Dr. Stanley Koe
Clinical Lecturer, Paediatrics
Clinical Lecturer, School Office - Medicine
Email koes@tcd.ie Phone3531896 3763Publications and Further Research Outputs
- S Koe, B Elnazir, Case Studies, 2006Case Study, 2006
- S Koe, O Callender, Using softcast to treat torus fractures in a paediatric emergency department, Irish Medical Journal, 2015Journal Article, 2015
- S Koe, E Fogarty, The Jedward vs the Mohawk; A prospective study on a paediatric distraction technique, Emerg Medical Journal, 2014Journal Article, 2014
- S Koe, A Nicholson, Medical, Social and societal issues in infants with abusive head trauma, Irish Medical Journal, 2010Journal Article, 2010
- S Koe, A Nicholson, Use of complimentary and alternative medicine in children, Irish Medical Journal, 2009Journal Article, 2009
- S Koe, E Carolan, A Nicholson, Managing childhood infestion, Irish Medical Times, 2009Journal Article, 2009
- S Koe, A Nicholson, Treating constipation and soiling in children, Forum, 2008Journal Article, 2008
- A Murphy, S Koe, Pre-hospital paediatric pain management, a prospective observational study, Emergency Medical journal, 2012Journal Article, 2012
- S Koe, J Coveney, Impact of rotavirus vaccine on 3 paediatric ED, IPA, December 2018, 2018Published Abstract
- D Breslin, S Koe, Breaking the paper chains, shaping the future of electronic patient records in a paediatric ED, IPA, Kilkenny, 2017Published Abstract
- K Kavanagh, S koe, Evaluation of time interval from presentation to first nebuliser in children with asthma, IPERM, Dublin, 2015Poster
- C Macsweeney, S Koe, Adherance to croup protocol in the ED and potential for change, IPA, 2013, 2013Published Abstract
- O Ahmareen, S Koe, B Elnazir, Clinical asthma score as predictor for hospital admissions and duration of stay in paediatric ED, European Respiratory Society Annual Congress, Barcelona, 2013Published Abstract
- E Fogarty, S Koe, The Jedward vs mohawk, IAEM, Kildare, Ireland, 2012Poster
- M Waheed, S Koe, Chest pain in a child, beware of a spontaneous pneumediastinum, IAEM, Kildare, 2012Published Abstract
- T Haque, S Koe, M McKay, Psychosocial presentation to a busy paediatric ED, IPA, Belfast, 2012Published Abstract
- S Koe, A Nicholson, Abusive Head Trauma, clinical, social and societal issues, Irish-welsh paediatric association, Cork, 2012Poster
- l Glackin, S Koe, Diagnosis of UTI, Irish-american paediatric association, Cork, 2006Poster
- P Ellianti, S Koe, Epidemiology of bite injuries in children, Sylvester O'Halloran Scientific meeting, Limerick, 2006Poster
- Honours in 4th year medical school (Psychiatry) 1992
- Paediatric Medical Advisor to PHECC (Pre-hospital Emergency Care Council). This council has governance over prehospital care group including ambulance
- IPERM Advisor 2019
- Irish Paediatric Association, Member of organizing Commitee
- Fellow of Faculty of Paediatrics, RCPI
- PHECCC 2017
- CHI ED working Group 2017
- PHECCC 2017
- IPERM 2014
- IPERM 2014
- PHECCC 2017
- IPA 2016
- CHI ED working Group 2017
- IPA 2016
- IPERM 2014
- CHI ED working Group 2017
- IPA 2016