Tara Delamere is a Research Fellow based in the Centre for Health Policy and Management. She holds a BA Microbiology from TCD, a BSc (Hons) Psychology from Open University and a PhD in Psychology from TCD. Her doctoral research explored the experiences and support needs of parents with children on the autism spectrum. Tara is currently working on a HRB-funded Partnership project in the area of children's palliative care. The overall aim of this project is to strengthen the evidence base to improve children's palliative care policy, planning and delivery in Ireland. Prior to this, Tara was Programme Manager Research with the All Ireland Institute of Hospice and Palliative Care (AIIHPC) where she supported the establishment of the Palliative Care Research Network and led on research capacity-building activities. She was the Research Manager with the Tallaght West Childhood Development Initiative (TWCDI) previous to this.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Nicholson E, Murphy T, Larkin P, Normand C, Guerin S, Findings From a Thematic Synthesis of Key Messages From a Palliative Care Research Network: The KINDLE Project., American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care, 2018Journal Article, 2018
- McIlfatrick S., Connolly M., Collins R., Murphy T., Johnston B., Larkin P., Evaluating a dignity care intervention for palliative care in the community setting: community nurses" perspectives, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26, (23-24), 2017, p4300 - 4312, p4300-4312Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Nicholson E., Murphy T., Larkin P., Normand C., Guerin S., Protocol for a thematic synthesis to identify key themes and messages from a palliative care research network, BMC Research Notes, 9, (1), 2016Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Mcilfatrick S.J., Murphy T., Palliative care research on the island of Ireland over the last decade: A systematic review and thematic analysis of peer reviewed publications, BMC Palliative Care, 12, (1), 2013Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- What lies beneath? Preparing for and conducting effective fieldwork in community settings. in, editor(s)Suzanne Guerin, Noirin Hayes and Sinead McNally , Research and evaluation in community, health and social care settings. Experiences from practice., UK, Routledge, 2018, pp90 - 106, [Murphy, T., Milnes, J. & Keegan, S.]Book Chapter, 2018
- The governance and ethics in community research and evaluation. in, editor(s)Suzanne Guerin, Noirin Hayes and Sinead McNally , Research and evaluation in community, health and social care settings. Experiences from practice., UK, Routledge, 2018, pp46 - 60, [McNally, S., Murphy, T., Morgan, M. & Keegan, S.]Book Chapter, 2018
- Overcoming the ethical and practical challenges associated with archiving qualitative and quantitative data. in, editor(s)Suzanne Guerin, Noirin Hayes and Sinead McNally , Research and evaluation in community, health and social care settings. Experiences from practice., UK, Routledge, 2018, pp155 - 170, [Murphy, T., O'Carroll, A., Guerin, S., & Gray, J.]Book Chapter, 2018
- Delamere Tara, Balfe Joanna, Fraser Lorna K, Sheaf Greg, Smith Samantha, Defining and quantifying population-level need for children†s palliative care: findings from a rapid scoping review, BMC Palliative Care, 23, (1), 2024, p212-Journal Article, 2024
- Tallaght West Childhood Development Initiative, How Are Our Families Today? A Needs Analysis of Children and Families Living in a Disadvantaged Community Report., UK, Tallaght West Childhood Development Initiative, 2013Report
- Tallaght West Childhood Development Initiative, Quality Services, Better Outcomes: A Framework for Achieving Positive Outcomes., UK, Tallaght West Childhood Development Initiative, 2011Report
- Tallaght West Childhood Development Initiative in collaboration with the Irish Qualitative Data Archive (NUI Maynooth), RACcER: Re-Use & Archiving of Complex Community Based Evaluation Research., UK, 2010Report
- Tallaght West Childhood Development Initiative, Community Safety Initiative Consultation Report., UK, Tallaght West Childhood Development Initiative, 2008Report
- Murphy, T. & Tierney, K., Parents of Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders: A Survey of Informational Needs., UK, National Council of Special Education Research Initiative, 2008Report