799Journal Article, 1990
- McShane, A.J., Power, C., Jackson, J.F, Murphy DF,MacDonald A., Autotransfusion: Quality of blood prepared with a red cell processing device, British Journal of Anaesthesia, 59, (8), 1987, p1035-1039Journal Article, 1987
- Murphy, D.F., McDonald, A., Power, C., Unwin, A., MacSullivan, R., Measurement of pain: A comparison of the visual analogue with a nonvisual analogue scale, Clinical Journal of Pain, 3, (4), 1987, p197-199Journal Article, 1987
- Serpell M , Gabapentin in neuropathic pain syndromes: a raqndomised double blind placebo controlled trial , Pain , 99, (3), 2002, p557 - 566Journal Article, 2002
- RA Lyons CK Power SK Sreenan S Pathmakanthan cm burke , The prevalence and distribution of respiratory symptoms and asthma in irish adults , journal of the irish college of physicians and surgeons , 23, (4), 1994, p251 - 255Journal Article, 1994
- RA Lyons CKPower SK Sreenan S Pathmakanthan cm burke, Hereditory and environmental factors associated with respiratory symptoms and asthma in irish adults, journal iris colleges of physicians and surgeons , 23, (4), 1994, p256 - 259Journal Article, 1994
- BLyons,ATaylor,CPower,WCasey, Postanaesthetic shivering in Children , Anaesthesia, 51, (5), 1996, p442 - 445Journal Article, 1996
- A Egan,O Lennon, CKPower,BMFullen, "I've actually changed how I live" Patients long term perceptions of a cognitive pain management program, Pain Mediicne , 18, (2), 2017, p220 - 227Journal Article, 2017
- DJBuggy,CKPower,RMeeke,SO'Callaghan,CMoran,GTO'Brien, Prevention of spinal anaesthesia-induced hypotension in the elderly, Surevy of Anaesthesiology, 42, (2), 1998, p332 - 332Journal Article, 1998
- CKPower,SPathmakanthan,VJTormey,JFaul, Theophylline does not improve quality of life in fixed airway obstruction, Irish Journal of Medical Science , 164, 1995, p172 - 172Journal Article, 1995
- LMackey,CBlake,MCasey,CPower,RVictory,CHearty,BFullen, The impact of health literacy on health outcomes in individuals with chronic pain, physiotherapy, 105, (3), 2019, p346 - 353Journal Article, 2019
- Mackey LM, Blake C, Squires L, Casey MB, Power C , Victory R, Hearty C, Fullen BMC, , An investigation of healthcare utilisation and its association with levels of health literacy in individuals with chronic pain, Musculoskeletal Care, 17, (2), 2019, p174 - 182Journal Article, 2019
- Power C Galvin D Foto T Mahmoud A Kostopoulos N, Thermal microcautery a form of peripheral nerve field stimulation for the treatment of painful knee osteoarthritis, Pain Studies and Treatment , 7 , 2019, p33 - 54Journal Article, 2019
- Galvin D Power C , A microcosting study : comparing a standard intravenous patient controlled analgesia system with a novel sublingual patient controlled analgesia system , Irish Journal of Medical Science , 189, (4), 2020, p1365 - 1369Journal Article, 2020, URL
- Papageorgiou E, Kovas K, Power C, Kostopoulos N, Application of Thermal Microcautery in Migraine Management, Headache Medicine , 11, (1), 2020, p1 - 3Journal Article, 2020
- Solymos O, Snyman L, Condon E, Power C, Boland J., Moving beyond technical skills and promoting professionalism, Irish Journal of Medical Science , 189, (4), 2020, p1379 - 1389Journal Article, 2020, URL
- Punshi G, Purcell A, Power C, An Usual Case of Astasia-Abrasia, Pain Studies and Treatment , 9, (1), 2021, p1 - 6Journal Article, 2021
- Farrell S Purcell A Edgeworth D Feely T Shiels J Condon E Power C, Positive and Negative factors affecting the health and wellbeing of Anaesthesia trainees in Ireland, Anaesthesia, 75, 2020, p67 - 67Journal Article, 2020
- T Cells and other mononuclear cells in Asthma in, editor(s)Frederick Kumar , Asthma Imunpathology and Imuunotherapy, Vienna / New York, Springer Verlage, 1993, [Poulter LW, CK Power]Book Chapter
- Power CK, Burns injury pain management editorial , indian journal of burns , 17, 2009, p17 - 20Journal Article
- JG McDonnell, BD O'Donnell,DTuite,TFarrell,CPower, The regional abdominal field infiltration (RAFI) technique:A computerised tomographic and anatomical identification of a novel approach to the Abdominis., Anaesthsiology, 101, 2004, pA899 - A899Journal Article
- CMBurke,CKPower,SSreenan, SPathmakanthan, Asthma:Etiology and Mechanisms, Chest , 106 (S), 1994, p145 - 145Journal Article
- Power CK Kostopoulos N Chauhan H, Agnikarma ( Thermal Cauterization ) An International Collaborative Project for a novel interventional pain management therapy, Anaesthesia & Analgesia, World Anaesthesia Congress, Hong Kong, 2016, 123, (3S), 2016, pp422 - 422Oral Presentation
- Mackey LM Blake C Power C Fullen BM, Health Literacy Levels in Individuals with or without Chronic Pain , Anaesthesia & Analgesia, World Anaesthesia Congress, Hong Kong, 2016, 123, (3S), 2016, pp421 - 421Oral Presentation
Research Expertise
TitleGlycyrrhizin as an anti viral agent for SARS Co V 2SummaryJoint collaboration with Prof Mallon & Dr Gautier in UCD to evaluate this agent - the clinical component was to describe a 25 patient ICU Surge 1 cohort with a view to running a randomised controlled clinical trialFunding AgencyHRB
Other clinical medicine, Other health sciences, Neurosciences, Health services and systems, Public health,
- Amercian College of Chest Physicians Du Pont Award for Young Investigator Research 1990,1991,1992
- Alton Gold Medal Mater Hospital for Research in Bronchial Asthma 1995
- Faculty of Pain Medicine CAI Foundation Fellowship award current
- Royal College of Physicians of Ireland Member by exam 1989 Fellow awarded 2000 current
- Irish Pain Society Chapter of International Association for the Study of Pain current
- Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland current
- Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine Diploma by exam 1996 re awarded as a Fellowship 2010 current
- College of Anaesthetists of Ireland Fellowship by exam current
- Dean of the Faculty of Pain Medicine
- Chair of Training & Education CAI
- President of the Section of Anaesthesia RAMI
- President of the Section of Anaesthesia RAMI
- National Director of Training & Education CAI
- Chair of Training & Education CAI
- Dean of the Faculty of Pain Medicine
- Chair of PCS & elected to Council - 5 year term
- National Director of Training & Education CAI
- Chair of PCS & elected to Council - 5 year term