Ms. Elizabeth Culleton-Quinn
Assistant Professor, Physiotherapy
Assistant Professor, Occupational Therapy
Email cullitoe@tcd.ie Phone3531896 2123http://people.tcd.ie/cullitoeBiography
Elizabeth Culleton-Quinn is a chartered physiotherapist who is an Assistant Professor at the Discipline of Physiotherapy and the Discipline of Occupational Therapy, TCD. Her main areas of research interest include Women's Health and in particular Pelvic Floor Dysfunction in Athletes, Menopause, Bone Health, Paediatrics, Bone Health and Breast Cancer
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Dockrell, S. Bennett, K. Culleton-Quinn, E., Computer use and musculoskeletal symptoms among undergraduate university students, Computers & Education, 85, 2015, p102 - 109Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
- E. Culleton-Quinn, J. Gormley, "A Study To Investigate The Teaching Of Postnatal Abdominal Exercises In Maternity Units In The United Kingdom And The Republic Of Ireland" (ed.), Proceedings of the 14th International WCPT Congress, Barcelona, Spain, June , 2003, RR PL-442 pProceedings of a Conference, 2003
- E. Culleton-Quinn, J. Gormley, "The Teaching Of Postnatal Abdominal Exercises In Maternity Units In The United Kingdom And The Republic Of Ireland" (ed.), ISCP, Annual Conference, Physiotherapy Ireland, Dublin, 24, (2), October, 2003, 44 pProceedings of a Conference, 2003
- A. McMahon M. Scanlan & E. Culleton-Quinn, "Physical Activity Levels, Calcium Intake and Knowledge of Osteoporosis Risk Factors Among College-Aged Women", Journal of Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Women's Health, 91, 2003, p3-9Journal Article, 2003
- E. Culleton-Quinn, M. Weakliam, C. Murphy, S. Crinion and M. Mason "A Pilot Study to Investigate the Prevalence and Pattern of Leisure-Time Activity of Primiparous Women During Pregnancy in Ireland" (ed.), Proceedings of the European Congress on Prevention of Diseases Through Physiotherapy, , Vienna, November, 2002, 36 pProceedings of a Conference, 2002
- E. Culleton-Quinn, A. McMahon and M. Scanlan, "Physical Activity Levels, Calcium Intake and Knowledge of Osteoporosis Risk Factors Among College-Aged Women" (ed.), Proceedings of the European Congress on Prevention of Diseases Through Physiotherapy, Vienna, November, 2002, 36 pProceedings of a Conference, 2002
- E. Bartlett and E. Culleton-Quinn, "An investigation into the content of antenatal classes at maternity units with shared provision of antenatal education in the Republic of Ireland", Journal of Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Women's Health, 91, 2002, p10-17Journal Article, 2002
- E. Culleton-Quinn and E. Bartlett "The provision of antenatal education at maternity units in the Republic of Ireland" (ed.), Proceedings of Transforming Healthcare Through Research, Education & Technology , Dublin, November, 2002, 61 pProceedings of a Conference, 2002
- E. Culleton-Quinn and P. Yung , "An Investigation into the Extent of Post-Qualification Physiotherapy Related Research in Ireland" , Physiotherapy Ireland, 22, (1), 2001, p3 - 7Journal Article, 2001
- E. Culleton-Quinn and P. Yung , "The Need to Establish an Appropriate Knowledge Base and to Understand Research Paradigms in Physiotherapy", Physiotherapy Ireland, 22, (1), 2001, p12-14Journal Article, 2001
- E. Culleton-Quinn and P. Yung, Culleton-Quinn E, and Yung P, (2001) "An Investigation into the Extent of Post-Qualification Physiotherapy Related Research in Ireland", Physiotherapy Ireland, 22, (1), 2001, p3-7Journal Article, 2001
- E. Culleton-Quinn, Dr A O'Marcaigh, P. Loughnane, L. Storey, Prof O. P. Smith, , An Investigation into the Physical Activity Levels of Adolescent Survivors Of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) Using Actigraph GT3XP Activity Monitors , ISCP Annual Conference, Galway, 2017, 2017Oral Presentation, 2017
- Culleton-Quinn E, Fleming N, Bø K, Mockler D, Cusack C, Daly D, A systematic review of female athletes'/sportswomen's experiences of incontinence and symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction, https://www.ics.org/education/icspublications/abstracts, International Continence Society Conference (Online), Melbourne, October 2021, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021, URL
- Dockrell, S. Johnston, N. Kenny, K. Breen, T. Ó Nualláin, C. Quigley, S. Culleton-Quinn, E. , An investigation of computer-related musculoskeletal symptoms in university students during Covid-19, P4 Healthcare - Predictive, Preventative, Participatory, Personalised ISCP Conference 2021, Ireland Online, October 2021, 2021Poster, 2021
- Sara Dockrell & Elizabeth Culleton-Quinn, Staying Well at your Computer: Computer use and computer related musculoskeletal symptoms in university staff during COVID-19, Trinity College Dublin TARA, Trinity College Dublin, January, 2022Report, 2022, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Culleton-Quinn E, Bø K, Fleming N, Mockler D, Cusack C, Daly D, A systematic review of female athletes' experiences of symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction , International Urogynecology Journal, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Dockrell S & Culleton-Quinn E, Remote working during the COVID-19 pandemic: Computer-related musculoskeletal symptoms in university staff, WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation, 74, 2023, p11 - 20Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Kavanagh L, Coghlan E, Harkin, B, Higgins A, MacErlane S, McCool A, Ryan C and Culleton-Quinn E, The Prevalence and Experience of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction in University Sportswomen, ISCPConf22 CONNECT, Dublin Online, 14th October 2022, 2022Oral Presentation, 2022
- Culleton-Quinn E, Bo K, Hamilton N, Cusack C, Daly D, Prevalence and experience of urinary incontinence among elite female Gaelic sports athletes, 2024Journal Article, 2024, URL
- S. Barry, J. Greene, V. lavelle, E. Culleton-Quinn, , AN INVESTIGATION INTO JOURNAL READERSHIP BY MEMBERS OF THE IRISH SOCIETY OF CHARTERED PHYSIOTHERAPISTS, Physical Therapy Reviews, Rehabilitation and Therapy Society, Trinity College, Dublin, May, 2005, 10, (3), 2005, pp179 - 191Meeting Abstract, 2005
- S. Downey, M. Russell, E. Culleton-Quinn, A STUDY TO INVESTIGATE THE INCIDENCE OF DIASTASIS RECTI ABDOMINIS OF PRIMIPAROUS WOMEN DURING THE THIRD TRIMESTER OF PREGNANCY, 6th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Transforming Healthcare Through Research, , Dublin, November 200, 2005Meeting Abstract, 2005
- D. Phelan, G.Quinn, E. Culleton-Quinn, OSTEOGENIC ACTIVITY LEVELS AMONGST PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDREN, The 2nd Annual RTRS Conference:The Challenges of Clinical Research, Dublin, May, 2006Meeting Abstract, 2006
- R A Burke, R A Fitzgerald and E Culleton-Quinn, Osteogenic Physical Activity Levels Amongst Adolescent Girls, British Journal of Sports Medicine, BASEM Annual Conference, 2006, 41, (2), 2007, pp120-Meeting Abstract, 2007
- E Fitzpatrick, S Flanagan, and E Culleton-Quinn, An Investigation into the Osteogenic Physical Activity Levels of Third Level Students, British Journal of Sports Medicine, BASEM Annual Conference, 2007, 24, (2), 2008, ppe1Meeting Abstract, 2008
- Cooney M, Culleton-Quinn E, Stokes EK, Current Knowledge of pain post breast cancer treatment: a systematic review, Pain Management Nursing, 2010, p1 - 14Journal Article, 2010
- Cooney M, Culleton -Quinn E, Stokes E, The characteristics of pain experienced post breast cancer tretment: A systematic review, 5th World congress World Institute of Pain- WIP, New York, March 13-16, 2009, 2009Poster, 2009
- Cooney MA, Culleton-Quinn E, Stokes E, Current Knowledge of Pain After Breast Cancer Treatment: A Systematic Review., Pain management nursing : official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses, 14, (2), 2013, p110-123Journal Article, 2013, DOI
Research Expertise
My main research interests are in the areas of Women's Health & Continence, Athletes and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, Musculoskeletal Health, Bone Health, Paediatrics, and Cancer.
TitleAn investigation of computer-related musculoskeletal discomfort in university staff during COVID-19SummaryThe use of computers and the associated risks of musculoskeletal disorders have been widely researched in the workforce (Colombini and Occhipinti 2006; Oha, et al. 2014; Wærsted et al. 2010). However, there is a limited number of studies on university staff use of computers and the association between computer use and musculoskeletal discomfort and, in particular during COVID-19 restrictions. Main Aim:To determine the prevalence of computer-related musculoskeletal discomfort in university staff during COVID-19.Date From2021Date To2021
TitleA study to investigate the follow-up care delivered to patients who have had a DEXA scan post fractured hip.SummaryDate From2008Date To2011
TitlePhysical Activity, Bone Health, Quality of Life and Participation in Survivors of Acute Lymphoblastic LeukemiaSummaryDate From2011
TitlePrevalence and Experiences of Urinary Incontinence/ Pelvic Floor Muscle Dysfunction in Elite Female AthletesSummaryUrinary incontinence (UI), defined as a 'complaint of involuntary loss of urine', is a common complaint that occurs in women of all ages. The most common forms of UI include Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and Urgency urinary incontinence (UUI). The International Urogynecological Association (IUGA) and the International Continence Society (ICS) define SUI as the 'complaint of involuntary loss of urine on effort or physical exertion (e.g., sporting activities), or on sneezing or coughing' and UUI as 'complaint of involuntary loss of urine associated with urgency' (Haylen et al., 2010). Many women find it embarrassing to discuss pelvic floor and continence problems with others and incontinence has been shown to negatively affect quality of life (Amaral et al., 2015). Research suggests that there is an increased prevalence of UI amongst elite athletes, with athletes involved in high impact sports reporting a higher prevalence. A recent systematic review reported the prevalence of UI as ranging from 42.22% to 61.19% in high impact female sports players, and prevalence in female hockey players, which was classified as a moderate impact sport, was 31.58% (de Mattos Lourenco et al., 2018). There is no research to date investigating the prevalence of UI among female Irish athletes including female Gaelic games athletes such as Camogie or Ladies Gaelic Football players. In addition, there appears to be a paucity of qualitative research into female athletes' experiences of UI during sports. This study aims to identify the prevalence, extent and severity of urinary incontinence (UI) among female Irish athletes and the impact, if any, on their activity levels and quality of life (QOL).Funding AgencyISCP Eastern BranchDate From2020Date To2022
TitleAn investigation of computer-related musculoskeletal symptoms in university students during Covid-19SummaryDate From2020Date To2021
Other health sciences, Public health, Cancer,
- Member of the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists Present
- CORU Registered 2022
- Member of International Continence Society 2022
- Represented ISCP as a member of the osteoporosis sub-group involved in the publication of the HSE/DOH&C/NCAOP 2008 document entitled "Strategy to Prevent Falls and Fractures in Ireland's Ageing Population".