Professor Rustom Manecksha

Professor Rustom Manecksha

Clinical Associate Professor, Surgery


A graduate from the School of Medicine, University College Dublin in 2000, I was awarded an M.D. from Trinity College Dublin for work on prostate cancer progression to androgen independence. I completed a 2-year Endourology Fellowship at the Austin Hospital in Melbourne, Australia. I was the recipient of the Anthony Walsh/Ipsen/RCSI Travelling Fellowship, the Ethicon Travelling Fellowship and the RCSI Travelling Fellowship. On completion of my clinical fellowship in 2013, I returned to a locum consultant position in St. James's Hospital running the National Cancer Control Programme's rapid access prostate clinic. I was subsequently appointed Consultant Urological Surgeon in St. James's and Tallaght Hospitals, Dublin in 2014. My special interests are in endourology, kidney stone disease, BPH, minimal access renal surgery and prostate cancer. I have an active clinical research profile, with national and international collaborations as well as links with the Institute of Molecular Medicine, Trinity Centre for Health Sciences.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • O'Kelly F, Kavanagh S, Manecksha R, Thornhill J, Fennell JP, Characteristics of gram-negative urinary tract infections caused by extended spectrum beta lactamases: pivmecillinam as a treatment option within South Dublin, Ireland., BMC Infectious Diseases, 16, (1), 2016, p620-Journal Article, 2016
  • Bhatt NR, Merchant R, Davis NF, Leonard M, O'Daly BJ, Manecksha RP, Quinlan JF, Incidence and immediate management of genitourinary injuries in pelvic and acetabular trauma: a 10-year retrospective study., BJU international, 2018Journal Article, 2018
  • Rosie Colgan, Nikita Rajiv Bhatt, Rajiv Merchant, Niall Davis, Michael Leonard, Brendan O"Daly, Rustom Manecksha, John Quinlan, AB115. 128. A 10-year review of genito-urinary injuries in pelvic and acetabular trauma, Mesentery and Peritoneum, 2, (1), 2018, pAB115--AB115Journal Article, 2018
  • D'Arcy F, Yip CL, Manya K, McGivern P, Manecksha RP, Bolton D, Sengupta S, Prospective randomised controlled trial of written supplement to verbal communication of results to patients at the time of flexible cystoscopy., World journal of urology, 2018Journal Article, 2018
  • O'Connor EM, Nason GJ, Manecksha RP, An Analysis of Gender Diversity in Urology in the UK and Ireland., Irish medical journal, 2017Journal Article, 2017
  • Bhatt NR, Davis NF, Nolan WJ, Flynn RJ, McDermott T, Thomas AZ, Manecksha RP, Incidence of Visible Hematuria Among Antithrombotic Agents: A Systematic Review of Over 175,000 Patients., Urology, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI
  • Davis NF, Quinlan MR, Browne C, Bhatt NR, Manecksha RP, D'Arcy FT, Lawrentschuk N, Bolton DM, Single-use flexible ureteropyeloscopy: a systematic review., World journal of urology, 2017Journal Article, 2017
  • Bhatt NR, Davis NF, Dalton DM, McDermott T, Flynn RJ, Thomas AZ, Manecksha RP, Quantitative Analysis of Technological Innovation in Urology., Urology, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI
  • Bhatt NR, Davis NF, Quinlan MR, Flynn RJ, McDermott TED, Manecksha RP, Thornhill JA, A prospective audit on the effect of training and educational workshops on the incidence of urethral catheterization injuries., Canadian Urological Association Journal, 2017Journal Article, 2017
  • Bolton EM, Hennessy D, Lonergan PE, Darcy FT, Manecksha RP, Lynch TH, Evaluating the perioperative safety of laparoscopic radical nephrectomy for large, non-metastatic renal tumours: a comparative analysis of T1-T2 with T3a tumours., Irish journal of medical science, 2017Journal Article, 2017
  • McLoughlin LC, Inder S, Moran D, O'Rourke C, Manecksha RP, Lynch TH, The value of multimodality imaging in the investigation of a PSA recurrence after radical prostatectomy in the Irish hospital setting., Irish journal of medical science, 2017Journal Article, 2017
  • O'Connor EM, Nason GJ, O'Kelly F, Manecksha RP, Loeb S, Newsworthiness vs scientific impact: are the most highly cited urology papers the most widely disseminated in the media?, BJU international, 2017Journal Article, 2017
  • Browne C, Norton S, Nolan JM, Whelan C, Sullivan JF, Quinlan M, Sheikh M, Mc Dermott TED, Lynch TH, Manecksha RP, The impact of a structured clinical training course on interns' self-reported confidence with core clinical urology skills., Irish journal of medical science, 2017Journal Article, 2017
  • O'Kelly F, Nason GJ, Manecksha RP, Cascio S, Quinn FJ, Leonard M, Koyle MA, Farhat W, Leveridge MJ, The effect of social media (#SoMe) on journal impact factor and parental awareness in paediatric urology., Journal of pediatric urology, 2017Journal Article, 2017
  • N. Bhatt, N. Davis, R. Flynn, T. Mcdermott, A. Thomas, R. Manecksha, Antithrombotic agents and haematuria: A systematic review, European Urology Supplements, 16, (3), 2017, pe1194--e1195Journal Article, 2017
  • N.R. Bhatt, D.M. Dalton, N.F. Davis, T. McDermott, R.J. Flynn, A.Z. Thomas, R.P. Manecksha, Quantitative analysis of innovation in urology, European Urology Supplements, 16, (3), 2017, pe1434Journal Article, 2017
  • Davis NF, Cunnane EM, Mooney RC, Manecksha RP, Thornhill JA, Walsh MT, Quantification of User and Manufacturer Variabilities in Urinary Catheter Anchoring Balloon Inflation and Mitigation of Variability by Flow Resistance., Urology, 2017Journal Article, 2017
  • Hennessey DB, Bolton EM, Thomas AZ, Manecksha RP, Lynch TH, The Effect of Obesity and Increased Waist Circumference on the Outcome of Laparoscopic Nephrectomy., Advances in Urology, 2017Journal Article, 2017
  • Davis NF, Quinlan MR, Bhatt NR, Browne C, MacCraith E, Manecksha R, Walsh MT, Thornhill JA, Mulvin D, Incidence, Cost, Complications and Clinical Outcomes of Iatrogenic Urethral Catheterization Injuries: A Prospective Multi-Institutional Study., The Journal of urology, 2016Journal Article, 2016
  • Bhatt NR, Davis NF, Addie D, Flynn R, McDermott TED, Manecksha RP, Thornhill JA, Evaluating the cost of iatrogenic urethral catheterisation injuries., Irish journal of medical science, 2016Journal Article, 2016
  • D'Arcy FT, Lawrentschuk N, Manecksha RP, Webb DR, Renal track creation for percutaneous nephrolithotomy: the history and relevance of single stage dilation., The Canadian journal of urology, 2015Journal Article, 2015
  • Bhatt NR, Davis NF, Flynn R, McDermott T, Thornhill JA, Manecksha RP, Dilemmas in diagnosis and natural history of renal oncocytoma and implications for management., Canadian Urological Association journal = Journal de l'Association des urologues du Canada, 2015Journal Article, 2015
  • O'Kelly F, Manecksha RP, Quinlan DM, Reid A, Joyce A, O'Flynn K, Speakman M, Thornhill JA, Rates of self-reported 'burnout' and causative factors amongst urologists in Ireland and the UK: a comparative cross-sectional study., BJU international, 2015Journal Article, 2015, DOI
  • Davis NF, Burke JP, McDermott T, Flynn R, Manecksha RP, Thornhill JA, Bricker versus Wallace anastomosis: A meta-analysis of ureteroenteric stricture rates after ileal conduit urinary diversion., Canadian Urological Association journal = Journal de l'Association des urologues du Canada, 2015Journal Article, 2015
  • Nason GJ, O'Kelly F, Bouchier-Hayes D, Quinlan DM, Manecksha RP, Twitter expands the reach and engagement of a national scientific meeting: the Irish Society of Urology., Irish journal of medical science, 2015Journal Article, 2015
  • Chen EC, Manecksha RP, Abouassaly R, Bolton DM, Reich O, Lawrentschuk N, A multilingual evaluation of current health information on the Internet for the treatments of benign prostatic hyperplasia., Prostate international, 2014Journal Article, 2014
  • Walsh AL, Considine SW, Thomas AZ, Lynch TH, Manecksha RP, Digital rectal examination in primary care is important for early detection of prostate cancer: a retrospective cohort analysis study., The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 2014Journal Article, 2014, DOI
  • Nason GJ, O'Kelly F, Kelly ME, Phelan N, Manecksha RP, Lawrentschuk N, Murphy DG, The emerging use of Twitter by urological journals., BJU international, 2014Journal Article, 2014
  • Mertens LS, Mir MC, Scott AM, Lee ST, Fioole-Bruining A, Vegt E, Vogel WV, Manecksha R, Bolton D, Davis ID, Horenblas S, van Rhijn BW, Lawrentschuk N, 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose--positron emission tomography/computed tomography aids staging and predicts mortality in patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer., Urology, 2014Journal Article, 2014
  • Wetherell DR, Skene A, Manya K, Manecksha RP, Chan Y, Bolton DM, Anastomosing haemangioma of the kidney: a rare morphological variant of haemangioma characteristic of genitourinary tract location., Pathology, 2013Journal Article, 2013
  • Rustom Manecksha, Trigonal versus trigone-sparing intradetrusor injection of Botulinum Toxin-A for idiopathic detrusor overactivity,>, 2013Journal Article, 2013
  • Chang D, Manecksha RP, Syrrakos K, Lawrentschuk N, An investigation of the basic physics of irrigation in urology and the role of automated pump irrigation in cystoscopy., TheScientificWorldJournal, 2012Journal Article, 2012
  • Dowling CM, Manecksha RP, McGuire C, Swan N, Thornhill JA, Primary paratesticular seminoma - A case report., International journal of surgery case reports, 2012Journal Article, 2012
  • Rustom P. Manecksha, Ivor M. Cullen, Sarfraz Ahmad, Graeme McNeill, Robert Flynn, Thomas E.D. McDermott, Ronald Grainger, John A. Thornhill, Reply from Authors re: Christopher R. Chapple. Which Preparation of Botulinum Toxin A Should Be Used, Where Should It Be Injected, and How Should Its Efficacy Be Assessed? Eur Urol 2012;61:936"37, European Urology, 61, (5), 2012, p938Journal Article, 2012
  • Rustom P. Manecksha, Ivor M. Cullen, Sarfraz Ahmad, Graeme McNeill, Robert Flynn, Thomas E.D. McDermott, Ronald Grainger, John A. Thornhill, Reply to Pascal Mouracade"s Letter to the Editor re: Rustom P. Manecksha, Ivor M. Cullen, Sarfraz Ahmad, et al. Prospective Randomised Controlled Trial Comparing Trigone-Sparing versus Trigone-Including Intradetrusor Injection of AbobotulinumtoxinA for Refractory Idiopathic Detrusor Overactivity. Eur Urol 2012;61:928"35, European Urology, 61, (5), 2012, pe42Journal Article, 2012
  • Maria Carmen Mir, Nathan Papa, Andrew Scott, Rustom Manecksha, Damien Bolton, Ian Davis, Nathan Lawrentschuk, 1894 POSITRON EMISSION TOMOGRAPHY-COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY (PET-CT) ROLE IN PREDICTING MORTALITY IN PATIENTS WITH METASTATIC BLADDER CANCER, The Journal of Urology, 187, (4), 2012, pe764Journal Article, 2012
  • Raheem OA, Casey RG, Galvin DJ, Manecksha RP, Varadaraj H, McDermott T, Grainger R, Lynch TH, Discontinuation of anticoagulant or antiplatelet therapy for transrectal ultrasound-guided prostate biopsies: a single-center experience., Korean journal of urology, 2012Journal Article, 2012
  • McNeill GJ, Halpenny D, Campbell N, Manecksha R, Torregianni WC, Re: Reduced radiation exposure with the use of an air retrograde pyelogram during fluoroscopic access for percutaneous nephrolithotomy (from: Lipkin ME, Mancini JG, Zilberman DE, et al. J Endourol 2011;25:563-567)., Journal of endourology, 2011Journal Article, 2011
  • Ivor Cullen, Rustom Manecksha, McCullagh Eddie, Ted McDermott, Robert Flynn, Philip Murphy, Ron Grainger, John Thornhill, Jerome Fennell, 1365 THE CHANGING PATTERN OF ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE WITHIN 42033 ESCHERICHIA COLI ISOLATES FROM NOSOCOMIAL, COMMUNITY, AND UROLOGY PATIENT SPECIFIC URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS, DUBLIN 1999"2009, The Journal of Urology, 185, (4), 2011, pe545Journal Article, 2011
  • Rustom Manecksha, Ivor Cullen, Sarfraz Ahmad, Graeme McNeill, Ted McDermott, Robert Flynn, Ronald Grainger, John Thornhill, 1962 PROSPECTIVE RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIAL COMPARING TRIGONAL VERSUS TRIGONE-SPARING INTRADETRUSOR INJECTION OF BOTULINUM TOXIN-A FOR REFRACTORY IDIOPATHIC DETRUSOR OVERACTIVITY, The Journal of Urology, 185, (4), 2011, pe785Journal Article, 2011
  • Ellanti P, Manecksha RP, Flynn R, The use of text messaging to reduce non-attendance at outpatients clinic--a departmental experience., Irish medical journal, 2011Journal Article, 2011
  • Rustom P. Manecksha, Fast Facts: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (sixth edition), BJU International, 106, (8), 2010, p1238--1238Journal Article, 2010
  • Rustom P. Manecksha, Succeeding as a Hospital Doctor (third edition), BJU International, 106, (7), 2010, p1088--1088Journal Article, 2010
  • Surgical Management of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia in, editor(s)Philipp Dahm MD, MHSc, FACS, Roger R. Dmochowski MD , Evidence-based Urology, 2010, pp103 - 110, [Rustom P. Manecksha, John M. Fitzpatrick]Book Chapter, 2010, DOI
  • Cheema IA, Manecksha RP, Murphy M, Flynn R, Laparoscopic nephrectomy: initial experience with 120 cases., Irish medical journal, 2010Journal Article, 2010
  • Cheema IA, Manecksha RP, Flynn R, Laparoscopic pyeloplasty., Irish medical journal, 2010Journal Article, 2010
  • Cullen IM, Cafferty F, Oon SF, Manecksha R, Shields D, Grainger R, McDermott TE, Plunkett P, Meaney J, Lynch TH, Evaluation of suspected renal colic with noncontrast CT in the emergency department: a single institution study., Journal of endourology, 2008Journal Article, 2008
  • Rustom P. Manecksha, Succeeding as a hospital doctor (Third edition), BJU International, 100, (4), 2007, p948--948Journal Article, 2007
  • R.P. Manecksha, A. Perry, H. Varadaraj, B. Loftus, M.P. Lawler, T.H. Lynch, CAG REPEAT SHORTENING " AN EXPLANATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF ANDROGEN-INDEPENDENT PROSTATE CANCER, European Urology Supplements, 5, (2), 2006, p166Journal Article, 2006
  • Connolly SS, O'Toole GC, O'Malley KJ, Manecksha R, O'Brien A, Mulvin DW, Quinlan DM, Positive apical surgical margins after radical retropubic prostatectomy, truth or artefact?, Scandinavian journal of urology and nephrology, 2004Journal Article, 2004
  • Sultan S, Manecksha R, O'Sullivan J, Hynes N, Quill D, Courtney D, Survival of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms in the west of Ireland: do prognostic indicators of outcome exist?, Vascular and endovascular surgery, 2004Journal Article, 2004
  • Manecksha R, Hill AD, Dijkstra B, Kelly L, Collins CD, McDermott E, O'Higgins NJ, Value of sentinel node biopsy in the management of breast cancer., Irish journal of medical science, 2001Journal Article, 2001
  • Manecksha, R.P., Redmond, P., Siddiqui, K., Creagh, T., Experience with intradetrusor injection of botulinum-a toxin for the treatment of idiopathic detrusor overactivity in a single irish institution, Current Urology, 2, (2), 2008, p62-66Journal Article, 2008
  • O'Reilly E, Tuzova AV, Walsh AL, Russell NM, O'Brien O, Kelly S, Dhomhnallain ON, DeBarra L, Dale CM, Brugman R, Clarke G, Schmidt O, O'Meachair S, Patil D, Pellegrini KL, Fleshner N, Garcia J, Zhao F, Finn S, Mills R, Hanna MY, Hurst R, McEvoy E, Gallagher WM, Manecksha RP, Cooper CS, Brewer DS, Bapat B, Sanda MG, Clark J, Perry AS., epiCaPture: A Urine DNA Methylation Test for Early Detection of Aggressive Prostate Cancer., JCO Precis Oncol, 2019, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • Taha M, Mohammed NM, Crowther S, Manecksha RP, Thomas AZ., Primitive neuroectodermal tumour with synchronous ipsilateral clear cell carcinoma of the kidney., BMJ case reports, 11, (1), 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI
  • Redmond EJ, Murphy CF, Leonard J, Faulds K, Abdelfadil S, Crowley VE, Lynch TH, Manecksha RP., The influence of dietary supplementation with cranberry tablets on the urinary risk factors for nephrolithiasis., World journal of urology, 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI
  • Manecksha RP, Fitzpatrick JM, Epidemiology of testicular cancer, BJU International, 104, (9 Pt B), 2009, p1329 - 1333Journal Article, 2009, DOI
  • Bhatt NR, Mohammed W, Wagner P, Elkhalifa A, Flynn RJ, Thomas AZ, Manecksha RP., Urinary catheters in the emergency department: a prospective audit to improve quality control., Central European journal of urology, 72, (1), 2019, p62-65Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • Redmond EJ, Manecksha RP., Re: Intravesical Gentamicin Treatment for Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections Caused by Multidrug Resistant Bacteria., The Journal of urology, 2019, p101097JU0000000000000364Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • Lynch OE, Redmond EJ, Inder MS, Flynn RJ, Thomas AZ, Smyth LG, Manecksha RP., The utility of stent on strings in clinical practice., Ir J Med Sci, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • S Inder, M Bates, N Ni Labhrai, N McDermott, J Schneider, G Erdmann, T Jamerson, AN Flores, A Prina-Mello, P Thirion, PR Manecksha, D Cormican, S Finn, T Lynch, L Marignol, Multiplex profiling identifies clinically relevant signalling proteins in an isogenic prostate cancer model of radioresistance, Scientific Reports, 9, 2019, p1 - 12Journal Article, 2019, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Yap LC, Lynch TH, Manecksha RP., MRI for clinically suspected prostate cancer-the disparity between private and public sectors., Ir J Med Sci, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • Roche EC, Redmond EJ, Yap LC, Manecksha RP., Seasonal Variation in the Frequency of Presentation with Acute Ureteral Colic and Its Association with Meteorologic Factors., Journal of endourology, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • Campbell N, Barrett S, Halpenny D, Tahir F, Manecksha RP, Feeney J, Hamilton S, Torreggiani WC, Imaging Patterns of Atypical Renal Cell Carcinoma Recurrence: A Pictorial Review., Canadian Association of Radiologists journal = Journal l'Association canadienne des radiologistes, 63, (1), 2012, p30-38Journal Article, 2012, DOI , URL
  • McGuire C, Manecksha RP, Sheils P, McDermott TE, Grainger R, Flynn R, Electroejaculatory stimulation for male infertility secondary to spinal cord injury: the Irish experience in National Rehabilitation Hospital., Urology, 77, (1), 2011, p83-7Journal Article, 2011
  • Thomas AZ, Carrol R, Manecksha RP, Thornhill JA, Grainger R, McDermott TE, Extended long term functional outcome of inflatable penile prosthesis in a single institution., Irish medical journal, 104, (2), 2011, p53-5Journal Article, 2011
  • O'Kelly F, Manecksha RP, Cullen IM, McDermott TE, Flynn R, Grainger R, Electroejaculatory stimulation and its implications for male infertility in spinal cord injury: a short history through four decades of sperm retrieval (1975-2010)., Urology, 77, (6), 2011, p1349-52Journal Article, 2011
  • Ahmad S, Manecksha R, Hayes BD, Grainger R, Case report of a symptomatic giant renal oncocytoma., International journal of surgery case reports, 2, (6), 2011, p83-5Journal Article, 2011
  • Cullen IM, Manecksha RP, McCullagh E, Ahmad S, O'Kelly F, Flynn RJ, McDermott T, Murphy P, Grainger R, Fennell JP, Thornhill JA, The changing pattern of antimicrobial resistance within 42 033 Escherichia coli isolates from nosocomial, community and urology patient-specific urinary tract infections, Dublin, 1999-2009., BJU international, 109, (8), 2012, p1198-206Journal Article, 2012, DOI
  • Manecksha RP, Cullen IM, Ahmad S, McNeill G, Flynn R, McDermott TE, Grainger R, Thornhill JA, Prospective Randomised Controlled Trial Comparing Trigone-Sparing versus Trigone-Including Intradetrusor Injection of AbobotulinumtoxinA for Refractory Idiopathic Detrusor Overactivity., European urology, 61, (5), 2012, p928-35Journal Article, 2012, DOI
  • Ahmad S, Manecksha RP, Cullen IM, Flynn RJ, McDermott TE, Grainger R, Thornhill JA, Estimation of clinically significant prostate volumes by digital rectal examination: a comparative prospective study., The Canadian journal of urology, 18, (6), 2011, p6025-30Journal Article, 2011
  • Ahmad S, O'Kelly F, Manecksha RP, Cullen IM, Flynn RJ, McDermott TE, Grainger R, Thornhill JA, Survival after incidental prostate cancer diagnosis at transurethral resection of prostate: 10-year outcomes., Irish journal of medical science, 181, (1), 2012, p27-31Journal Article, 2012
  • Cullen IM, Manecksha RP, McCullagh E, Ahmad S, O'Kelly F, Flynn R, McDermott TE, Murphy P, Grainger R, Fennell JP, Thornhill JA, An 11-year analysis of the prevalent uropathogens and the changing pattern of Escherichia coli antibiotic resistance in 38,530 community urinary tract infections, Dublin 1999-2009., Irish journal of medical science, 182, (1), 2013, p81-9Journal Article, 2013, DOI
  • Manecksha RP, Nason GJ, Cullen IM, Fennell JP, McEvoy E, McDermott T, Flynn RJ, Grainger R, Thornhill JA, Prospective study of antibiotic prophylaxis for prostate biopsy involving >1100 men., TheScientificWorldJournal, 2012, 2012, p650858Journal Article, 2012
  • Nikita R. Bhatt, Rustom P. Manecksha, Robert J. Flynn, Urology Handbook for Medical Students, 1, eKindle, self, 2017, 0-88ppBook, URL

Research Expertise

I have an interest in technology and endourology, in particular, renal stone disease and benign prostate hyperplasia. My other research interests are in prostate cancer, both at molecular and clinical level with involvement in laboratory and clinical research in the area.

  • Title
    Risks factors for Flexible Ureteroscope Damage
    Prospective study of risk factors that increase the likelihood of damage to reusable flexible ureteroscopes. A collaborative study with The Austin Hospital, Melbourne
    Funding Agency
    no funding
    Date From
    July 2017
    Date To
    July 2019
  • Title
    MaSH Study
    The Men and Sexual Health Prostate Cancer Study is a joint Cancer Council Queensland and Griffith University Queensland project, led by Professor Suzanne Chambers of Griffith University, and coordinated in Ireland by Mr Rustom Manecksha, Consultant Urological Surgeon at St James's and Tallaght Hospitals. This online study will assess concerns about sexual health and what contributes to a man's decision to seek support for their sexual concerns. Part of the purpose of this study is to allow researchers/clinicians to better understand the needs of men so that they can then devise various programmes and resource their rehabilitation accordingly.
    Funding Agency
    Cancer Council Queensland
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    PERSIST Study
    Randomized control trial to compare the efficacy and safety of percutaneous nephrostomy with retrograde ureteric stenting for emergency renal decompression in cases of obstruction and sepsis associated with ureteric calculi. The obstructed kidney in the setting of urosepsis is a urological emergency. Stone manipulation in the setting of active, untreated infection with concomitant urinary tract obstruction can lead to life-threatening sepsis. Therefore, urgent decompression of the collecting system is warranted. There are two options for urgent decompression of an obstructed collecting system: Image-guided percutaneous nephrostomy tube placement Cystoscopic retrograde placement of a ureteric stent This strategy allows drainage of infected urine and penetration of antibiotics to the affected renal unit. Definitive stone manipulation should be delayed until the infection is cleared following an appropriate course of antimicrobial therapy. Both the European Association of Urology (EAU) and the American Urological Association (AUA) provide guidelines for management of an obstructed kidney. Both organisations provide evidence-based statements of the highest recommendation that urgent decompression of the kidney is mandated in the setting of sepsis. However, neither organisation recommend one decompression modality over the other. There is a lack of high quality up-to-date evidence to support a consensus view that one method of decompression is superior to the other. This study aims to determine the most effective method of renal decompression in cases of obstruction and sepsis associated with ureteric calculi.
    Funding Agency
    Self funded
    Date From

Cancer, Medical and biomedical engineering, Medical, health and life sciences,


  • RCSI-Ipsen-Anthony Walsh Travelling Fellowship 2008
  • RCSI Travelling Fellowship 2011
  • Ethicon Travelling Fellowship 2011
  • Irish Society of Urology Medal 2010
  • Endourological Society present
  • British Association of Urology (Subsection of Endourology) present
  • British Association of Urology present
  • Americal Urological Association present
  • Irish Society of Urology present
  • European Association of Urology present
  • Established the Irish Society of Urology website 2014-2015
  • Journal Reviewer for BJU International 2018
  • Journal Reviewer for Irish Journal of Medical Science 2018
  • Established and moderate the Irish Society of Urology Twitter page. 2014 - present
  • Journal Reviewer for Journal of Endourology 2017
  • Established and moderate the Irish Society of Urology Twitter page. 2014 - present
  • Journal Reviewer for BJU International 2018
  • Journal Reviewer for Irish Journal of Medical Science 2018
  • Established the Irish Society of Urology website 2014-2015
  • Developing the urology curriculum for undergraduate medical students on behalf of the Irish Society of Urology. 2019
  • Developing the urology curriculum for undergraduate medical students on behalf of the Irish Society of Urology. 2019
  • Journal Reviewer for Journal of Endourology 2017