Dr. Samantha Smith
Research Assistant Professor, Public Health & Primary Care
Email ssmith1@tcd.ie PhoneBiography
Health economist focusing on healthcare utilisation and access, palliative care, chronic disease management, equity in healthcare financing and delivery, and economic evaluation. My work focuses on policy relevant research, working with policymakers and multidisciplinary teams. I hold a PhD in Economics from Trinity College in Dublin (TCD), an MSc in Economics for Development from Oxford University, and a BA in Economics and Psychology from TCD. I previously held research positions at the Economic and Social Research Institute (Dublin), the Overseas Development Institute (London), the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and Oxford University. I also worked as an ODI Fellow in the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development in Uganda.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Aoife Brick, Samantha Smith, Charles Normand, Sinead O'Hara, Ella Tyrrell, Nathan Cunningham, Elsa Droog, Bridget Johnston, Costs of Formal and Informal Care in the Last Year of Life for Patients in Receipt of Specialist Palliative Care , Palliative Medicine, 31, (4), 2017, p356-368Journal Article, 2017
- Eighan J, Walsh B, Smith S, Wren MA, Barron S, Morgenroth E., A profile of physiotherapy supply in Ireland., Ir J Med Sci, 188, (1), 2019, p19-27Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Smith S, Connolly S., Re-thinking unmet need for health care: introducing a dynamic perspective., Health economics, policy, and law, 2019, p1-18Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Hannon N, Daly L, Murphy S, Smith S, Hayden D, Ní Chróinín D, Callaly E, Horgan G, Sheehan O, Honari B, Duggan J, Kyne L, Dolan E, Williams D, Wiley M, Kelly PJ., Acute hospital, community, and indirect costs of stroke associated with atrial fibrillation: population-based study., Stroke, 45, (12), 2014, p3670-3674Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- Brendan Walsh, Maev-Ann Wren, Samantha Smith, Seán Lyons, James Eighan, Edgar Morgenroth, An analysis of the effects on Irish hospital care of the supply of care inside and outside the hospital, ESRI Research Series, 91, Dublin, Economic and Social Research Institute, September, 2019Report, 2019
- McPake, Barbara and Normand, Charles and Smith, Samantha and Nolan, Anne, Health Economics : An International Perspective / Barbara McPake, Charles Normand, Samantha Smith, Anne Nolan, 4th Edition, Routledge, 2020Book, 2020
- Smith, Samantha and Walsh, Brendan and Wren, Maev-Ann and Barron, Steve and Morgenroth, Edgar and Eighan, James and Lyons, Seán, Geographic profile of healthcare needs and non-acute healthcare supply in Ireland, ESRI Research Series, (90), 2019Journal Article, 2019, URL
- Uncovering the complex role of private health insurance in Ireland in, editor(s)Thomson, Sarah and Sagan, Anna and Mossialos, Elias , Private Health Insurance. History, Politics and Performanc, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2020, pp221-263 , [Turner, Brian and Smith, Samantha]Book Chapter, 2020
- Walsh, Brendan and Lyons, Sean and Smith, Samantha and Wren, Maev-Ann and Eighan, James and Morgenroth, Edgar, Does formal home care reduce inpatient length of stay?, Health Economics, 29, (12), 2020, p1620-1636Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
- Brendan Walsh, Conor Keegan, Aoife Brick, Sheelah Connolly, Adele Bergin, Maev-Ann Wren, Sean Lyons, Leonie Hill, Samantha Smith, PROJECTIONS OF EXPENDITURE FOR PRIMARY, COMMUNITY AND LONG-TERM CARE IN IRELAND, 2019-2035, BASED ON THE HIPPOCRATES MODEL, ESRI Research Series, 126, 2021Journal Article, 2021, URL
- Smith S, Walsh B, Wren MA, Barron S, Morgenroth E, Eighan J, Lyons S., Geographic inequalities in non-acute healthcare supply: evidence from Ireland., HRB Open Res, 4, 2021, p111Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Smith S, Jiang J, Normand C, O'Neill C., Unit costs for non-acute care in Ireland 2016-2019., HRB Open Res, 4, 2021, p39Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Smith S, Jiang JJ, Normand C, O'Neill C., The price of private dental services: results from a national representative survey of Ireland., Ir J Med Sci, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- May, P and Moriarty, F and Hurley, E and Matthews, S and Nolan, A and Ward, M and Johnston, B and Roe, L and Normand, C and Kenny, RA and Smith, S, Formal health care costs among older people in Ireland: methods and estimates using The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) [version 1; peer review: 3 approved, 1 approved with reservations], HRB Open Research, 6, (16), 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Smith S, Brick A, Johnston B, Ryan K, McQuillan R, O'Hara S, May P, Droog E, Daveson B, Morrison RS, Higginson IJ, Normand C., Place of Death for Adults Receiving Specialist Palliative Care in Their Last 3 Months of Life: Factors Associated With Preferred Place, Actual Place, and Place of Death Congruence., Journal of palliative care, 2024, p8258597241231042Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- Peter May, Charles Normand, Samantha Smith, Karen Ryan, Bridget M. Johnston, Roman Romero-Ortuno, Rose Anne Kenny, Frank Moriarty, Mark Ward, R. Sean Morrison, Bryan Tysinger, How many people will live and die with serious illness in Ireland to 2040? Es" timated needs and costs using microsimulation, The Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- Delamere Tara, Balfe Joanna, Fraser Lorna K, Sheaf Greg, Smith Samantha, Defining and quantifying population-level need for childrenâ s palliative care: findings from a rapid scoping review, BMC Palliative Care, 23, (1), 2024, p212-Journal Article, 2024
- Smith, S, Normand, C, Analysing equity in health care financing: A flow of funds approach., Social Science & Medicine, 69, (3), 2009, p379-386Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Smith, Samantha Normand, Charles, Equity in health care - the Irish perspective. , Health Economics, Policy and Law, 6, (2), 2011, p205 - 217Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Smith,Samantha, The Irish 'Health Basket': a Basket Case?, The European Journal of Health Economics, 11, (3), 2010, p343 - 350Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Smith,Samantha, Equity in Irish Health Care Financing: Measurement Issues, Health Economics, Policy and Law, 5, (2), 2010, p149 - 169Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Smith,Samantha; Horgan,F.; Sexton,Eithne; Cowman,S.; Hickey,A.; Kelly,P.; McGee,Hannah; Murphy,S.; O'Neill,D.; Royston,M.; Shelley,E.; Wiley,Miriam M., Cost of Stroke in Ireland: Estimating the Annual Economic Cost of Stroke and TIA in Ireland, Dublin, The Irish Heart Foundation, September, 2010Report, 2010
- Brick,Aoife; Nolan,Anne; O'Reilly,Jacqueline; Smith,Samantha, Resource Allocation, Financing and Sustainability in Health Care: Evidence for the Expert Group on Resource Allocation and Financing in the Health Sector, Vols 1 and 2, Dublin, Department of Health and Children and Economic and Social Research Institute, July, 2010Report, 2010
- Brick, Aoife; Nolan, Anne; O'Reilly, Jacqueline; Smith, Samantha, Resource Allocation, Financing and Sustainability in the Health Sector, 2010, -Miscellaneous, 2010, TARA - Full Text
- The Irish Health Care System in, editor(s)Himanshu Sekhar Rout , Health Care Systems - A Global Survey, New Delhi, New Century Publications, 2011, pp218 - 235, [Smith, Samantha]Book Chapter, 2011
- Smith, Samantha; Horgan, Frances; Sexton, Eithne; Cowman, Seamus; Hickey, Anne; Kelly, Peter; McGee, Hannah; Murphy, Sean; O'Neill, Desmond; Royston, Maeve; Shelley, Emer; Wiley, Miriam M., The Cost of Stroke and Transient Ischaemic Attack in Ireland: a Prevalence-based Estimate, Age and Ageing, 41, (3), 2012, p332 - 338Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Anne Nolan, Samantha Smith, The effect of differential eligibility for free GP services on GP utilisation in Ireland, Social Science & Medicine, 74, (10), 2012, p1644 - 1651Journal Article, 2012, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Brick, Aoife; Nolan, Anne; O'Reilly, Jacqueline; Smith, Samantha, Conflicting Financial Incentives in the Irish Health-Care System, The Economic and Social Review, 43, (2), 2012, p273 - 301Journal Article, 2012
- Smith, Samantha; Horgan, Frances; Sexton, Eithne; Cowman, Seamus; Hickey, Anne; Kelly, Peter; McGee, Hannah; Murphy, Sean; O'Neill, Desmond; Royston, Maeve; Shelley, Emer; Wiley, Miriam M., The Future Cost of Stroke in Ireland: an Analysis of the Potential Impact of Demographic Change and Implementation of Evidence-based Therapies, Age and Ageing, 42, (3), 2013, p299 - 306Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- McPake, Barbara; Normand, Charles; Smith, Samantha, Health Economics -- An International Perspective, Third Edition, Abingdon, Routledge, 2013Book, 2013
- Smith, Samantha; Brick, Aoife; O'Hara, Sinead; Normand, Charles, Evidence on the Cost and Cost-effectiveness of Palliative Care: A Literature Review, Palliative Medicine, 28, (2), 2014, p130-50Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- Keegan,Conor C., Smith,Samantha S., The length of stay of in-patient stroke discharges in Irish acute hospitals, Economic and Social Review, 44, (3), 2013, p351-370Journal Article, 2013, TARA - Full Text
Research Expertise
TitleEconomic evaluation of palliative care in IrelandSummaryThis project examined evidence on the cost and cost effectiveness of alternative models of palliative care (e.g., variations in the mix of specialist palliative in-patient, day, and home care) in the Irish health-care system. Data were collected from available secondary data sources and from a sample of c.250 telephone interviews with bereaved relatives from three regions (HSE Midlands, HSE Mid West, HSE South East).Funding AgencyThe Atlantic PhilanthropiesDate From2011Date To2013
TitleAn inter-sectoral analysis by geographic area of the need for and the supply and utilisation of health services in IrelandSummaryThis study identified geographic inequalities and inequities in the supply of non-acute services in Ireland and examined interactions between acute and non-acute care.Funding AgencyHealth Research BoardDate From2015Date To2019
TitleResource Allocation and Financing in the Health SectorSummaryResearch team providing research assistance to the Expert Group on Resource Allocation and Financing in the Health Sector. The main focus of my contribution was on evidence around international health-care financing systems, and on estimating cost implications of extending entitlement to free primary care in the Irish health-care system.Funding AgencyDepartment of HealthDate From2009Date To2010
TitleECHPI - Evidence for Children's Palliative care in IrelandSummaryThis project will gather and examine information for improving how children's palliative care is planned and delivered in Ireland. For further details see: https://professionalpalliativehub.com/research/palliative-care-research-studies/childrens-palliative-care/Funding AgencyHealth Research Board co-funded by Irish Hospice Foundation & LauraLynn Ireland's Children's HospiceDate FromMarch 2023Date ToFeb 2025
TitleCost of stroke in Ireland (COSI)SummaryThis project estimated the total annual direct and indirect costs of stroke in Ireland. The project was governed by a multidisciplinary steering group and funded by the Irish Heart Foundation.Funding AgencyIrish Heart FoundationDate From2008Date To2010
TitleUnit costs for non-acute care in IrelandSummaryEstimation of unit costs for a range of non-acute care services in Ireland for use in health economic studies, projection models and other economic analyses in the Irish context.Funding AgencyHealth Research BoardDate From2019Date To2021
TitleBetter B (Better Treatments for Refractory Breathlessness)SummaryMulti-country randomised controlled trial assessing effectiveness of mirtazapine as a treatment for breathlessness. Horizon 2020 project, led by Prof Irene Higginson, King's College London (https://betterbreathe.eu/). TCD are leading the economic evaluation work package.Funding AgencyEU Horizon 2020Date From2019Date To2023
- Palliative Care Research Network at the All Ireland Institute of Hospice and Palliative Care
- Health Economics Association of Ireland