Professor Jenny Porter

Professor Jenny Porter

Clinical Associate Professor, Surgery


Dr Jennifer Porter MB, MD, FCARCSI, MSc, Dip Hlth Man (RCSI/IPA) is a Clinical Associate Professor based in the Department of Surgery in the School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin. She is a Consultant Anaesthetist in the Department of Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Medicine at St James's Hospital (since 2005). A graduate of UCD, she completed specialist training in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care in Ireland, an MD degree in University College Cork and undertook clinical and research Fellowship training in the University of Toronto and University Health Network, Canada in ultrasound-guided regional anaesthesia, obstetric and ambulatory anaesthesia before returning to Dublin to take up her post in St James's Hospital. Her interests include Anaesthesia education, human factors in perioperative care, multi-disciplinary simulation training for undergraduates and trainees, the development of quality and safety case-based learning, advanced airway management training, regional anaesthesia, perioperative applications of ultrasound and trauma management. Earlier research was focused on the non-neural effects of the local anaesthetic agent, ropivacaine. More recently, her research focus has been on enhancing anaesthesia education and perioperative safety with emphasis on human factors' and multi-disciplinary simulation-based education. She has examined for both Membership (MCAI) 2000-2016 and Fellowship (2010-2016) postgraduate anaesthesia exams.She is a member of Simulation teaching faculty at the College of Anaesthesiologists (CAI) since 2010, for courses for Consultants and National Airway Leads, leading the Multi-Disciplinary Anaesthesia and Surgery Operation Training (2014-2020)and Anaesthesia Emergencies (2020-) courses. She is on Faculty for the national Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) Instructors' course based in RCSI. She is the Lead for Anaesthesia undergraduate teaching in TCD since 2017 and for anaesthesia postgraduate teaching at the St James's campus since 2018. She established an Anaesthesia safety and quality case-based reporting and learning forum and runs in-situ simulation sessions based in the operating room for students, interns and trainees. Other teaching initiatives include bootcamp training for novices in anaesthesia and intensive care medicine and the development of small group workshop skills' teaching, adapted for pandemic education. She completed a MSc in human factors in patient safety at RSCI in 2020 and is a member of the Safety in Anaesthesia Network based the College of Anaesthesiologists and a Human Factors focus group at RCSI and contributed to the Helsinki Declaration on Patient Safety in Anaesthesiology project (2020-2021).She undertook mentorship training in 2017 and established a Mentorship and well-being programmes for anaesthesia trainees in St James's campus in 2018. She contributes to the Creative Life programme for the Mercers' Institute for Successful Ageing in St James's through music facilitation and performance both on-site and online for staff and patients.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • J M Porter, J McGinley, B O' Hare, G D Shorten, The effects of ropivacaine hydrochloride on coagulation and fibrinolysis. An assessment using thromboelastography, Anaesthesia , 54, 1999, p902 - 906Journal Article, 1999, DOI
  • J M Porter, J Mc Ginley,, B O Hare, G D Shorten, The effects of ropivacaine hydrochloride on platelet function: an assessment using the platelet function analyser (PFA-100)., Anaesthesia, 56, (1), 2001, p15-18Journal Article, 2001, DOI
  • Porter JM, Kelleher N, Flynn R, Shorten GD., Epidural ropivacaine hydrochloride during labour: protein binding, placental transfer and neonatal outcome., Anaesthesia, 56, (5), 2001, p418-423Journal Article, 2001, DOI
  • O'Rourke N, Bennett M, Porter J, Gallagher DJ, Shorten G., Universal precautions--do Irish anaesthetists comply?, Ir J Med Sci, 169, (3), 2000, p211-214Journal Article, 2000, DOI
  • Porter JM, Pidgeon C, Cunningham AJ., The sitting position in neurosurgery: a critical appraisal., British journal of anaesthesia, 82, (1), 1999, p117-128Journal Article, 1999, DOI
  • Porter JM, Magner J, Phelan D., Anaphylaxis due to suxamethonium--manifested at induction of anaesthesia by bradycardia and cardiac arrest., Ir J Med Sci, 168, (2), 1999, p99-101Journal Article, 1999, DOI
  • Fanning NF, Porter J, Shorten GD, Kirwan WO, Bouchier-Hayes D, Cotter TG, Redmond HP., Inhibition of neutrophil apoptosis after elective surgery., Surgery, 126, (3), 1999, p527-534Journal Article, 1999, DOI
  • Porter JM, Page R, Wood AE, Phelan D., Ventricular perforation associated with central venous introducer-dilator systems., Canadian journal of anaesthesia = Journal canadien d'anesthesie, 44, (3), 1997, p317-320Journal Article, 1997, DOI
  • Porter J, Lynch L, Hart S, Keohane C., Unexpected neurological deficits following recovery from anaesthesia., Canadian journal of anaesthesia = Journal canadien d'anesthesie, 41, (4), 1994, p317-320Journal Article, 1994, DOI
  • J M Porter, J Regan, R Dwyer, Reduced morphine requirements in the elderly, British Journal of Anaesthesia , 1996, 76,S2:128 A413, 1996Oral Presentation, 1996, DOI
  • J M Porter, F Markos, HM Snow, GD Shorten, The effects of respiratory and metabolic ph changes on ropivacaine-induced cardiotoxicity, International Monitor of Regional Anaesthesia, European Society of Regional Anaesthesia, Geneva, 1998, 10, (20), 2000, pp20 - 20Oral Presentation, 2000
  • J M Porter, J McGinley, B O' Hare, G D Shorten, The effects of ropivacaine hydrochloride on coagulation and fibrinolysis. An assessment using thromboelastography, 82, (S109), 1999, ppA361 - A361Meeting Abstract, 1999
  • F Debuck, S Nijs, J Porter, M Vandevelde, D Van Schoubroeck, R Devlieger, L Lewi, R Windrim, S Davies, G Ryan, J Deprest, Outcomes of different anesthetic techniques in fetoscopic laser treatment for TTTS, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 19th World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, September 2009, 34, (S1), 2009, pp134 - 134Meeting Abstract, 2009, DOI
  • J M Porter, N Fanning, H P Redmond, T G Cotter, G D Shorten, The effects of epidural ropivacaine on neutrophil apoptosis, International Monitor of Regional Anaesthesia, European Society of Regional Anaesthesia, Geneva, 1998, 10, 2000, pp21 - 21Oral Presentation, 2000
  • J M Porter, J McGinley, B O' Hare, G D Shorten, The effects of ropivacaine hydrochloride on platelet function - an assessment using the platelet function analyser (PFA-100), Anesthesiology, American Society of Anestheiologists Annual Meeting, Dallas, USA, 1999, 91, (3A), 1999, ppA10883 - A1083Poster, 1999
  • Porter J, Markos F, Snow HM G & Shorten G, The efficacy of nicorandil, calcium chloride and nitroglycerin in treatment of ropivacaine-induced cardiotoxicity, European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 20, (12), 2003, p939 - 945Journal Article, 2003
  • Porter J, Markos F, Snow HM & Shorten G, Effects of respiratory and metabolic pH changes and hypoxia on ropivacaine-induced cardiotoxicity, British Journal of Anaesthesia, 84, (1), 2000, p92 - 94Journal Article, 2000, DOI
  • Pharmacokinetics of Local Anaesthetics in, editor(s)McLeod, McCartney C, Wildsmith JAW , Principles and Practice of Regional anaesthesia, London, Oxford University Press, 2012, [Jenny Porter]Book Chapter, 2012
  • Porter JM, McCartney CJ, Chan VW., Needle placement and injection posterior to the axillary artery may predict successful infraclavicular brachial plexus block: a report of three cases., Canadian journal of anaesthesia = Journal canadien d'anesthesie, 52, (1), 2005, p69-73Journal Article, 2005, DOI
  • O Morris, P McCauley, R Boylan,C Burlacu, J M Porter, A simulation-based training programme in rapid sequence induction for novice anaesthesiology trainees, utilising a novel checklist, Journal of Education in Perioperative medicine, 24, (4), 2022, p1 - 13Journal Article, 2022
  • C Mullins, R Free, D Kelly, J M Porter, A desktop systems' analysis of critical incidents within a university hospital department of anaesthesia, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 191, 2021, p1831 - 1842Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • S Davies,J Porter,CE Pennell, F Alkazaleh,GRyan, Optimal anaesthesia for endoscopic placental sugery, Canadian Journal of Anesthesia, 52, (1), 2005, pA186 - A186Journal Article, 2005
  • J M Porter, J Regan, R Dwyer, Reduced morphine requirements in the elderly, British Journal of Anaesthesia , 1996, 76,S2:128 A413, 1996Poster
  • R Bowe, J M Porter, Drug preparation in anaestheisa, Annual Congress, College of Anaesthesiologists, 2015, Dublin, 2015, 2015Oral Presentation
  • C MacSweeney, M Mc Crohan, J M Porter, Anaesthesia for hip fracture: a retrospective audit and survey of current practice, Association of Anaesthetists Annual Congress, Dublin, 2018, 2018Poster
  • R Free, D Kelly, C Mullins, J M Porter, A pragmatic approach to incident reporting, analysis and case-based learning in anaesthesia, National Patient Safety in Anaesthesia Conference, Dublin, 2020, 2020Oral Presentation, URL
  • D Kelly, J Porter, The use of a critical incident WhatsApp group as a novel approach to incident reporting, National Patient Safety Conference in Anaesthesia , Dublin, 2019, 2019Poster
  • J P Duncan, A Mableson, J M Porter, Fostering safety by design: the use of electronic patient record prescribing plans to automate patient safety in routine post-operative opioid prescribing, National Patient Safety in Anaesthesia Conference, Dublin, November 2020, 2020Oral Presentation, URL
  • S Corbett. J M Porter, Trainee evaluations of the anaesthesiology mentorship scheme at St James's Hospital, Annual Congress of Anaesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Dublin, May 2021, 2021Oral Presentation
  • C Parkash, W Hassan, J M Porter, Anaesthetic management of emergency caesarean section following intracranial haemorrhage, Annual Congress of Anaesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Dublin, May 2021, 2021Oral Presentation

Research Expertise

My earlier research focused on the study of non-neural effects of the local anaesthetic, ropivacaine, exploring the influences of acute changes in acid-base status and hypoxia on local anaesthetic- induced cardiotoxicity and also to investigate potential mitigation of often fatal effects using physiological manipulation and also novel pharmacological therapies. My other work investigated the effects of ropivacaine on coagulation, neonatal neurobehavioural scores and immune function (neutrophil apoptosis). Currently, I am interested in the impact of human factors and the role of simulation in enhancing perioperative patient safety, specifically in how simulation-based education can address the gaps in the traditional apprenticeship model of medical education, both within anaesthesia and in multi-disciplinary team training. I am currently developing programmes for training novice anaesthesia trainees in essential airway management competencies such as rapid sequence induction. In addition, I have developed a forum for reporting and sharing local adverse events and excellence to improve local safety cultures and ultimately patient care. This forum encourages direct confidential reporting and I am investigating which events are shared and whether participation in such a forum can change attitudes to reporting adverse events.

  • Title
    Review of perioperative traumatic proximal femoral fracture management
    We are undertaking a review of perioperative hip fracture management, examining time to surgery, preoprative interventions and their utility, mode of anaesthesia and pain management. This will enable us to identify key areas of quality improvement for a subsequent projects
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    Date To


  • Irish Journal of Medical Science JMS Doctor Awards - Finalist 2001
  • Poster Prize Association of Physicians (GBI) -the influence of acute changes in acid-base status on ropivacaine-induced cardiotoxicity March 1999
  • Delaney Medal, Faculty of Anaesthesia, RCSI (first place) - The pressor response to laryngeal mask insertion - a comparison with endotracheal intubation in a hypertensive population March 1995
  • First Prize: Best Free Paper Competition, European Society of Regional Anaesthesia - the effect of epidural ropivacaine on neutrophil apoptosis September 1998
  • Shortlist: Best Free Paper Competition- European Society of Regional Anaesthesia - the effects of respiratory and metabolic pH changes and hypoxia on ropivacaine-induced cardiotoxicity September 1998
  • Member of Irish Society of Regional Anaesthesia
  • Member of Association of Anaesthetists 2024
  • Member of Regional Anaesthesia, United Kingdom 2024
  • Member of European Society of Anaesthesia 2018
  • Fellow of College of Anaesthesiologists 2024
  • Society in Europe for Simulation applied to Medicine 2024
  • Member of Patient Safety Focus Group, now SANI, College of Anaesthesiologists in Ireland February 2021
  • Member of Human Factors in Patient Safety Focus Group at RCSI March 2021
  • Member of Patient Safety Focus Group, College of Anaesthesiologists in Ireland February 2021
  • Member of Human Factors in Patient Safety Focus Group at RCSI March 2021