Event Checker

Making College Events Accessible

Attached is a useful guide outlining areas that need to be considered when organizing Accessible events.

    • Accessible Events - A good practice guide for staff organising events in Higher Education - download here.
    • Accessibility of Meeting Rooms on Campus - As per the College Accessible Information Policy all Trinity events should be accessible to all possible attendees and every effort should be made to ensure accessibility features are considered.
    • Working with a Sign Language Interpreter in College - Guidelines for working with Irish Sign Language Interpreters 
    • Accessibility guidelines:  Please use the Trinity Accessibility Event Generator, which is a user-friendly, handy tool designed to provide clear and concise access information for events. Having clear information is very important for an event to be as accessible and inclusive as possible. It's necessary to create events that are universally designed – accessible to everyone

Procedure for accessing lectures (including tutorials or labs) during a lift failure

  • Estates and Facilities notify the Disability Service of lift failures
  • The Disability Service informs wheelchair users via email
  • The onus is on students to check their timetables and if impacted to contact their school/department
  • Where possible, schools/departments should move the lecture to an accessible venue
  • If this is not possible, they should consider postponing the lecture or offering the student an alternative 

Please note: During a lift failure, staff, students, and visitors who use wheelchairs or scooters are advised not to access or attempt to access upper floors unless they can do so safely and fully independently.