Ms. Laura Mullaney
Assistant Professor, Radiation Therapy
Email Laura.Mullaney@tcd.ie Phone3531896 3254Biography
Laura Mullaney joined the academic staff as an Assistant Professor in the Discipline of Radiation Therapy in 2011. She also holds a BSc. in Radiation Therapy, an MSc. in Research (MSc.) and a PG Dip. in Statistics and PG Dip in Clinical Health Science Education, from Trinity College Dublin. Prior to joining TCD, she worked as a Clinical Specialist Radiation Therapist in the St. Luke's Radiation Oncology Network Dublin (St Luke's Hospital and St James's Hospital). Over this ten year period, she gained extensive experience as a clinical radiation therapist specialising in research, treatment delivery and patient flow management. Through her interest in technology and innovative teaching methods, Laura helped develop one of College's first online programs, the MSc in Advanced Radiation Therapy Practice. Her commitment to promoting evidence based practice is demonstrated through the organisation of many national and international scientific conferences and clinical/research courses. The overarching theme of her research is improvements in patient care in the areas of positioning and immobilisation and radiation dose reduction in RT imaging. Laura is a passionate and active radiation therapist and academic with strong national and international links in the field of radiation therapy. This commitment was recognised when she became the second ever radiation therapist President of the Irish Institute of Radiography and Radiation Therapy in 2009 and in 2017, she was youngest elected Board member of the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO).
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Gillen S.; Mullaney L., A retrospective review of a rectal preparation protocol in prostate cancer patients., Radiotherapy and Oncology, ESTRO 33, Vienna, Austria, 4-8 April 2014, 111, (Supplement 1), Elsevier , 2014, ppS304 - S305Poster, 2014, DOI
- O'Connor S., McArdle O., Mullaney L., An audit of breast cancer ct protocols in radiation therapy to establish national dose reference levels, Radiotherapy and Oncology, 3rd ESTRO Forum, Barcelona, Spain, 24-28 April 2015, 115, (Supplement 1), Elsevier, 2015, ppS888 - S888Poster, 2015, DOI
- Frie L., Mullaney L., Radiation Therapists' image verification training and experience and resulting responsibility: A European study, Radiotherapy and Oncology, ESTRO 33, Vienna, Austria, 4th-8th April 2014, 111, (1), 2014, ppS114-Poster, 2014, DOI
- Evangeline S. Q. Ho, Sarah A. Barrett & Laura M. Mullaney, A review of dosimetric and toxicity modeling of proton versus photon craniospinal irradiation for pediatrics medulloblastoma, Acta Oncologica, 56, (8), 2017, p1031 - 1042Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Kevin Dowling, Sarah Barrett, Laura Mullaney, Claire Poole, A nationwide investigation of radiation therapy event reporting-and- learning systems: Can standards be improved?, Radiography. International Journal of Diagnostic Imaging and Radiation Therapy, 23, (4), 2017, p279 - 286Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- S.Q.E. Ho, L.M. Mullaney, S.A. Barrett, Treatment outcomes of proton craniospinal irradiation for paediatric medulloblastoma, ESTRO 36, Vienna, 5th-9th May 2017, 2017Poster, 2017, DOI
- O'connor, S., Ardle, O.M.C., Mullaney, L., Establishment of national diagnostic reference levels for breast cancer CT protocols in radiation therapy, British Journal of Radiology, 89, (1066), 2016Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Breffni Smith, Gerard Menezes, Debate: Despite The Dose, IGRT Can Contribute To ALARA In Pediatric Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy, IIRRT National Conference, Cork, Ireland, 7th October, 2017Poster, 2017
- J Cvetkova; T O'Donovan; A Craig and L Mullaney, Radiation therapists' compliance to a palliative imaging protocol: a case report, Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice, 17, (2), 2018, p253 - 256Journal Article, 2018, URL
- Jean-Emmanuel Bibault, Pierfrancesco Franco, Gerben Borst, Wouter van Elmpt, Daniela Thorwarth, Maximilian Schmid, kasper rouschop, Mateusz Spalek, Laura Mullaney, Kathrine Redalen, Ludwig Dubois, Christine Verfaillie, Jesper Eriksen, Learning radiation oncology in Europe: results of the ESTRO multidisciplinary survey, Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology, 9, 2018, p61 - 67Journal Article, 2018, URL
- Crystalrose Percival, Mickayla Landy, Claire Poole and Laura Mullaney, The role of Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation for Non- small Cell Lung Cancer, Anticancer Research, 38, 2018, p7 - 14Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- K. Dowling , C. Poole , L. Mullaney , S. Barrett,, Investigating reporting-and-learning systems of Irish radiation therapy: Can standards be improved, Radiotherapy and Oncology., ESTRO 36, Vienna, 5th-9th May 2017, 123, 2017, pps248-9Oral Presentation, 2017, URL
- Clerkin C, Brennan S, Mullaney LM. , Establishment of national diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) for radiotherapy localisation computer tomography of the head and neck., Reports of Practical Oncology & Radiotherapy, 23, (5), 2018, p407 - 412Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- Lisa Fitzpatrick; Gerard Menezes; Elizabeth Forde and Laura Mullaney, Impact of environmental factors on IGRT image interpretation: RTTs' opinions and perceptions, ESTRO 37, Barcelona, Spain, 20-24th April 2018, 2018Oral Presentation, 2018
- Shane Minogue, Charles Gillham, Maeve Kearney, Laura Mullaney, Intravenous contrast media in radiation therapy planning computed tomography scans-Current practice in Ireland, Technical Innovations & Patient Support in Radiation Oncology, 12, 2019, p3 - 15Journal Article, 2019, URL
- Jelizaveta Cvetkova, Agnella Craig, Theresa O'Donovan, Laura Mullaney, Set-up variation in palliative radiotherapy: one versus three skin localisation marks, Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice, 2019, p1-4Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- P. Franco , V. Tesio , J. Bertholet , A. Gasnier , E. Gonzalez del Portillo , M. Spalek , J. Bibault , G. Borst , W. Van Elmpt , D. Thorwhart, L. Mullaney, K. Roe Redalen, L. Dubois , M. Bittner, C. Chargari, M. Lybeer, L. Castelli, The PRO BONO survey (PROject on Burn-Out in RadiatioN Oncology), Radiotherapy and Oncology, ESTRO 38 Congress, Milan, Italy, 26-30th April 2019, 133, (1), 2019, pp169-Oral Presentation, 2019, URL
- P. Franco , V. Tesio , J. Bertholet , A. Gasnier , E. Gonzalez del Portillo , M. Spalek , J. Bibault , G. Borst , W. Van Elmpt , D. Thorwhart, L. Mullaney, K. Roe Redalen, L. Dubois , M. Bittner, C. Chargari, M. Lybeer, L. Castelli, Alexithymia, Empathy and Burn-out Amongst Radiation Oncologists. the Pro Bono Survey, International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology and Physics, Amercian Society for Radiation Oncology 61st Annual Meeting, Chicago, 15-18th Sept, 105, (1), 2019, pp21 - 22Oral Presentation, 2019, URL
- P. Franco , V. Tesio , J. Bertholet , A. Gasnier , E. Gonzalez del Portillo , M. Spalek , J. Bibault , G. Borst , W. Van Elmpt , D. Thorwhart, L. Mullaney, K. Roe Redalen, L. Dubois , M. Bittner, C. Chargari, M. Lybeer, L. Castelli, Professional quality of life and burnout amongst radiation oncologists: The impact of alexithymia and empathy, Radiotherapy and Oncology, 147, 2020, p162 - 168Journal Article, 2020, URL
- Pierfrancesco Franco, Valentina Tesio, Jenny Bertholet, Anne Gasnier, Elisabet Gonzalez Del Portillo, Mateusz Spalek, Jean-Emmanuel Bibault, Gerben Borst, Wouter Van Elmpt, Daniela Thorwarth, Laura Mullaney, Kathrine Røe Redalen, Ludwig Dubois, Cyrus Chargari, Sophie Perryck, Jolien Heukelom, Steven Petit, Myriam Lybeer, Lorys Castelli, The role of alexithymia and empathy on radiation therapists' professional quality of life. , Technical innovations & patient support in radiation oncology, 15, 2020, p29 - 36Journal Article, 2020
- S Minogue, C Gillham, M Kearney, L Mullaney, Intravenous contrast media in radiation therapy planning ct scans-current practice and learning, Radiotherapy and Oncology, European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 2020 , Online, 28th Nov-1st Dec2022, 152, 2020, ppS1021-S102Poster, 2020, URL
- P Franco, V Tesio, J Bertholet, A Gasnier, E Gonzalez del Portillo, M Spalek, J Bibault, G Borst, W Van Elmpt, D Thorwarth, L Mullaney, K Roe Redalen, L Dubois, M Bittner, C Chargary, S Perryck, J Heukelom, S Petit, M Lybeer, L Castelli, Alexithymia, empathy and burn-out amongst medical physicists: the PRO BONO survey, Radiotherapy and Oncology, European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 2020 , Online, 28th Nov-1st Dec2022, 152, 2020, ppS199-Poster, 2020, URL
- Pierfrancesco Franco, Marialaura Di Tella, Valentina Tesio, Anne Gasnier, Steven Petit, Mateusz Spalek, Jean-Emmanuel Bibault, Ludwig Dubois, Laura Mullaney, Kathrine Røe Redalen, Cyrus Chargari, Sophie Perryck, Martin-Immanuel Bittner, Jenny Bertholet, Lorys Castelli, Alexithymia and professional quality of life in radiation oncology: The moderator effect of the professional profile, Radiotherapy and Oncology, 158, 2021, p48 - 54Journal Article, 2021, URL
- A Gasnier, BA Jereczek-Fossa, M Pepa, M Spalek, J Bertholet, J Bibault, L Mullaney, M Bittner, S Perryck, SF Petit, C Chargari, L Dubois, P Franco, Establishing a benchmark of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in radiation oncology, Radiotherapy and Oncology, European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 2021, Madrid, 27-31st Aug 2021, 161, 2021, pps1205 - s1206Poster, 2021, URL
- J Dhont, CA Pittens, V Petit-Steeghs, P Franco, L Dubois, L Mullaney, S Petit, J Bertholet, COVID-19 impact on working conditions for researchers in radiation oncology: a qualitative analysis, Radiotherapy and Oncology, European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 2021, Madrid, 27-31st Aug 2021, (161), 2021, pps29 - s30Oral Presentation, 2021, URL
- L Mullaney, Patient positioning and immobilisation for advanced radiation therapy, European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 2021, Madrid, 2021, s556-Invited Talk, 2021, URL
- Leneghan C., Mullaney L. , VMAT vs. IMRT in the Treatment of Head and Neck Cancer: A Critical Review of the Literature, 2nd ESTRO Forum, Geneva, Switzerland, April 2013, 2013Conference Paper, 2013
- Mullaney L.,Thirion P., Coffey M, The impact of rectal and bladder preparation in prostate radiotherapy, Annual Scientific Meeting, Faculty of Radiology, Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, Ireland, September 2013, 2013Poster, 2013
- Leneghan C., Mullaney L. , VMAT vs. IMRT in the Treatment of Head and Neck Cancer, Annual Scientific Meeting, Faculty of Radiology, Royal College of Surgeons , Dublin, Ireland, September, 2013, 2013Poster, 2013
- Mullaney L., Boejen A., Vaandering A., Vandevelde G., Coffey M. , RTT Core Curriculum-a new approach, 2nd ESTRO Forum, Geneva, Switzerland, April 2013, 2013Oral Presentation, 2013
- Mullaney L.,Thirion P., Coffey M , Maintaining a stable prostate position during external beam radiation therapy, Research Conference for Health and Social Care Professionals, Dublin, Ireland, February 2013, 2013Poster, 2013
- Eriksen J.G, Beavis A.W., Coffey M., Mullaney L. et al. , The updated ESTRO core curricula 2011 for clinicians, medical physicists and RTTs in Radiotherapy/Radiation Oncology, Radiotherapy and Oncology, 103, (1), 2012, p103 - 108Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Mullaney L.,Thirion P., Coffey M , The impact of rectal and bladder preparation in prostate radiotherapy, 11th Biennial on Physics & Radiation Technology For Clinical Radiotherapy, London, UK, May, 2011, 2011Oral Presentation, 2011
- Mullaney L, Conducting clinical research, 10th Biennial ESTRO Conference on Physics and Radiation Technology for Clinical Radiotherapy, The Netherlands, September, 2009, 2009Oral Presentation, 2009
- Mullaney L., Keaveney M., Baker R., Fitzpatrick K., Ryan L., Cronin S., Morgan I., Clayton-Lea A., O'Shea E. , Rectal preparation for prostate patients: a solution to address rectal volume variation, Radiotherapy and Oncology, 10th Biennial ESTRO Conference on Physics and Radiation Technology for Clinical Radiotherapy, The Netherlands, September, 2009, 92, 2009, pps177 - s178Poster, 2009
- Mullaney L. , Radiation Therapists' Lead Research Ireland. , ESTRO 27, Göteborg, Sweden, September, 2008, 2008Oral Presentation, 2008
- Mullaney L. , Prostate Radiotherapy: Organ at Risk Motion and Implications, ESTRO Meeting on Clinical and Experimental Research in Radiation Oncology, Les Menuires, France, January 2009, 2009Conference Paper, 2009
- L. Mullaney, LA. Cleary, E. O'Shea, L. O'Neill, T. O'Hara, J. Armstrong, P. Thirion. , A Randomised Trial Comparing Bladder Vol. Consistency Achieved with Two Bladder-Filling Protocols in Prostate CRT, ESTRO Meeting on Clinical and Experimental Research in Radiation Oncology, Les Menuires, France, January 2008, 2008Conference Paper, 2008
- Bracken D, O'Shea E, Mullaney L, Gilmartin T, Leech M, Keaveney M., Evaluation of Radiation Therapists Education Group Lunchtime Lectures , ESTRO 25, Leipzig, Germany, September, 2006, 2006Poster, 2006
- O'Donovan A., O'Shea E., O'Loughlin M., Hogan M., Mullaney L., Dempsey S., Moriarty M., McKenzie K., A randomised trial of the impact of an educational support group for prostate cancer patients, 8th Biennial ESTRO meeting on physics and Radiation Technology for Clinical Radiotherapy, Portugal, September , 2005Oral Presentation, 2005
- Mullaney L., Leech M., Achieving a Consistent Bladder Volume for Fractionated Prostate Radiation Therapy: A Review of the Literature, Radiography Ireland, 17, (3), 2013, p14 - 20Review Article, 2013
- Leneghan C., Mullaney L. , VMAT vs. IMRT in the Treatment of Head and Neck Cancer: A Critical Review of the Literature, Annual IIRRT Conference 2013, Dublin, Ireland, October 12th 2013 , 2013Poster, 2013
- Gillen S.,Mullaney L., Does the time of the day that radiation therapy is delivered impact on rectal variability in prostate radiation therapy? , Annual IIRRT Conference 2013, Dublin, Ireland, October 12th 2013 , 2013Oral Presentation, 2013
- Friel L., Mullaney L., Radiation Therapists' image verification training and experience and resulting responsibility: A European Study. , Annual IIRRT Conference 2013 , Dublin, Ireland, October 12th 2013 , 2013Oral Presentation, 2013
- Laura M Mullaney, Evelyn O'Shea, Mary T. Dunne; Marie A. Finn; Pierre G. Thirion; Lesley Ann Cleary; Maeve McGarry; Louise O'Neil and John G. Armstrong , A randomized trial comparing bladder volume consistency during fractionated prostate radiation therapy, Practical Radiation Oncology, 4, (5), 2014, p203 - 212Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- C. Howlin, E. O'Shea, M. Dunne, L. Mullaney, M. McGarry, A. Clayton-Lea,M. Finn, P. Carter, B. Garret, P. Thirion, A randomized controlled trial comparing customized versus standard headrests for head and neck radiotherapy immobilization in terms of set-up errors, patient comfort and staff satisfaction (ICORG 08-09), Radiography, 21, (1), 2015, p74 - 83Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- Leech M, Mullaney L and Coffey M, for publication: A practical guide for the health and social care professions, HSE Publication , 2013Journal Article
Research Expertise
Main areas of research include organ motion in prostate external beam radiation therapy and dose reduction in radiation therapy imaging.
TitleThe Effect of Rectal and Bladder Preparation in Prostate RadiotherapySummaryPatients' anatomy can vary during a course of fractionated prostate radiotherapy. The purpose of this research was to recommend a rectal and bladder preparation protocol for use during RT in order to maintain a consistent prostate position. Forty prostate patients treated using cone beam CT image guided 3- dimensional conformal RT were enrolled and randomised to no specific rectal preparation instructions or a rectal preparation protocol for planning and RT. The patients were also randomly assigned one of two bladder-filling protocols (6-cups or 3-cups of water, 30-40mins prior to treatment). Prostate displacement was measured. Rectal and bladder volumes and GI and GU toxicity were also assessed.Funding AgencyIIRRTDate From2007Date To2010
Health services and systems, Cancer, Education,
- Research Bursary Prize from the Royal College of Surgeons 2009
- ESTRO:European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology Present
- ICORG:All Ireland Cooperative Oncology Reserach Group 2011
- Irish Radiation Research Society 2011
- Irish Institute of Radiography and Radiation Therapy Present
- Council Member of Irish Institue of Radiography and Radiaiton Therapy 2006-2012
- Academic Assessor on the CORU Radiographers Registration Board Assessor Panel 2014-2017
- Member of ESTRO Radiation Therapists Committee 2013 -Present
- Member of the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology Stakeholders Committee (Membership Secretary) 2017-2020
- President of the Irish Institue of Radiography and Radiaiton Therapy 2009-2011
- Board Member of the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO) 2017- 2020
- Member of the CORU's (Irish multi-profession health regulator) Preliminary Proceedings Committee 2015-Present
- Board Member of the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO) 2017- 2020
- Member of the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology Stakeholders Committee (Membership Secretary) 2017-2020
- Member of the CORU's (Irish multi-profession health regulator) Preliminary Proceedings Committee 2015-Present
- Academic Assessor on the CORU Radiographers Registration Board Assessor Panel 2014-2017
- Member (Radiation Therapist representative) on the young ESTRO Committee 2013-Present
- President of the Irish Institue of Radiography and Radiaiton Therapy 2009-2011
- Course Director: ESTRO Patient Positioning and Immobilisation Course 2017-Present
- Council Member of Irish Institue of Radiography and Radiaiton Therapy 2006-2012
- Member of ESTRO Radiation Therapists Committee 2013 -Present
- Academic advisor on the radiation therapy external qualification review board for the HSE 2012-2014
- Academic advisor on the radiation therapy external qualification review board for the HSE 2012-2014
- Member (Radiation Therapist representative) on the young ESTRO Committee 2013-Present
- Course Director: ESTRO Patient Positioning and Immobilisation Course 2017-Present