Museum Building
The building was constructed circa 1792. The building comprises 4 levels construction, situated east of the Old Library Building and Berkeley Library.
Main Campus (Nassau Street side)
Accessibility rating:
Building is inaccessible
Opening hours
Term Time:
Monday to Fridays: 0800 to 2000hrs
Saturdays: 0900 to 1300hrs
Sundays: Closed
Summer hours:
Monday to Friday: 8am to 5pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
Public access: (Monday to Fridays: 0930 to 1700hrs)
Building description
The building was constructed circa 1792. The building comprises 4 levels construction, situated east of the Old Library Building and Berkeley Library.
The building is shaped in an rectangular plan layout, comprising basement, Main Foyer and ground floor and 2 upper floor levels, the main access from the north door and a further entrance route is available from the east end of the building open only to staff and students.
The main north entrance frontage has steps to the north and east approach door has a step and flight of steps internally.
The general public are permitted access to the building, but only to the Main foyer hall area and the Geology Museum (by arrangement).
Many other parts of the premises are freely open to students as the building hosts extensive lecture halls and teaching facilities.
There are 'restricted areas' within the building where only staff and accompanied students are given access, principally for health and safety reasons.
The building generally is not accessible to all floor levels, some considerable improvements and alterations to the building would be necessary to accommodate wheelchair users and visually-impaired persons.
In the basement levels there are non-public staff areas utilised for work and laboratory processes, access to these areas are limited.
Facilities available
- Training Room facilities
- Lecture Halls
- Computer Lab (capacity 6)
- Freeman Library
- Dept of Geology Library
- Dept Civil Engineering Library and conference room
- Geology Museum
- Geology Museum meeting room facility (capacity 12)
- Dept of Civil Engineering Reception Graduates Rooms A & B top floor north (capacity 6 each room)
- WC rooms male and female
- Dept of Geography Palynology Labs
- Cell Offices for Staff
- School of Engineering Offices
- School of Engineering Office Conference Room (capacity 7)