Dr. Myra O'Regan

Dr. Myra O'Regan

Adjunct Associate Professor, Paediatrics

Retired Staff Member, Statistics

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • Mulligan A, Anney RJ, O'Regan M, Chen W, Butler L, Fitzgerald M, Buitelaar J, Steinhausen HC, Rothenberger A, Minderaa R, Nijmeijer J, Hoekstra PJ, Oades RD, Roeyers H, Buschgens C, Christiansen H, Franke B, Gabriels I, Hartman C, Kuntsi J, Marco R, Meidad S, Müller UC, Psychogiou L, Rommelse N, Thompson M, Uebel H, Banaschewski T, Ebstein R, Eisenberg J, Manor I, Miranda A, Mulas F, Sergeant J, Sonuga-Barke E, Asherson P, Faraone SV, Gill M., Autism Symptoms in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Familial Trait which Correlates with Conduct, Oppositional Defiant, Language and Motor Disorders., Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 39, (2), 2009, p210 - 211Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL
  • McGarvey, CM, O'Regan, M, Cryan, J, Treacy, A, Hamilton, K, Devaney, D, Matthews, T, Sudden unexplained death in childhood (1-4 years) in Ireland: an epidemiological profile and comparison with SIDS, ARCHIVES OF DISEASE IN CHILDHOOD, 97, (8), 2012, p692-697Journal Article, 2012, DOI
  • Quinn, A, O'Regan, M, Horgan, F, Psychometric evaluation of the functional walking test for children with cerebral palsy, DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION, 33, (25-26), 2011, p2397-2403Journal Article, 2011, DOI
  • Horgan, NF, O'Regan, M, Cunningham, CJ, Finn, AM, Recovery after stroke: a 1-year profile, DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION, 31, (10), 2009, p831-839Journal Article, 2009, DOI
  • Horgan, N, Shields, CL, Mashayekhi, A, Salazar, PF, Materin, MA, O'Regan, M, Shields, JA, Periocular Triamcionolone for Prevention of Macular Edema after Plaque Radiotherapy of Uveal Melanoma A Randomized Controlled Trial, OPHTHALMOLOGY, 116, (7), 2009, p1383 - 1390Journal Article, 2009, DOI