ADHD Supports
The Adult ADHD App
The Adult ADHD app is a joint support resource from the HSE, ADHD Ireland and UCD and is available from:
Download the ADHD in Adults App for iPhone here
Download the ADHD in Adults App for Android here
What is Occupational Therapy and how do I access this service?
Occupational Therapists work with individuals to promote health and well-being through occupation. Occupational therapists use the term occupation to describe all the things you do as a student and have an understanding of factors, such as disability, that impact people's ability to do the day-to-day things that are important for them. The primary goal of occupational therapy is to enable you to participate in the activities of everyday life as a student.
Occupational Therapists can work with students across a wide variety of areas, including adapting to life as a university student, managing routine, participating in social and leisure activities, managing academic work, skills for living away from home and navigating specific student tasks like group projects. Your Disability Officer can arrange for you to meet with an Occupational Therapist, or you can make an enquiry by emailing For more information about occupational therapy please click here.
ASKDS Disability Service Supports
ASKDS Disability Service Supports "There are a wide range of supports available through the Disability Service, and these are determined based on individual need rather than by disability type. For a full list of the supports available please click here. Our Disability Specific Guide details some of the commonly used ADHD supports that students avail of and is available by clicking here.
Students can also self-enrol in our ASKDS Disability Service Supports Blackboard module and access the resources for ADHD.
- Log in to TCD Blackboard with your student user name and password.
- In the Module Search box on the right hand side of the page, type in disability service.
- Look for the blue ASKDS link on teh left hand side of the page.
- Click Enrol and then Submit.
- Return to your Blackboard main page.
- ASKDS Disability Service Supports should now appear in your module list."