Professor David Orr
Clinical Associate Professor, Surgery
Clinical Associate Professor, Clinical Medicine
Email dorr@tcd.ie PhonePublications and Further Research Outputs
- , Preliminary results of prophylactic cytotoxic perfusion for high risk melanoma of the lower limb: 374., Melanoma Research, 1993Journal Article, 1993
- , Interactions between fibroblasts and breast cancer cells in an in vitro co-culture model, The Breast, 1992Journal Article, 1992
- , Royal Academy Of Medicine In Ireland Section Of Biological Sciences, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 1989Journal Article, 1989
- , Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland"Section of Biological Sciences Winter Meeting held on 5th January, 1988 held in Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 1988Journal Article, 1988
- , Royal academy of medicine in Ireland section of biological sciences, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 1984Journal Article, 1984
- , Lesson of the week: Burns caused by steam inhalation for respiratory tract infections in children, BMJ: British Medical Journal, 2004Journal Article, 2004
- , Toddlers and scalds-too tall for their sense?, IRISH JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE-SUPPLEMENT-, 2003Journal Article, 2003
- , Subcutaneous adrenaline infiltration in paediatric burn surgery, British journal of plastic surgery, 1999Journal Article, 1999
- , A policy for selective and reducing excision margins for melanoma: 386., Melanoma Research, 1993Journal Article, 1993
- David J. A. Orr, Emma C. Teeling, Sébastien J. Puechmaille, John A. Finarelli, Patterns of orofacial clefting in the facial morphology of bats: a possible naturally occurring model of cleft palate, Journal of Anatomy, 229, (5), 2016, p657 - 672Journal Article, 2016
- James D. Martin-Smith, Louise Fitzgerald, David J.A. Orr, How reliable is the vomer flap in early hard palate repair?, Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, 2017Journal Article, 2017
- Rice , Elliot , Horneck , Bonnin , O'Halloran , Orr , O'Driscoll , O'Brien, The tendinous intersection in semitendinosus - a possible site of weakness (abstract), 157, (5), 1988, p165 - 165Journal Article, 1988
- Fallon , Orr , Collins , Fitzpatrick , O'Brien, An investigation into the extent of the anal glands, 158, (5), 1989, p121 - 121Journal Article, 1989
- de Blacam C, Smith S, Orr D., Surgery for Velopharyngeal Dysfunction: A Systematic Review of Interventions and Outcomes., The Cleft palate-craniofacial journal : official publication of the American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association, 55, (3), 2018, p405-422Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Cahill, Kevin C and Orr, David J A, Glossoptosis in Pierre Robin sequence, Archives of Disease in Childhood, 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- Catherine de Blacam, Laura Duggan, David Rea, Peter Beddy, David J.A. Orr, Descent of the human larynx: An unrecognized factor in airway distress in babies with cleft palate?, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 113, 2018, p208--212Journal Article, 2018
- Maire-Caitlin Casey, David J.A. Orr, Patent nasopalatine ducts: Evidence to support persistence of the vomeronasal system?, European Journal of Anatomy, 22, (5), 2018, p411 - 413Journal Article, 2018, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Risteárd Brennan, Gianluca D'Angelo, Maire Caitlin Casey & David J. A. Orr , Anatomy of the extensor mechanism of the thumb in relation to the clinical presentation of extensor pollicis longus rupture, European Journal of Plastic Surgery, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- de Blacam C, Theopold C, Dalli J, Orr D, Cahill R, O'Keeffe D, Feasibility of cleft lip and palate repair in personal protective equipment (PPE), Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery : JPRAS, 2020Journal Article, 2020
- Kane G, Orr D, Pears J, McGuinness J, A novel approach to extensive chest wall reconstruction in a child., The Annals of thoracic surgery, 2020Journal Article, 2020
- de Blacam C, Baylis AL, Kirschner RE, Smith SM, Sell D, Sie KCY, Harris HE, Orr DJA, Protocol for the development of a core outcome set for reporting outcomes of management of velopharyngeal dysfunction., BMJ open, 2020Journal Article, 2020
- Catherine de Blacam, David Orr, Addition to the Toolbox of Surgical Techniques for Palatal Fistula Repair, The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal, 2022, p105566562110037Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- de Blacam C., Baylis A.L., Kirschner R.E., Smith S., Sell D., Sie K.C.Y., Harris H.E., Orr D.J.A., Core Outcome Set for Reporting Outcomes of Interventions for Velopharyngeal Dysfunction: Final Results of the COS-VPD Initiative, Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Catherine de Blacam and Aisling O Dwyer and K. Ewomazino Oderoha and Tanya C. Gilroy and Laura Duggan and David J.A. Orr, The case for the pharyngeal flap pharyngoplasty in the management of velopharyngeal dysfunction, Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- M{\'{a, The surgical burden of sebaceous naevus excision in childhood, Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Fiachra Sheil, Christoph Theopold, David J A Orr, Catherine de Blacam, A Systematic Review of the Efficacy of Haemostatic Interventions in Primary Cleft Palate Repair, The Cleft Palate Craniofacial Journal, 2023, p105566562311784Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- de Blacam Catherin, Butler Dary, Duggan Laur, Byrne Sandr, Russell Joh, Javadpour Sheil, White Marti, Orr David JA, Minimally-invasive airway management and early cleft palate repair in infants born with robin sequence, Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- O'Regan, GM, Watson, R, Orr, D, O'Donovan, D, Russell, J, Phelan, E, Ryan, M, Brosnahan, O, Irvine, A, Management of vascular birthmarks: review of a multidisciplinary clinic., Irish Medical Journal, 100, (4), 2007Journal Article, 2007, URL
- J.L. Mills, A.M. Molloy, A. Parle-McDermott, J.F. Troendle, L.C. Brody, M.R. Conley, C. Cox, F. Pangilinan, D.J. Orr, M. Earley, E. McKiernan, E.C. Lynn, A. Doyle, J.M. Scott, P.N. Kirke. , Folate-related gene polymorphisms as risk factors for cleft lip and cleft palate., Birth Defects Research Part A Clinical and Molecular Teratology. , 82, (9), 2008, p636 - 643Journal Article, 2008, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Carter TC, Molloy AM, Pangilinan F, Troendle JF, Kirke PN, Conley MR, Orr DJ, Earley M, McKiernan E, Lynn EC, Doyle A, Scott JM, Brody LC, Mills JL, Testing reported associations of genetic risk factors for oral clefts in a large Irish study population., Birth defects research. Part A, Clinical and molecular teratology, 88, (2), 2010, p84-93Journal Article, 2010, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Kosutic D, Beausang E, Dempsey M, Ryan L, Fauzi Z, O'Sullivan B, et al., Single-layer Integra for one-stage reconstruction of scalp defects with exposed bone following full-thickness burn injury: a novel technique., Burns, 38, (1), 2012, p143 - 145Journal Article, 2012
- Davidson CC, Orr DJ, An unusual exit point from an electrocution injury., Burns : journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries, 36, (5), 2010, pe75-7Journal Article, 2010
- Murphy SM, Murray D, Smith S, Orr DJ, Burns caused by steam inhalation for respiratory tract infections in children., BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 328, (7442), 2004, p757Journal Article, 2004
- Parissis H, Al-Alao B, Soo A, Orr D, Young V, Risk analysis and outcome of mediastinal wound and deep mediastinal wound infections with specific emphasis to omental transposition., Journal of cardiothoracic surgery, 6, 2011, p111Journal Article, 2011
- Mulligan L, O'Meara A, Orr D, Eadie P, Hayes R, McDermott M, Primitive myxoid mesenchymal tumor of infancy: a report of a further case with locally aggressive behavior., Pediatric and developmental pathology : the official journal of the Society for Pediatric Pathology and the Paediatric Pathology Society, 14, (1), 2011, p75-9Journal Article, 2011
- Kelly JL, Eadie PA, Orr D, Al-Rawi M, O'Donnell M, Lawlor D, Prospective evaluation of outcome measures in free-flap surgery., Journal of reconstructive microsurgery, 20, (6), 2004, p435-8; discussion 439Journal Article, 2004
- Murphy SM, Rea S, McGovern E, Fleming P, Orr D, Cleft palate and congenital synechiae syndrome: a case report., The Cleft palate-craniofacial journal : official publication of the American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association, 41, (2), 2004, p206-7Journal Article, 2004
- ODOWD, JF, THE MORPHOLOGY OF A HUMAN PLACENTAL SPIRAL ARTERY, unknown, 1984, 153, ISI Web of Science, 1984, pp31 - 31Meeting Abstract, 1984
- Neades GT, Orr DJA, Hughes LE, Horgan K, Safe margins in the excision of primary cutaneous melanoma, British Journal of Surgery, 80, 1993, p731-733.Journal Article, 1993
- Orr DJA, Ryan MC, Horgan K, Demonstration of a positive feedback loop of paracrine growth stimulation in a new co-culture model of breast cancer, The Breast, 2, (3), 1993, p138-143.Journal Article, 1993
- Orr DJ, Hughes LE, Horgan K., Management of malignant melanoma of the head and neck, British Journal of Surgery, 80, (8), 1993, p998-1000Journal Article, 1993
- Ryan MC, Orr DJ, Horgan K, Fibroblast stimulation of breast cancer cell growth in a serum-free system, British Journal of Cancer , 67, (6), 1993, p1268-73.Journal Article, 1993
- Orr DJ, Slaney S, Ashworth GJ, Poole MD., Craniofrontonasal dysplasia., British Journal of Plastic Surgery, 50, (3), 1997, p153-161Journal Article, 1997
- Alrawi M, McDermott M, Orr D, Russell J., Nasal chondromesynchymal hamartoma presenting in an adolescent., International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 67, (6), 2003, p669-72Journal Article, 2003
- Mc Learie S, Orr DJA, O'Dwyer AM, Psychiatric morbidity in a regional plastic surgery centre--one-year review with a proposed categorisation, British Journal of Plastic Surgery, 57, (5), 2004, p440-445Journal Article, 2004
- Murphy SM, Murray D, Rooney K, Orr DJA, Tall Toddlers-at increased risk for scalds., Burns, 30, (6), 2004, p581-582Journal Article, 2004
- Nugent N, Mc Cormick PA, Orr DJA, Severe acute hepatitis in a burns patient, Burns, 30, (6), 2004, p610-611Journal Article, 2004
- Dempsey MP, Orr DJ, Are paediatric burns more common in asylum seekers? An analysis of paediatric burn admissions, Burns, 32, (2), 2006, p242-5Journal Article, 2006
- O'Toole P, Callender O, O'Hare B, Walsh S, Orr D, Fogarty E, Epidemiology of major paediatric trauma, Ir Med J, 101, (8), 2008, p251-253Journal Article, 2008
- Davidson C, Orr D, Occupational Injuries in Foreign-National Workers Presenting to St James's Plastic Surgery Service, Ir Med J, 102, (4), 2009Journal Article, 2009
- Murphy SM, Whately K, Eadie PA, Orr DJ, Unnecessary inter-hospital referral of minor hand injuries: a continuing problem, Ir J Med Sci , 2009Journal Article, 2009
- Martin-Smith JD, O'Sullivan JB, Duggan L, O'Mahony A, Orr DJ, Repair of anterior cleft palate fistulae with cancellous bone graft: a simple technique that facilitates dental reconstruction., Plastic and reconstructive surgery, 131, (3), 2013, p380e-7eJournal Article, 2013, DOI
- McDonnell R, Owens M, Delany C, Earley M, McGillivary A, Orr DJ, Duggan L, Epidemiology of orofacial clefts in the East of ireland in the 25-year period 1984-2008., The Cleft palate-craniofacial journal : official publication of the American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association, 51, (4), 2014, pe63-9Journal Article, 2014
- Nason GJ, Baker JF, Seoighe D, Irvine AD, McDermott M, Orr D, Capra M, Kelly PM, Congenital-infantile fibrosarcoma of the foot--avoidance of amputation., Irish medical journal, 107, (5), 2014, p148-9Journal Article, 2014, URL
- David J. A. Orr, Paracrine growth stimulation in a model of human breast cancer, Trinity College, Dublin, 1993Thesis, 1993
- David Orr, Orofacial clefting and the evolution of facial morphology in bats, University College, Dublin, 2014Thesis, 2014
Research Expertise
Cleft lip and palate Paediatric plastic and reconstructive surgery