Off Campus Teaching and Learning

Off-campus teaching is defined as any formal learning opportunity organised by a programme / module, which takes place at a location outside of College owned locations, e.g. field trips and placements.

While offering many worthwhile learning opportunities, off-campus teaching methods can raise many accessibility challenges, and where there is an off-campus element to a course, whether optional or compulsory, it is important to consider possible barriers that may arise, and to reflect on ways of ensuring that the learning opportunity is accessible to all students. This may involve liaising with relevant contacts outside of the programme / school.

  • Field Trips
  • Placements

For information on inclusive placements, please follow the link below

Providing Work Placements for Disabled Students: A good practice Guide from the UK Department of Education and Skills.

Take time to complete a brief self-evaluation of your:

Guidelines for Inclusive Off Campus Teaching and Learning


  • Consider whether possible barriers exist in your off-campus venue.
  • Seek solutions to any barriers. For example:
    • Modify your venue,
    • Modify your activities, or
    • Agree an alternative learning opportunity for affected students (e.g. on-campus role play, virtual fieldwork).
  • Give students good notice of off-campus learning opportunities. Ensure prospective students are informed that they are part of the course.
  • Give students details of off-campus teaching well in advance. Useful information includes:
    • Time / Date,
    • Venue,
    • Expected cost,
    • Transport links,
    • Required materials.
  • Inform students of who to contact if they anticipate any barriers or difficulties.


Ensure clear communication between staff, students and external personnel (e.g. placement providers, study abroad partners or field trip venue personnel). For example:

  • Discuss the accessibility of off-campus venues with the providers prior to the event. Identify any barriers and consider strategies for removing them.
  • Ensure off-campus providers are aware of any additional needs amongst your students (however, do not disclose the needs of any particular student without the permission of that student).
  • Consult with students before assigning placements to ensure their needs are met.
  • Ensure students are familiar with the supports provided by different educational institutes before choosing a location for study abroad. This is particularly important for students with additional specific needs (e.g. disabled students).
  • Ensure students are aware of who to contact, both within the programme and at the off-campus venue, if additional support is needed.

Barriers in off-campus teaching:

This video considers what can make your off campus teaching inaccessible to some students. It questions whether they are necessarily inaccessible, and advises on what to do if they are / are not (length 3m 55s).

Off-Campus Teaching

Off-Campus Teaching

Possible barriers within off-campus learning may include:

  • Physical barriers (e.g. inaccessible locations, equipment),
  • Cultural barriers (e.g. dietary constraints, acceptable modes of behaviour),
  • Financial barriers (e.g. are your off-campus events costly),
  • Location barriers (e.g. do all students have access to transport to the venue)

Remember timely notice of off campus events is particularly important for some students. For example, students with significant external responsibilities who may need time to arrange alternative childcare / work cover ) or disabled students who need to arrange any necessary accommodations.


Take time to complete a brief self-evaluation of your: