What is Occupational Therapy?

Person-Environment-Occupation Model at Trinity College Dublin: A Student-Friendly Guide

What is the P-E-O Model?

Imagine a Venn diagram with three overlapping circles. Each circle represents a component: Person, Environment, and Occupation. The sweet spot where they all overlap? That's your perfect zone for succeeding and thriving at Trinity!Venn diagram: Person, Environment, Occupation. Occupational Performance at intersection.The Big Picture:

Visualise three circles that overlap at the centre. Each circle is a fundamental component of your experience here:

  1. You (Person (student) or 'P')
  2. Your Surroundings (Environment (Trinity) or 'E')
  3. Your Activities (Occupation (being a student) or 'O')

The area where all three circles intersect? That's where you find your optimal university experience.

Person (P): This is about understanding yourself – your strengths, challenges, and preferences during your time at Trinity.

Environment (E): This covers everything from the physical and sensory spaces you prefer for studying, to the social settings you're most comfortable in, and the resources available to you at Trinity.

Occupation (O): Being a student, this is about what you engage in daily. Your studies, the clubs you join, the hobbies you pursue, and the routines you establish.

Why the Differences Matter:

Everyone's overlap of these three components is unique. Some might find they need to adjust how they relate to their environment, like finding the right study spots. Others might find they want to work on personal goals or try out new activities.

Our aim is to help you identify and adjust these components to find your best fit, ensuring a balanced and fulfilling time at Trinity. Remember, it's about fine-tuning your own experience to get the most out of your years here.

Let’s Break It Down:

  1. Person:
    • Motivation: Find activities that you're passionate about. Whether it's a particular course, a club, or an extracurricular, if it excites you, you're on the right track.
    • Emotional Responses: University life can be a rollercoaster. Recognising what stresses you out or makes you happy can help you manage your reactions better.
  2. Environment:
    • Trinity offers various environments, from the historical architecture to modern facilities, libraries, student hubs, and online platforms. Find spaces where you feel comfortable and productive.
    • Social norms and cues shape our behaviour. Knowing and understanding these can help you navigate and adapt.
  3. Occupation:
    • From self-care (taking care of your well-being), productivity (acing those assignments), to leisure (enjoying hobbies), all these tasks have a role.
    • Some tasks might be complex, some might be quick, and some might require specific skills. Knowing the nature of each task can help you prepare better.

In a Trinity Context:

  • Find study spots that boost your productivity - whether that's the old library, a coffee shop, or your dorm.
  • Engage in clubs and societies. They're not just fun, but they also help you develop new skills and meet people.
  • Remember that university life isn’t just about grades. It's about holistic growth, self-expression, and fulfilment. So, take breaks, explore Dublin, and enjoy the journey.

Seeking Help from an Occupational Therapist (OT) at Trinity: A Student's Guide

What's an OT?

An Occupational Therapist (OT) is like a personal guide to help you navigate university life more effectively. They're experts in making daily tasks easier and more meaningful, no matter what challenges you might be facing.

Why Should I See an OT?

Occupational Therapists (OTs) aren’t just about jobs or occupations in the traditional sense. They focus on the 'occupations' of daily life - from studying and personal care to socializing and pursuing hobbies. Here’s a breakdown of reasons why seeing an OT might be beneficial for you:

  1. Time Management and Study Techniques:
    • If you’re constantly feeling there aren't enough hours in the day or your study methods aren't yielding the results you hope for, an OT can help you streamline your routines.
    • They can introduce you to proven strategies that are tailored to your learning style, helping you work smarter, not harder.
  2. Balancing University Life:
    • The transition to university can be a major shift, bringing new responsibilities and freedoms.
    • An OT can assist you in establishing a structured routine, ensuring you make time for studies, social events, and self-care.
  3. Physical Challenges:
    • Whether it’s adapting to a new environment with a physical disability or addressing ergonomic concerns, an OT can provide solutions.
    • They can suggest modifications or tools to make daily tasks more manageable.
  4. Emotional and Mental Well-being:
    • If feelings of stress, anxiety, or other emotional challenges are making daily tasks or university commitments feel overwhelming, an OT can offer strategies.
    • They can provide coping mechanisms, relaxation techniques, or recommend changes to your environment to better support your mental well-being.
  5. Transitioning and Adapting:
    • University life comes with transitions: moving, meeting new people, and possibly juggling work and school.
    • An OT can assist in smoothing out these transitions, helping you develop skills and strategies to adapt and flourish.

In essence, if any aspect of daily university life feels challenging, daunting, or just not fitting quite right, consider consulting an OT. They specialise in tailoring solutions to individual needs, ensuring you get the most out of your time at university.

What Can an OT at Trinity Do For Me?

  1. Personalised Strategies: Tailored advice on managing your coursework, building effective study habits, or structuring your day.
  2. Adaptive Techniques: Help with selecting and using tools or technologies that can assist in making learning easier for you.
  3. Environment Tips: Guidance on choosing the best study spots, making your dorm room more functional, or accessing campus resources.
  4. Well-being & Balance: Tips and strategies to help you manage stress, build a routine, and prioritize self-care amidst your busy student life.