Compliance with Accessible Information

What is this evaluation?

This evaluates the level to which the information you produce complies with the accessible information policy.

Who should complete this evaluation?

Any staff member who creates / edits information resources can answer the administrative self-evaluation.

When and why should I complete this evaluation?

You can complete this evaluation anytime. It will help you ensure that the documents and information resources you create are accessible, so that they can be read by more people. It may prove particularly useful if you are finalising the design of a service booklet or are due to undertake a web redesign, or when you are evaluating your programme for quality review.

How long will it take?

The evaluation will take approximately 20 minutes. You can save your work at any point and return to it when you are ready. More information on time taken to complete can be found here

Where should I complete the evaluation?

You can complete the evaluation anywhere you have internet access.