Where are the Disability study resource room areas in Trinity?

Trinity has invested in a number of modern assistive technology resource rooms called 'Assistive Technology Information Centres', or ATIC for short. 

Trinity has invested in creating a number of modern study resource area rooms called 'ATIC for short. These areas provide:

  • A quieter study space for students to study within (supervised space)
  • Power plugs are available on every desk for personal laptop use
  • Printing facilities provided and supported by the college provider Datapac
  • 2 high-end book scanners for students looking to convert printed text to an electronic format.

There are two ATIC areas on campus. For a virtual map of the Library areas within Trinity please click on this link. 

For a video for accessing the ATIC space please view this link.

Labelled image of Trinity College Dublin showing study resource rooms

Images of the ATIC area in the Ussher Library

Steps for using the Book scanners in the ATIC area of the Ussher Library:


 Bookeye scanner Bookeye scanner Instructions

Zetascanner Zeta scanner instructions  

ATIC Room - Code of Conduct

The below set of regulations is to ensure the resources provided in these areas are available to students who have applied for reasonable accommodation with the DS service only:

  • You must not leave the desk you are working on unattended over lunch periods.
  • Food and drink are completely prohibited for use in the ATIC & Library areas.
  • Please respect other students working in the area and report any misuse of property to the University A.T officer at the below details.
  • If there is an issue with the printing facilities provided by Datapac in the ATIC area, please alert the library staff to call the on-site printing engineer to remedy it.


If you have any queries or problems using the equipment provided please contact the Trinity  DisAbility Hub at: askds@tcd.ie