Professor Geraldine Mc Mahon
Clinical Professor, Surgery
Clinical Professor, School Office - Medicine
Email mcmahog@tcd.ie PhonePublications and Further Research Outputs
- Kenny RA, Brignole M, Dan GA, Deharo JC, van Dijk JG, Doherty C, Hamdan M, Moya A, Parry SW, Sutton R, Ungar A, Wieling W; External contributors to the Task Force:, Asgari M, Baron-Esquivias G, Blanc JJ, Casagranda I, Cunnigham C, Fedorowski A, Furlan R, Gall N, De Lange FJ, Mcmahon G, Mitro P, Pietrucha A, Podoleanu C, Raviele A, Benditt D, Krahn A, Morillo CA, Olshansky B, Raj S, Sheldon R, Shen WK, Sun B, Hachul D, Abe H, Furukawa T;, Syncope Unit: rationale and requirement - the European Heart Rhythm Association position statement endorsed by the Heart Rhythm Society, Europace, 17, (9), 2015, p1328 - 1340Journal Article, 2015, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- McMahon C.G, Power Foley M, Robinson D, Oâ Donnell K, Poulton M, Kenny R.A, Bennett K, High prevalence of frequent attendance in the over 65s, European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2016Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- Bhangu J, McMahon C.G, Hall P, Bennett K, Rice C, Crean P, Sutton R, Kenny R.-A, Long-term cardiac monitoring in older adults with unexplained falls and syncope, Heart, 102, (9), 2016, p681 - 686Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- Bhangu, Jaspreet, Hall, Patricia, Devaney, Naomi, Bennett, Kathleen, Carroll, Laura, Kenny, Rose-Anne, McMahon, C. Geraldine, The prevalence of unexplained falls and syncope in older adults presenting to an Irish urban emergency department, European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2018, p1Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Groarke, John D., Crean, Peter, Adams, Niamh, Farrell, Terence, Bennett, Kathleen, McMahon, C. Geraldine, Out-of-hours exercise treadmill testing reduces length of hospital stay for chest pain admissions, Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine, 17, (9), 2016, p659-664Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Lynch, Julie, Prihodova, Lucia, Dunne, Pádraic J, O"Leary, Caoimhe, Breen, Rachel, Carroll, Áine, Walsh, Cathal, McMahon, Geraldine, White, Barry, Mantra meditation programme for emergency department staff: a qualitative study, BMJ Open, 8, (9), 2018, pe020685Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Ryan, Patrick, McMahon, Geraldine, Severe dental infections in the emergency department, European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 19, (4), 2012, p208-213Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- McDermott, Cian, O'Connor, Gabrielle, McGovern, Eilish, McMahon, Geraldine, Conservative Management of Azygous Vein Rupture in Blunt Thoracic Trauma, Case Reports in Critical Care, 2012, 2012, p1-3Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- McCanny, Peter, Bennett, Kath, Staunton, Paul, McMahon, Geraldine, Venous vs arterial blood gases in the assessment of patients presenting with an exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 30, (6), 2012, p896-900Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- McMahon, C. Geraldine, Lamont, John V., Curtin, Elizabeth, McConnell, R. Ivan, Crockard, Martin, Kurth, Mary Jo, Crean, Peter, Fitzgerald, S. Peter, Diagnostic accuracy of heart-type fatty acid"binding protein for the early diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction, The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 30, (2), 2012, p267-274Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- McDermott, Cian, O??Sullivan, Ronan, McMahon, Geraldine, An Unusual Cause of Headache: Pott??s Puffy Tumour, European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 14, (3), 2007, p170-173Journal Article, 2007, DOI
- Deasy, Conor, Murphy, Diarmuid, McMahon, Geraldine C., Kelly, Ian P., Ankle fractures: emergency department management???is there room for improvement?, European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 12, (5), 2005, p216-219Journal Article, 2005, DOI
- O'Sullivan, Jean M., McMahon, Geraldine, Descending polyneuropathy in an intravenous drug user, European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 12, (5), 2005, p248-250Journal Article, 2005, DOI
- Lynch, Julie, Prihodova, Lucia, Dunne, Pádraic J., Carroll, Áine, Walsh, Cathal, McMahon, Geraldine, White, Barry, Mantra meditation for mental health in the general population: A systematic review, European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 23, 2018, p101-108Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Lynch, Julie, Prihodova, Lucia, Dunne, Pádraic J., McMahon, Geraldine, Carroll, Aine, Walsh, Cathal, White, Barry, Impact of mantra meditation on health and wellbeing: A systematic review protocol, European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 18, 2018, p30-33Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Dunne, Padraic J., O'Leary, Caoimhe, Prihodova, Lucia, Breen, Rachel, Walsh, Cathal, Freeman, Laurence, Carroll, Aine, McMahon, Geraldine, White, Barry, Feasibility study protocol to examine the role of mantra meditation at reducing psychological distress in emergency department staff, International Journal of Clinical Trials, 4, (2), 2017, p88Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Morgan, Roisin B., Daly, Caroline, McMahon, Geraldine, VARIATIONS IN MANAGEMENT OF ATRIAL FIBRILLATION WITH RESULTANT COST IMPLICATIONS, Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 65, (10), 2015, pA386Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- Lecky, Fiona, Benger, Jonathan, Mason, Suzanne, Cameron, Peter, Walsh, Chris, The International Federation for Emergency Medicine framework for quality and safety in the emergency department: Table 1, Emergency Medicine Journal, 31, (11), 2014, p926-929Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- , Effect of intravenous corticosteroids on death within 14 days in 10"008 adults with clinically significant head injury (MRC CRASH trial): randomised placebo-controlled trial, The Lancet, 364, (9442), 2004, p1321-1328Journal Article, 2004, DOI
- Whyte, K F, McMahon, G, Wightman, A J, Cameron, E W, Bronchial compression as a result of lung herniation after pneumonectomy., Thorax, 46, (11), 1991, p855-857Journal Article, 1991, DOI
- McEvoy, Sinead, Beddy, Peter, Brennan, Ian, McDermott, Ronan, McMahon, Geraldine, Aortic dissection: An unexpected ultrasound finding, European Journal of Radiology Extra, 72, (1), 2009, pe33-e35Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Tsuji, Masasurni, McMahon, Geraldine, Reen, Denis, Puri, Prem, NEW INSICHTS INTO THE PATHOGENESIS OF APPENDICITIS BASED I.MUNOCYTOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF EARLY IMMUNE RESPONSE, Pediatric Research, 26, (5), 1989, p520-520Journal Article, 1989, DOI
- McMahon, C. Geraldine, Yates, David W., Campbell, Fiona M., Hollis, Sally, Woodford, Maralyn, Unexpected Contribution of Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury to Death after Major Trauma, The Journal of Trauma: Injury, Infection, and Critical Care, 47, (5), 1999, p891Journal Article, 1999, DOI
- McMahon, G., Kirkman, E., Little, R., The effect of acute traumatic brain injury on neurocardiac interrelationships, European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 5, (1), 1998, p111Journal Article, 1998, DOI
- Groarke, John, Adams, Niamh, Farrell, Terrance, Mulvihill, Niall, Murphy, Ross, Daly, Caroline, Foley, Brendan, McMahon, Geraldine, Crean, Peter, IMPACT OF OUT OF HOURS TREADMILL EXERCISE TESTING ON ADMISSION TIMES AND COSTS FOR EVALUATING PATIENTS WITH CHEST PAIN, Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 59, (13), 2012, pE1957Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- , , The CRASH trial protocol (Corticosteroid randomisation after significant head injury) [74459797], BMC Emergency Medicine, 1, (1), 2001Journal Article, 2001, DOI
- Clarke SM, McMahon CG, Plunkett, Pk, Bergin C, An outbreak of serious unexplained illness in injecting drug users in Europe - The experience of an Irish institution, Clinical Infectious Diseases, 33, (7), 2001, p1119 - 1119Journal Article, 2001
- Morrissey B, Harmon M, McENiff N, McMahon CG, Inferior Epigastric Artery Injury Following Blunt Trauma Treated by Catheter Embolization, Journal of Vascular Medicine & Surgery, 2, (1), 2014, 1000124-Journal Article, 2014
- McMahon, C. Geraldine, Kenny, RoseAnne, Bennett, Katherine, Little, Rod, Kirkman, Emrys, The Effect of Acute Traumatic Brain Injury on the Performance of Shock Index, The Journal of Trauma: Injury, Infection, and Critical Care, 69, (5), 2010, p1169-1175Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Ian Roberts and CRASH TRIAL Collaborators, Effect of intravenous corticosteroids on death within 14 days in 10,008 adults with clinically significant head injury (MRC CRASH Trial): a randomised placebo-controlled trialThe CRASH Trial Collaborators, The Lancet, 364, (9442), 2014, p1321 - 1328Journal Article, 2014
- O'Connor G, Doherty C, Meaney J, McMahon CG, Dangers of Cocaine Ingestion in MELAS Syndrome, Emergency Medicine: Open Access, 03, (04), 2013Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Wilson P, Irwin WI, Lamont J, Fitzgerald E, McMahon CG, Measuring probabilistic performance in neural detection of heart attacks., Conference: http://qcite.qub.ac.uk/handle/123456789/141000, June 2010, 2010Conference Paper, 2010
- McMahon G, Dreyer C, Driscoll P, Assessment of the Dyspnoeic Patient: primary survey. , Student BMJ, (5), 1997, p141 - 144Journal Article, 1997
- McMahon G, Dreyer C, Driscoll P. , Assessment of the Dyspnoeic Patient: secondary survey., Student BMJ, (6), 1997, p185 - 187Journal Article, 1997
- McMahon CG, Hickey N, Mulcahy R, Daly L. , Mortality from Coronary and Cerebrovascular Disease in EEC Countries. , Irish Medical Journal, 79, (5), 1986, p130 - 133Journal Article, 1986
- Trauma in, editor(s)Kirk R M, Mansfield AO , Clinical Surgery in General: Royal College of Surgeons Course Manual , Edinburgh, Churchill and Livingston, 1996, [Driscoll R, McMahon G]Book Chapter, 1996
- Assessment and management of the trauma patient. in, editor(s)Bion J , Fundamentals of Intensive Care, London, BMJ publishing, 2000, [McMahon G, Yates DW. ]Book Chapter, 2000
- Chest Pain Assessment Units: their role in the Emergency Department in, editor(s)Walsh M, Shelley E, Murphy TM , Clinician's Guide to Angina, London, Oxford University Press, 2003, pp87 - 101, [McMahon G]Book Chapter, 2003
- O'Donnell, S. Monahan, P, Mc Kee, G. McMahon, G. Curtin, E. Farrell, S. Moser, D. , Towards prompt electrocardiogram acquisition in triage: Preliminary testing of a symptom-based clinical prediction rule for the Android tablet, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 18, (4), 2019, p289 - 298Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- Appleby, N., Groarke, E., Crowley, M., Wahab, F. A., McCann, A. M., Egan, L., Gough, D., McMahon, G., O'Donghaile, D., O'Keeffe, D., O'Connell, N., Reversal of warfarin anticoagulation using prothrombin complex concentrate at 25 IU kg"1 : results of the RAPID study, Transfusion Medicine, 27, (1), 2017, p66-71Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Dunne, Pádraic J., Lynch, Julie, Prihodova, Lucia, O'Leary, Caoimhe, Ghoreyshi, Atiyeh, Basdeo, Sharee A., Cox, Donal J., Breen, Rachel, Sheikhi, Ali, Carroll, Áine, Walsh, Cathal, McMahon, Geraldine, White, Barry, Burnout in the emergency department: Randomized controlled trial of an attention-based training program, Journal of Integrative Medicine, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Dunne, Pádraic J., Lynch, Julie, Prihodova, Lucia, O'Leary, Caoimhe, Ghoreyshi, Atiyeh, Basdeo, Sharee A., Cox, Donal J., Breen, Rachel, Sheikhi, Ali, Carroll, Áine, Walsh, Cathal, McMahon, Geraldine, White, Barry, Burnout in the emergency department: Randomized controlled trial of an attention-based training program, Journal of Integrative Medicine, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Morgan RB, Faller E, Fenelon A, Mahon C, Blennerhassett L, Curtin L, McMahon G, Murphy RT, Daly CA, Does the In-Patient Management of Atrial Fibrillation Differ Significantly Depending on Team of Care? , 2013, 182 , SPRINGER LONDON LTD 236 GRAYS INN RD, 6TH FLOOR, LONDON WC1X 8HL, ENGLAND , 2013, ppS374 - S374Conference Paper, 2013
- Bhangu Jaspreet, Hall Patricia, Rice Ciara, McMahon Geraldine, Crean Peter, Sutton Richard, Kenny Rose Ann, FUSE: Falls and Unexplained Syncope in the Elderly, The Utility of Implantable Loop Recorders , 2014, 183 , SPRINGER LONDON LTD 236 GRAYS INN RD, 6TH FLOOR, LONDON WC1X 8HL, ENGLAND , 2014, ppS326 - S326Conference Paper, 2014
- Mcmahon Geraldine, Mahoney Liam, Cahir Caitriona, Bennett Kathleen, the Prevalence of Potentially Inappropriate Prescribing in Older Patients Presenting to an Emergency Department Following a Fall: 171. , Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety , 21 , 2012, p83 -Journal Article, 2012
- Groarke J, Adams N, Phelan D, Burke D, Daly C, Murphy R, Mulvihill N, Foley B, McMahon G, Crean P, OUT-OF-HOURS EXERCISE STRESS TESTS-A SAFE AND COST SAVING PRACTICE , 2010, 179 , SPRINGER LONDON LTD 236 GRAYS INN RD, 6TH FLOOR, LONDON WC1X 8HL, ENGLAND , 2010, ppS398 - S398Conference Paper, 2010
- Morgan RB, Mahon C, Sugrue R, Lynch M, Blennerhassett L, Curtin E, McMahon G, Murphy RT, Mulvihill N, Foley B, Current Use of Oral Anticoagulation in Atrial Fibrillation Patients , 2012, 181 , SPRINGER LONDON LTD 236 GRAYS INN RD, 6TH FLOOR, LONDON WC1X 8HL, ENGLAND , 2012, ppS332 - S333Conference Paper, 2012
- Mulvihill N, McMahon G, Curtin E, Plant L, Crean P, Rapid, safe and effective management of acute chest pain in a dedicated chest pain assessment unit , 2005, 26 , OXFORD UNIV PRESS GREAT CLARENDON ST, OXFORD OX2 6DP, ENGLAND , 2005, pp721 - 721Conference Paper, 2005
- Hall Patricia, Bhangu Jaspreet, Rice Ciara, McMahon Geraldine, Kenny Rose Ann, Resource Utilisation in Older Patients Presenting with Falls to the Emergency Room , 2014, 183 , SPRINGER LONDON LTD 236 GRAYS INN RD, 6TH FLOOR, LONDON WC1X 8HL, ENGLAND , 2014, ppS308 - S308Conference Paper, 2014
- Robinson DJ, O'donnell K, Bennett K, Mcmahon G, 79characteristics Of Older Frequent Attenders To An Inner-city Hospital Emergency Department , Age and Ageing , 42 , (suppl_3 ), 2013, piii22 - iii24Journal Article, 2013
- Grant C, O'Connell S, Lillis D, Moriarty A, Fitzgerald I, Dalby L, Bannan C, Tuite H, Crowley B, Plunkett P, Kennedy U, McMahon G, McKiernan S, Norris S, Hughes G, Shields D, Bergin C, Opt-out screening for HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C: observational study of screening acceptance, yield and treatment outcomes, Emerg Med J, 2019Journal Article, 2019
- Grant C, O'Connell S, Lillis D, Moriarty A, Fitzgerald I, Dalby L, Bannan C, Tuite H, Crowley B, Plunkett P, Kennedy U, McMahon G, McKiernan S, Norris S, Hughes G, Shields D, Bergin C, Opt-out screening for HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C: observational study of screening acceptance, yield and treatment outcomes, Emerg Med J, 2019Journal Article, 2019
- Edwards P, Arango M, Balica L et al, Final results of MRC CRASH, a randomised placebo-controlled trial of intravenous corticosteroid in adults with head injury-outcomes at 6 months., Lancet 9475 , 365, (9475), 2005, p1957 - 1959Journal Article, 2005
- K. MURRAY-LILLIBRIDGE , J. BARRY, S. REAGAN , D. O'FLANAGAN , G. SAYERS , C. BERGIN , E. KEENAN , S. O'BRIAIN, P. PLUNKETT , G. MCMAHON, C. KEANE , P. O'SULLIVAN , D. IGOE, L. MULLEN, M. WARD , A. SMITH and M. FISCHER, Epidemiological findings and medical, legal, and public health challenges of an investigation of severe soft tissue infections and deaths among injecting drug users - Ireland, 2000., Epidemiology and Infection, 134, (4), 2006, p894 - 901Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL
- K. Murray- Lillibridge, J. Barry, S. Reagan, D. O'Flanagan, G. Sayers, C. Bergin, E. Keenan, S. O'Briain, P. Plunkett, G. McMahon, C. Keane, P. O'Sullivan, D. Igoe, L. Mullen, M. Ward, A. Smith and M. Fischer, Epidemiological findings and medical, legal, and public health challenges of an investigation of severe soft tissue infections and deaths among injecting drug users - Ireland, 2000, Epidemiological Infections, 2005, p1 - 8Journal Article, 2005
- McMahon CG, Kenny R, Bennett K, Kirkman E., Modification of acute cardiovascular homeostatic responses to hemorrhage following mild to moderate traumatic brain injury., CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE, 36, (1), 2008, p216-224Journal Article, 2008, URL
- O'Connor, G, McMahon,G, Complications of heroin abuse, European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 15, (2), 2008, p104-106Journal Article, 2008
- Geraldine McMahon, Yates, David W. Hollis, Sally., Unexpected mortality in patients discharged from the emergency department following an episode of non traumatic chest pain. , European Journal of Emergency Medicine. , 15, (1), 2008, p3-8Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- McCarthy F, McMahon CG, Geary U, PlunkettPK, Kenny RA, Cunningham C, Management of syncope in the Emergency Department: a single hospital observational case series based on the application of European Society of Cardiology Guidelines, Europace, 15, (1), 2008, p3-8Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- McCarthy F, McMahon CG, Geary U, Plunkett PK, Kenny RA, Cunningham CJ, Management of syncope in the Emergency Department: a single hospital observational case series based on the application of European Society of Cardiology Guidelines, Europace, 11, (2), 2009, p216 - 224Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL
- O'Connell B, McMahon G, Kelleher M, Rossney AS, Meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus blood-stream infection among patients attending the emergency department of an urban tertiary-referral hospital., Irish Medical Journal, 100, (4), 2007, p433-5Journal Article, 2007, URL
- F McCarthy, S De Bhaldraithe, C Rice, CG McMahon, U Geary, PK Plunkett, P Crean, R Murphy, B Foley, N Mulvihill, RA Kenny, CJ Cunningham., Resource utilization for syncope presenting to an acute hospital Emergency Department., Irish Joural of Medical Science., 179, (4), 2010, p551 - 555Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- MRC CRASH Trial Collaborators, Perel P, Arango M, Clayton T, Edwards P, Komolafe E, Poccock S, Roberts I, Shakur H, Steyerberg E, Yutthakasemsunt S, Predicting outcome after traumatic brain injury: practical prognostic models based on large cohort of international patients, BMJ, 336, (7641), 2008, p425 - 429Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- McMahon CG, Kenny R, Bennett K, Little R, Kirkman E, The effect of acute traumatic brain injury on the performance of shock index., J Trauma., 69, 2010, p1169 - 1175Journal Article, 2010
- McMahon CG, Kenny R, Bennett K, Little R, Kirkman E., Effect of acute traumatic brain injury on baroreflex function., Shock, 35, 2011, p53 - 58Journal Article, 2011
- McMahon CG, Kenny RA, Bennett K, Bouamra O, Lecky F., Diurnal variation in mortality in older nocturnal fallers., Age Ageing., 41, (1), 2012, p29 - 35Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Breslin TM, Ionmhain UN, Bergin C, Gallagher D, Collins N, Kinsella N, McMahon G, Malarial cases presenting to a European urban Emergency Department., European Journal of Emergency Medicine : official journal of the European Society for Emergency Medicine, 2012Journal Article, 2012
- Breslin TM, Ionmhain UN, Bergin C, Gallagher D, Collins N, Kinsella N, McMahon G, Malarial cases presenting to a European urban Emergency Department., European Journal of Emergency Medicine : official journal of the European Society for Emergency Medicine, 2012Journal Article, 2012
- McMahon CG, Kenny RA, Bennett K, Little R, Kirman E., Effect of acute traumatic brain injury on baroreflexx function., Shock., 35, (1), 2011, p53 - 58Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- McCarthy F, De Bhladraithe S, Rice C, McMahon CG, Geary U, Plunkett PK, Crean P, Murphy R, Foley B, Mulvihill N, Kenny RA, Cunningham CJ, Resource utilisation for syncope presenting to an acute hospital Emergency Department., Irish journal of medical science, 179, (4), 2010, p551-5Journal Article, 2010
- Murray-Lillibridge K, Barry J, Reagan S, O'flanagan D, Sayers G, Bergin C, Keenan E, O'briain S, Plunkett P, McMahon G, Keane C, O'sullivan P, Igoe D, Mullen L, Ward M, Smith A, Fischer M, Epidemiological findings and medical, legal, and public health challenges of an investigation of severe soft tissue infections and deaths among injecting drug users -- Ireland, 2000., Epidemiology and infection, 134, (4), 2006, p894-901Journal Article, 2006, DOI
- Murray-Lillibridge K, Barry J, Reagan S, O'flanagan D, Sayers G, Bergin C, Keenan E, O'briain S, Plunkett P, McMahon G, Keane C, O'sullivan P, Igoe D, Mullen L, Ward M, Smith A, Fischer M, Epidemiological findings and medical, legal, and public health challenges of an investigation of severe soft tissue infections and deaths among injecting drug users -- Ireland, 2000., Epidemiology and infection, 134, (4), 2006, p894-901Journal Article, 2006, DOI
- McMahon CG, Cahir CA, Kenny RA, Bennett K, Inappropriate prescribing in older fallers presenting to an Irish emergency department, Age and Ageing, 43, (1), 2014, p44 - 50Journal Article, 2014
- Morley D, McNamara P, Kennelly S, McMahon G, Bergin C, Limitations to the identification of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders in clinical practice., HIV medicine, 14, (8), 2013, p497-502Journal Article, 2013
- McMahon, C. G., Cahir, C. A., Kenny, R. A., & Bennett, K. , Inappropriate prescribing in older fallers presenting to an Irish emergency department., Age and ageing, 43, (1), 2014, p44 - 50Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Dunne G., Jooste R., McCabe C. & McMahon G. , The use of Action Learning as strategy for improving pain management in the Emergency Department, International Emergency Nursing Journal, In Press, 2014Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- Advanced Life Support Group, Manchester 1997. Contributing author., MediCals, Course manual, 1997Book
- D. K. O'Donovan Medal - Medicine 1986
- John McGrath Memorial Prize for Pathology UCD 1984
- Magennis Medal in Clinical Medicine St Vincents Hospital 1986
- Award for Project on Hip Fracture Care at the RCPI Diploma in Quality and Leadership 2016
- Derek Dockery Award for Innovation in Acute Healthcare 2003
- RCSI Charter Day Research Prize 1998
- Reuben Harvey Memorial Prize 1986
- International Member of the American College of Emergency Medicine Physicians 2019
- Fellow of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine 2019
- Member of the Irish Association of Emergency Medicine 2019
- Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (EM) 2019
- Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians 2019
- Examiner on the Fellowship exam for the Royal College of Emergency Medicine 2006
- Emergency Medicine representative on the National Cardiac Strategy Programme work - ministerial appointment 2018
- Member of the Academic Committee for the Diploma in Syncope RCPI 2014
- Executive member of the National Steering Group Committee for Hip Fracture Patient Care 2017
- Member of the National Steering Group on the Prevention of Falls in Older People 2008
- Reviewer for Emergency Medicine Journal Reviewer for Age and Ageing Journal Current