Professor Camilla Carroll is a Consultant Otolaryngologist Head and Neck Surgeon at the Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital Dublin Ireland. She is a 1985 honours graduate of the RCSI Medical School and was awarded the FRCSI in General Surgery in 1989. Professor Carroll then commenced specialist training in Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery in the British Isles with CCST in 1997. Following completion of specialist training, Ms Carroll was appointed as the American Joint Council for Head and Neck Oncologic Surgery Fellow to the University of Toronto, a position which she held for 2 years. Ms Carroll is committed to the advancement of surgery through science. Her MD research is in tissue transfer angiogenesis and neovascularisation, carried out in the Department of Surgery at the University of Louisiville, Kentucky. Currently, Ms Carroll's research focus is in the area of surgical education, transfer of surgical skills and postgraduate assessment. She was awarded an MEdSurgEd from Imperial College London in January 2019 and carried out dissertation research into Surgical Professionalism in the 21st Century. Ms Carroll is a surgical educator and postgraduate assessor, in the Court of Examiners RCSI, Dublin, Bahrain and Dubai for the intercollegiate MRCSI and the European Boards for Otolaryngology. She is a clinical assessor for the Department of Surgical Affairs RCSI Faculty of Human Factors and Patient Safety , the Undergraduate Medical School RCSI and a Clinical Senior Lecturer TCD medical school. Ms Carroll was appointed as the National Clinical Lead for ENT Education in Primary Care in 2017. This is a national leadership role in medical education and health care planning. One of the commitments of this programme is to improve patient access to publicay funded ENT services. Ms Carroll was elected to the RCSI Council in 2016, by her peers. All postgraduate surgical members and fellows in good standing of the RCSI are eligible to vote in the RCSI Council elections. As an RCSI Council member , Ms Carroll is responsible for national decisions pertaining to postgraduate surgical education and service delivery. The Council oversees Surgical Professional development and is the governing body of the RCSI Health Science Institution. Ms Carroll is a member of the International Association of Women in Surgery and a surgical mentor for female surgeons in Ireland. Ms Carroll is the current President of the Biological Society of the RCSI (2018 - 2019), and the theme for this year's society is "Global Health-Care ,what we can do right now!".
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Isobel O"Riordan, Camilla Carroll, AB078. 83. Deconstructing microsuction using hierarchical task analysis (HTA) methodology, Mesentery and Peritoneum, 2, (1), 2018, pAB078--AB078Journal Article, 2018
- Isobel O"Riordan, Zelda O"Brien, Camilla Carroll, AB085. 119. Presentation, treatment and outcomes of sudden sensorineural hearing loss, Mesentery and Peritoneum, 2, (1), 2018, pAB085--AB085Journal Article, 2018
- Overgoor, M.L.E., Carroll, S.M., Papanicolau, G., Carroll, C.M.A., Üstüner, T.E.T., Stremel, R.W., Anderson, G.L., Franken, R.J.P.M., Kon, M., Barker, J.H., Can angiogenesis induced by chronic electrical stimulation enhance latissimus dorsi muscle flap survival for application in cardiomyoplasty?, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 111, (1), 2003, p178-188Journal Article, 2003
- Jeremy Freeman, Camilla Carroll, Sylvia Asa, Shereen Ezzat, Genetic Events in the Evolution of Thyroid Cancer, The Journal of Otolaryngology, 31, (04), 2002, p202Journal Article, 2002
- Everton A. Gooden, Patrick J. Gullane, Jonathan Irish, Mark Katz, Camilla Carroll, Role of the Sternocleidomastoid Muscle Flap Preventing Frey's Syndrome and Maintaining Facial Contour Following Superficial Parotidectomy, The Journal of Otolaryngology, 30, (02), 2001, p098Journal Article, 2001
- Sean M. Carroll, Camilla M. A. Carroll, Richard W. Stremel, Steven J. Heilman, Joseph M. Steffen, Gordon R. Tobin, John H. Barker, Vascular Delay and Administration of Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor Augment Latissimus Dorsi Muscle Flap Perfusion and Function, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, 105, (3), 2000, p964--971Journal Article, 2000
- Barker, J.H., Frank, J., Bidiwala, S.B., Stengel, C.K., Carroll, S.M., Carroll, C.M., Van Aalst, V., Anderson, G.L., An animal model to study microcirculatory changes associated with vascular delay, British Journal of Plastic Surgery, 52, (2), 1999, p133-142Journal Article, 1999
- Carroll, C.Ma., Gullane, P.J., Irish, J.C., Gentilli, F., Nelligan, P.C., Preservation of the orbit in anterior skull base lesions. when is it safe?, Skull Base Surgery, 9, (SUPPL. 1), 1999, p5Journal Article, 1999
- Camilla M. A. Carroll, Sean M. Carroll, Dale A. Schuschke, John H. Barker, Augmentation of Skeletal Muscle Flap Survival Using Platelet Derived Growth Factor, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 102, (2), 1998, p407--415Journal Article, 1998
- Carroll, C., Carroll, S., Tobin, G., Barker, J., Augmentation of skeletal muscle flap survival using acute ischaemic preconditioning, Clinical Otolaryngology and Allied Sciences, 23, (3), 1998, p269-270Journal Article, 1998
- Carroll, C.M.A., Nazeer, U., Timon, C.I., The accuracy of fine-needle aspiration biopsy in the diagnosis of head and neck masses, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 167, (3), 1998, p149-151Journal Article, 1998
- John H. Barker, Vera C. van Aalst, Patricia C. Keelen, Shaad Bidiwala, Johannes M. Frank, Sean M. Carroll, Christopher Wan, Camilla M. A. Carroll, Gary L. Anderson, Charles Joels, Gordon R. Tobin, Vascular Delay in Skeletal Muscle: A Model for Microcirculatory Studies, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, 100, (3), 1997, p665--669Journal Article, 1997
- Camilla M. A. Carroll, Sean M. Carroll, Max L. E. Overgoor, Gordon Tobin, John H. Barker, Acute Ischemic Preconditioning of Skeletal Muscle Prior to Flap Elevation Augments Muscle-Flap Survival, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 100, (1), 1997, p58--65Journal Article, 1997
- Sean M Carroll, Camilla M.A Carroll, Richard W Stremel, Steven J Heilman, Gordon R Tobin, John H Barker, Vascular Delay of the Latissimus Dorsi Muscle: An Essential Component of Cardiomyoplasty, The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 63, (4), 1997, p1034--1040Journal Article, 1997
- Carroll, C.Ma., Gaffney, R., McShane, D., Congenital nasal dermoids in children, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 166, (3), 1997, p149-151Journal Article, 1997
- Frank, J., Carroll, C.M.A., Aaranson, K., Ogden, L., Kim, M., Anderson, G.L., Swietzer, L., Bond, S.J., Uhl, E., Barker, J.H., Ischemia increases the angiogenic potency of basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2), Microsurgery, 17, (8), 1997, p452-457Journal Article, 1997
- Camilla MA Carroll, the use of platelet derived growth factor and basic fibroblast growth factor to enhance latissimus dorsi muscle perfusion and function for use in cardiomyoplasty. , UCD, 1997Thesis, 1997
- Isobel O'Riordan, Camilla Carroll, Integration of Ear-Suctioning into primary care in the Republic of Ireland: An educational model, ICOSET, Edinburgh, UK, 21 - 22 March 2019, 2019Poster, 2019
- RCSI Surgical Affairs, 'Code of Practice for Surgeons RCSI 2018', RCSI Surgical Affairs, 2018, -Protocol or guideline, 2018
- Camilla Carroll, Irish Otolaryngology Society October 2016 Assessing postgraduate Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Trainees: is there scope for a longitudinal entrustable professional activity (EPA) for airway management., Irish Otolaryngology Society, Donegal Ireland, October 2016, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- Camilla Carroll, Irish Otolaryngology Society October 2016 Assessing postgraduate Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Trainees: is there scope for a longitudinal entrustable professional activity (EPA) for airway management., Irish Otolaryngology Society, Donegal Ireland, October 2016, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- Claire Buckley, Camilla Carroll, October 2017 Diagnostic and procedural skills training in a dedicated ENT Emergency Department , Irish Otolaryngology Society , Westport, Ireland, October 2017, 2017Conference Paper, 2017
- Claire Buckley, Camilla Carroll, October 2017 Diagnostic and procedural skills training in a dedicated ENT Emergency Department , Irish Otolaryngology Society , Westport, Ireland, October 2017, 2017Conference Paper, 2017
- Rhodri Hill, Camilla Carroll, Sir William Wilde and the RVEEH. British Association for the History of ENT Annual Meeting October 2018 , British Association for the History of ENT, British Association for the History of ENT 2018 Annaul Meeting, RVEEH Dublin , October 2018, 2018Conference Paper, 2018
- Camilla Carroll, Integration of Ear Microsuction into Primary Care: An Educational Model. October 2018, 2018, -Miscellaneous, 2018
- Camilla Carroll, The study of expertise outside surgery can enrich surgical education., 2017, -Miscellaneous, 2017
- Camilla Carroll, Critically discuss the implications of current moves toward training more generalist surgeons., 2015, -Miscellaneous, 2015
- Camilla Carroll, "OPS" Course for Health Care professionals! (Otorhinolaryngoloy Procedural Skills Course)., 2016, -Miscellaneous, 2016
- Grace O'Flanagan, Claire Buckley, Camilla Carroll, AB085. 71. Diagnostic and procedural skill training in a dedicated ENT emergency department, Mesentery and Peritoneum, 3, 2019, pAB085--AB085Journal Article, 2019
- Ruairi Hasson, Camilla Carroll, AB092. 74. Objective assessment, using a validated procedure-based assessment (PBA) tool, of retention of fiberoptic endoscopic skills of GP ENT trainees, following 4 months of dedicated ear nose & throat (ENT) training, Mesentery and Peritoneum, 3, 2019, pAB092--AB092Journal Article, 2019
- Isobel O'Riordan, Camilla Carroll, Nash Pati, Martin Donnell, AB095. 70. Integration of earsuctioning into primary care: an educational model, Mesentery and Peritoneum, 3, 2019, pAB095--AB095Journal Article, 2019
- Camilla Carroll, Assessment, if there was a choice : How much is enough? Standard setting approaches., 2016, -Miscellaneous, 2016
- Camilla Carroll, Quality and safety in healthcare. , 2017, -Miscellaneous, 2017
- RCSI , Postgraduate medical training Conference, "Learning through innovation", RCSI, 08 November, 2016 , 2016, RCSI Meetings /Conferences Organised, 2016
- Camilla Carroll, ENT Clinical Skills Workshop., 20 October 2016, 2016, RVEEH Dublin Meetings /Conferences Organised, 2016
- Camilla Carroll, Simulation Team Training for combined ST5 Surgical and Anaesthesia Trainees ., 7th October 2016, 2016, College of Anaesthetists Dublin Meetings /Conferences Organised, 2016
- Overgor ME, Carroll C., Does pacing induced angiogenesis enhance latissimus dorsi muscle flap survival. , Clinical and Experimental Surgery, (abstract) 27.S1.95;99-100, 1996., Clinical and Experimental Surgery, 1996, 95, 1996, pp99 - 100Meeting Abstract, 1996
- Camilla Carroll, Basic fibroblast growth factor increases latissimus dorsi muscle flap perfusion and function for use in cardomyoplasty.., Irish Journal of Medical Science. , 1996, Vol 165, , 1996Published Abstract, 1996
- Ruairi Hasson, Camilla Carroll, objective assessment, using a validated procedure-based assessment tool (PBA), of retention of fiberoptic endoscopic skills of GP ENT trainees, following 4 months of dedicated ENT training , Sylvester O'Halloran Meeting, Limerick, Ireland, March 2019, 2019Oral Presentation, 2019
- O'Flanagan Grace, Buckley Claire, Carroll Camilla , Diagnostic and procedural skill training in a dedicated ENT emergency department. , Sylvester O'Halloran Meeting, Limerick, Ireland, March 2019, 2019Oral Presentation, 2019
- Isobel O'Riordan1, Camilla Carroll, Nash Pati, Martin Donnell, Integration of ear - suctioning into primary care: An educational model. , Sylvester O'Halloran Meeting, Limerick, Ireland. , 2019, 2019Oral Presentation, 2019
- Carroll C MA, Gullane PJ., Quality of life assessment in patients following resection of skull base tumours. , Proceedings of the 11th NASBS, 2000. , 11th Annual North American Skull Base Surgery Conference , Scottsdale Arizona, USA, 2000, 2000Meeting Abstract, 2000
- Carroll SM, Carroll CM., Vascular delay of the latissimus dorsi muscle for use in dynamic muscle flap transfer. , Proceedings of the International Society for Applied Cardiovascular Biology., March 1996, 1996Meeting Abstract, 1996
- Sarcomas of the head and neck. in, editor(s)Editors: Peter H Rhys Evans, Paul Q Montgomery, Patrick J Gullane , Principles and Practice of Head and Neck Oncology. 1st Edition., London: Martin Dunitz, 2003 . 1st Edition , London: Martin Dunitz, 2003 ., 2003, pp790 - [Irvin Pathak, Camilla MA Carroll, Brian O'Sullivan, Peter C Neligan and Patrick J Gullane ]Book Chapter, 2003
- Juvenile angiofibroma. in, editor(s)Peter H Rhys Evans, Paul Q Montgomery, Patrick J Gullane , Principles and Practice of Head and Neck Oncology. 1st Edition., London: Martin Dunitz, 2003 . 1st Edition , Martin Dunitz,, 2003, pp820 - [Camilla MA Carroll, Irvin Pathak and Patrick J Gullane ]Book Chapter, 2003
- Future developments in head and neck cancer therapy 1064 - 1083 in, editor(s)Peter H Rhys Evans, Paul Q Montgomery, Patrick J Gullane , Principles and Practice of Head and Neck Oncology. 1st Edition., London: 2003 . 1st Edition , Martin Dunitz,, 2003, [Irvin Pathak, Camilla MA Carroll and Patrick J Gullane ]Book Chapter, 2003
- Camilla MA Carroll, What does it mean to be a "Professional Irish Surgeon" in 21st Century Ireland?, Imperial College London, 2019Thesis, 2019
- Carroll Camilla, Carroll SM ., Augmentation of skeletal muscle flap survival through the process of angiogenesis using platelet derived growth factor., 42nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Head and Neck Surgeons, , USA, April 1997., 1997Oral Presentation, 1997
- Carroll CM1, Pathak I, Irish J, Neligan PC, Gullane PJ., Reconstruction of total lower lip and chin defects using the composite radial forearm--palmaris longus tendon free flap., Arch Facial Plast Surg. , 2, (1), 2000, p53 - 56Journal Article, 2000
- Carroll Camilla, Carroll SM., Platelet derived growth factor augments muscle flap survival. , Irish Otolaryngology Society Meeting, , Ireland, October 1996., 1996Oral Presentation, 1996
- Carroll Camilla, Robin P., The management of small acoustic tumours. , The Irish Otolaryngology Society. , Ireland, October 1997., 1997Oral Presentation, 1997
- Carroll Camilla, Gullane PJ., Multidisciplinary approach to the management of patients with skull base tumours., The Irish Otolaryngology Society,, Ireland, October 1998, 1998Oral Presentation, 1998
- Carroll Camilla, Gullane PJ. , Surgical salvage following primary radiotherapy for advanced T3 and T4 laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma., 5th International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer., San Francisco, USA., July 2000., 2000Oral Presentation, 2000
- Carroll Camilla, Gullane PJ., Skull base surgery, the Toronto experience., 5th International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer. , San Francisco, USA. , July 2000., 2000Oral Presentation, 2000
- Carroll Camilla Carroll SM., Acute ischaemic preconditioning of skeletal muscle reduces subsequent flap necrosis in both early and late windows., The 9th Academic Conference in Otolaryngology., Manchester , UK., 9- 14, July 1995., 1995Oral Presentation, 1995
- Overgor M, Carroll Camilla, Carroll SM., Electrical stimulation improves muscle flap perfusion and survival. , Plastic Surgery Research Council, New York, 1995., USA, 1995, 1995Oral Presentation, 1995
- Carroll Camilla, Carroll SM., Acute ischaemic preconditioning of skeletal muscle. , National Scientific Medical Meeting, Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, 1996, 1996Oral Presentation, 1996
- Carroll Camilla, Carroll SM ., Acute ischaemic preconditioning of skeletal muscle increases muscle flap survival., 4th International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer., Toronto, Canada., July28- August 1 '96, 1996Oral Presentation, 1996
- Carroll Camilla, Carroll SM., Basic fibroblast growth factor augments latissimus dorsi muscle perfusion and function for use in cardiomyoplasty., University of Louisville Surgical Research Day, , Louisville Kentucky USA, November 1996., 1996Oral Presentation, 1996
- Carroll SM, Carroll Camilla. , Vascular delay of the latissimus dorsi muscle for use in dynamic muscle flap transfer. , International Society for Applied Cardiovascular Biology., Manchester K, March 1996, 1996Oral Presentation, 1996
- Carroll Camilla, Carroll SM. , Ischaemic preconditioning of skeletal muscle. , Plastic Surgery Research Council., Saint Louis, USA , June 1996., 1996Oral Presentation, 1996
- Carroll CAMILLA, Carroll SM ., Basic fibroblast growth factor enhances muscle flap perfusion and function for use in dynamic muscle flap transfer., 4th International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer., Toronto Canada, , July 1996., 1996Oral Presentation, 1996
- Carroll, SM., Carroll, CAMILLA., Overgoor, M., Tobin, GR., Barker, JH. , Acute ischemic preconditioning increases muscle flap survival., 82nd Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons. , San Francisco, CA, USA, , October 6-11, 1996., 1996Oral Presentation, 1996
- Carroll Camilla, Carroll SM., Basic fibroblast growth factor increases latissimus dorsi muscle flap perfusion and function for use in cardiomyoplasty., 21st Sir Peter Freyer Memorial Lecture and Symposium., Galway Ireland. , September 1996., 1996Oral Presentation, 1996
- Camilla Carroll, Good, better and best - building better teams. Integration of ENT procedural skills into primary care. , ICGP Summer Sessions 2017, Athlone, Ireland, 22 -24 June 2017, 2017, ICGPInvited Talk
- Camilla Carroll, 86th RCSI Biological Society Meeting Presidential Address: Global Healthcare , a new beginning. , 86th RCSI Biological Society, RCSI Albert Theatre , 25th JNUARY 2019, 2019Oral Presentation
- Camilla Carroll, Ear Microsuction Skills Training day for Healthcare Professionals, RVEEH Dublin 17th November 2018, 17TH NOVENBER 2018, 2018Meetings /Conferences Organised
- camilla carroll, Public Engagement Simulation Training Day CPR Skills training RCSI for First Year Blackrock College, 12th November 2018, 12th November 2018, 2018, RCSI Meetings /Conferences Organised
- Camilla Carroll, 11 March, 2018 Clinical skills Workshop in ENT For Primary Care, RVEEH Dublin. , 11th March 2018, 2018, RVEEH DublinMeetings /Conferences Organised
- Camilla Carroll, 06 March, 2018 Clinical skills training in ENT for ICGP year 3 trainees, 6th March 2018, 2018, RVEEH DublinMeetings /Conferences Organised
- Camilla Carroll, 06 March, 2018 Clinical skills training in ENT for ICGP year 3 trainees, 6th March 2018, 2018, RVEEH DublinMeetings /Conferences Organised
- Camilla Carroll, 03 March, 2018 Clinical Skills Workshop in ENT For Primary Care, RVEEH Dublin. , 3rd March 2018, 2018, RVEEH, DublinMeetings /Conferences Organised
- RCSI Council / Camilla Carroll, 2018 RCSI Charter Day Meetings, 1- 3 February 2018 , 2018, RCSI Meetings /Conferences Organised
- RCSI Council, 10 November, 2017 RCSI Millin Meeting , 10th November 2017, In:RCSI Millin Surgical Meeting, 2017, RCSI Meetings /Conferences Organised
- Camilla Carroll, RCSI Surgical Society Meeting, Guest Speaker "Life as a Surgeon". , RCSI Surgical Society Meeting, Guest Speaker at conference , RCSI , 2nd November 2017, 2017, RCSI Surgical SocietyInvited Talk
- RCSI, 14 September, 2017 Human Factors "Train the Trainer", RCSI. , 14th September 2017, 2017, RCSI Meetings /Conferences Organised
- Camilla Carroll, RCSI Charter Meeting February 2017 "Human Factors and Surgeon Identity". , RCSI 2017 Charter Day Meetings, RCSI , 2017, RCSI CouncilInvited Talk
- Camilla Carroll, The Future Development of Education and Practice in ENT Skills: Where do we want to go with this? ICGP Annual Conference May 2017 , IGP Annual Conference, Wexford, Ireland, May 2017, 2017, ICGPInvited Talk
- RCSI / Camilla Carroll Council Member , RCSI Charter Meeting February 2017 Surgical Professioanlism., February 2017, In:RCSI 2017 Charter Day Meetings : Surgical Professionalism, 2017, RCSI Meetings /Conferences Organised
- Camilla Carroll, National Clinical Programme for ENT Education in Primary care: An Update. RAMI Spring Meeting April 2018 , RAMI Spring ENT Meeting, Mount Woolsey Carlow Ireland, April 2018, 2018, ENT Division of RAMIInvited Talk
- Carroll Camilla, Carroll SM ., Basic fibroblast growth factor enhances latissimus dorsi muscle perfusion and function for use in cardiomyoplasty., International society for applied cardiovascular biology., Manchester, March 1996., March 1996, 1996Oral Presentation
Research Expertise
I have been committed to the advancement of surgery through science, throughout my surgical career. My postgraduate MD research evaluated the utility of bFGF and PDGF in angiogenesis and neovascularisation of the latissimus dorsi muscle for use in cardiomyoplasty. This research resulted in peer reviewed publications, international presentations and grant awards. The current focus of my research is in the domain of "Surgical Education". I was awarded a Master's degree in education surgical education (MEd SE) in January 2019 from Imperial College London, following peer review of my dissertation "What does it mean to be a professional surgeon in 21st Century Ireland", based on qualitative analysis of senior Irish Surgeons. The MEd SE is one of two Master's dedicated to surgical education worldwide. It is a taught Master's programme with an "exploratory and innovative curriculum". Over the past 4 years, I have undertaken research in the RVEEH in the domian of inter-professional skills transfer and assessment. The research output includes NDTP Spark funding, a 2018 Irish Healthcare Award, local and international presentations at ENT, Primary Care and Surgical Educational meetings. In 2017, I was appointed as the National Clinical Lead for ENT Education in Primary care. This is a national leadership role in clinical education. This role involves the development and implementation of a skills transfer curriculum and assessment model to up-skill primary care professionals in the delivery of ear - suctioning and epistaxis management. I have developed a standarised skills course with Entrustable Professional Activity (EPA) assessment and an on-line training module, as part of this work stream. The next phase of this educational programme is the implementation of a "Train the trainer", course, which will result in a sustainanble model of care being implemented in the workplace. Approximately 30,000 patients will be eligible to be managed by the trained practictioners. This peer reviewed programme was presented as part of the "NCPS ENT Model of Care", at the 2018 RCSI Charter Meetings. Currently, I am part of the HSE working group on "Bullying and Harrasement in the workplace and education", the findings of which will be implemented as a HSE policy document. The NDTP have funded the "Civility" research programme on workplace bullying, I am a research member of this committee.
TitleENT education in primary careSummaryENT Educational programme for primary care and audiology: This programme is a fit for purpose 'ENT Educational Programme', for GPs, practice nurses and audiologists, to be delivered on an annual basis, during the academic year, September to June, with CPD accreditation and an audit component. The programme is a competency-based educational model utilising adult learning theories, with a focus on skills transfer in a situated learning environment. Employing such an approach towards ENT education for primary care practitioners and audiologists is time efficient, but still provides the opportunity for hands-on learning and formal assessment, factors that are considered important for upskilling practitioners for clinical practice. The programme consists of a series of interactive lectures, practical skills workshops, ENT practice guidelines and an annual competency assessment. Benefits for ENT Out -Patient Services: The ultimate aim of this integrated care programme is to develop a national network of credentialed primary care practicitoners, empowered to deliver an adult ear suctioning service for common ear conditions in a local setting. The patient maintains their connection with their primary care provider and this re-directed delivery of care would have a significant impact on reducing the demand for ENT OPD services, freeing-up the hospital based ENT surgeon to see, treat and manage patients with more complex conditions.Funding AgencyHSEDate From2017Date To2019
TitleAn anatomical and physiological review of the reconstructed pharynx in the laryngectomeeSummaryAn anatomical and physiological analysis of the reconstructed pharynx was carried out in patients who had undergone a total laryngectomy for squamous cell carcinoma.(SCC) The purpose of the review was to evaluate the function of the pharyngoesophageal segment following surgical ablation and the development of oesophageal speech. The study participants were males (N=10) who had a laryngectomy performed for SCC. The pharyngoesophageal segment (POS) was evaluated in each participant using 2 direct and 2 indirect methodologies. The methodologies utilised were EMG sampling of the POS, manometry of the POS, 24hr ambulatory ph., recording and video-fluoroscopic assessment of the reconstructed pharynx. This study demonstrated that the anatomical reconstruction of the POS determined it's physiological function post-operatively. This in turn had a significant impact on the development and quality of oesophageal speech following laryngectomy.Funding AgencynoneDate From1986Date To1987
TitleThe use of angiogenic growth factors BFGF and PDGF in muscle flap angiogenesisSummaryThis research evaluated skeletal muscle flap pathophysiology. I focused on methods of improving the viability and function of dynamic muscle flaps for use in the clinical setting. This involved the use of the angiogenic growth factors PDGF and bFGF and ischaemic preconditioning in large and small animal models. The results of this research demonstrated that (I). Muscle flap survival was augmented through the application of PDGF in the hairless mouse Latissimus Dorsi Muscle (LDM) model. (II). Muscle flap perfusion and function was augmented through the application of bFGF in the canine LDM model. (Ill). lschaemic preconditioning of skeletal muscle augmented survival in rat LDM model.Funding AgencyResearch grant of $56,461 awarded by the Jewish Hospital Research Foundation Louisville KY USADate From1994Date To1995
TitleHSE Working Group on Bullying and Harassment in Medical Education and PracticeSummaryWorking Group on Bullying and Harassment in Medical Education and Practice The organisational culture of the HSE is one, which must not tolerate bullying or harassment in the workplace. However, NCHDs continue to report bullying, when they are surveyed on this topic. The IMC 2014 - 2016 national trainee experience surveys have identified a consistent level of trainees experiencing bullying and harassment in the workplace. In 2016, 36% of trainees reported being the victim of bullying and harassment in their post. 50% of trainees reported witnessing someone else being the victim of bullying and harassment and 44% had experienced undermining behaviours. The IMC concluded in 2016, that "bullying is endemic in our culture". Similar studies carried out by the British Medical Association in 2016 found, that 20% of trainee doctors in the UK reported experiencing bullying and harassment in the workplace in the past year. To address this issue, the HSE and the IMO have established a collaborative short-life working group to evaluate interventions aimed at changing workplace attitudes towards bullying. Lessons learned from NHS interventions, which have resulted in a "zero tolerance culture" towards workplace bullying will be reviewed, as part of this groups evaluation of bullying changing attitudes. The committee members broadly reflect the stakeholders responsible for the delivery of NCHD training and workplace environment. The group is jointly chaired by Rosarii Mannion (HSE National Director of HR) and Anthony Owens (IMO Director of Industrial Relations). The other committee members include Camilla Carroll RCSI (Postgraduate Forum for Medical Education Prepresentative), Anthony O'Connor RCPI, Martin McCormack, COA, Eva O'Reilly National Lead NCHD and representatives from National HR and National Doctors Training & Planning.Funding AgencyHSEDate FromJanuary 2019Date ToJanuary 2020
TitleWhat does it mean to be a professional Irish surgeon in 21st Century IrelandSummarySummary What it means to be a Surgeon in 21st century Ireland, is an increasingly difficult question to answer (McCulloch, 2006). Societal expectation is rapidly changing and favours the surgeon patient relationship to be one of collaboration, rather than dictation. Current trends in healthcare systems are changing the traditional way by which the surgeon interacts with the patient (Gruen et al., 2003). Today's surgeon is a trusted member of a healthcare professional team, that works together to deliver safe and effective care to the patient (Evetts, 2014). The continued pace of technological change requires the surgeon to commit to lifelong learning with ongoing mastery of new operative skills. Assessment by the regulatory bodies, which govern surgical practice being an increasing part of modern surgical practice (Taylor, 2011). However, despite all the changes in 21st century practice, the concept of professionalism remains constant (Shapiro et al., 2015). Professionalism is at the heart of being a good doctor and is central to the surgeon's contract with society (Brennan and Monson, 2014). The Irish Medical Council, the regulatory body in Ireland, has recently deployed three pillars of professionalism, namely partnership, practice and performance as a schematic to illustrate ways in which specific principles and values can form the basis of good professionalism (IMC). I have had the opportunity to interview five senior Irish surgeons and explore their reflections on what "Surgical Professionalism" means to them, both in an Irish context and within the IMC Professionalism Framework. This study presents the thematic analysis of their reflections. The study design is based on the qualitative analysis of the 5 semi - structured interviews, carried out with the senior Irish surgeons. Data extracts from the interviews were coded and emergent themes were formulated, using thematic analysis methodology. Five distinct themes emerged from the data. The themes were doctor-patient relationship, the regulatory body, education and training , surgical teams and emotional well-being. Data extracts illustrating these themes are presented in the text. The epistemological insight gained from these emergent themes may help to shape the future education, training and practice of Irish Surgeons.Date From2017Date To2018
Other health sciences, Health services and systems, Medical, health and life sciences,
- . IRISH HEALTHCARE AWARD OCOTBER 2012 Best integrated primary care programme Project : Respiratory tract treatment programme for patients, GPs and pharmacists. 2012
- HES funding for ENT education to be delivered to Primary care Health care Professionals 2018
- International Society for Cardiovascular Biology Young Investigator Award 1996
- Irish Solvay Registrar Prize in Otolaryngology October 1998
- Jewish Hospita (Louisville, Kentucky USA)l Research Foundation Grant award for $56,500. Grant submission: The use of bFGF induced angiogenesis to augment latissimus doors muscle perfusion and function for use in cardiomyoplasty. 1995
- American Joint Council for Head and Neck Oncologic Surgery Fellowship July 1998 - June 2000
- 2018 Irish Health Care Award for Best Educational Project in Primary care October 2018
- National Clinical Lead for ENT Education in Primary care 2017
- Ethicon Foundation Travel Grant Award February 1996
- Spark Foundation Award NDTP October 2018
- Irish Solvay Registrar Prize in Otolaryngology October 1996
- HSE funding for ENT educational programme to be delivered for primary care professionals 2017
- Surgical research fellowship University of Louisville Kentucky, Department of Surgery July 1994 - June 1995
- Irish Medical Council (Specialist division Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 1997) Current
- Association of Women in Surgery (AWS). 2019
- INMED (Irish Network of Medical Educators)
- Advanced Irish Airway teaching Body current
- Irish Respiratory Tract Treatment Group Current
- Global Respiratory Infection Partnership current
- RCSI CPD Professional Competence Scheme current
- Irish Institute of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery current
- Irish Otolaryngology Society current
- RCSI Members and Fellows Association
- Association for Medical Education in Europe current
- Advanced Irish Airway Teaching Body. Irish Network of Medical Educators. (INMED) 2019
- Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland current
- Irish Medical Council Registration Review Board 2019 - 2023
- Special Skills ENT Educator to GP Training Programmes Mid-Leinster GP training Scheme Dublin North GP Training Scheme North Dublin City Training Scheme Responsible for Clinical and skills training in ENT 2015 - current
- RCSI Chair for Higher Surgical Interviews in Paediatric Surgery 2019
- National Clinical Programme in Surgery, 2017
- Interview Panel for the Graduate Entry Medicine Programme RCSI 2018 -current
- Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital Dublin Board of Ethics 2017 - current
- Intercollegiate Paper Panel Committee RCSI Representative (2017 - current). ICBSE is the Intercollegiate Committee for Basic Surgical Examinations, which is a committee of the Joint Surgical Colleges Meeting representing the four Surgical Royal Colleges of the United Kingdom and in Ireland. The four colleges (Edinburgh, England, Glasgow and Ireland) jointly manage the maintenance and development of the MRCS and DO-HNS examinations via the ICBSE. 2018
- NDTP funded collaborative project "Civility", between RCSI and RCPI. 2019 - 2020
- Irish Surgical Postgraduate Training Committee 2018 - 2020
- European Board for Otolaryngology Postgraduate Surgical Exams (UEMS_ORLHNS) 2018
- RCSI Health and Sciences Board 2018 - 2020
- HSE Working Group on Bullying and Harassment in Medical Practice and Education RCSI Representative 2019 - 2020
- Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital Dublin Research Foundation Committee 2018
- RCSI Chair for Higher Surgical Interviews for Vascular Surgery 2018
- RCSI Chair for Higher Surgical Interviews for Neurosurgery 2017
- RCSI Elected Member of Council 2016 - 2022
- Irish Medical Council Registration Review Board 2019 - 2023
- Interview Panel for the Core Surgical training programme RCSI / HSE 2019
- President of the RCSI Biological Society 2019 - 2020
- Educational Supervisor for inter professional teaching at the RVEEH Clinical Nurse Practitioner Programme 2018 -current
- Clinical Examiner for the RCSI Final Medical Examininations 2014 - current
- Clinical Faculty Human Factors and Patient Safety and Simulation Postgraduate Surgery, RCSI. 2012 - current
- HSE Short-life working group on Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace and Education. January 2019
- Professional Development Committee Postgraduate Surgery RCSI 2016 - 2018
- Executive committee of the RCSI Court of Examiners for the MRCS, Ireland, Bahrain and Dubai 2014 - current
- Chair Student Services RCSI 2016 - 2018
- National Audit of Hospital Mortality Committee (NOCA) 2019