Strand 2: Review of the Certificate in Arts, Science and Inclusive Applied Practice

Strand Lead: Dr Karl Thomas

Strand Aim: Evaluate the ASIAP programme from the perspectives of all stakeholders, i.e. students, academics, guardians, and the business community, to ensure it is relevant and sustainable into the future.

Strand Approach

  • Review pre-entry (application process), content, delivery, assessment, and employability of the course from the perspectives of the stakeholders. 
  • Seek feedback from students, lecturers, and other stakeholders such as parents/guardians, and the wider business community, on how to make the course more accessible and inclusive in content, delivery, and assessment.
  • Identification of appropriate assistive technologies for ID students and upgrading their digital skills and having this as an integral element of the course will keep it relevant and sustainable into the future.


Revision of the ASIAP Course will ensure it is relevant for all stakeholders, sustainable into the future, and it may be replicated across other HEIs.

By including the business community in this strand, a focus will be maintained on providing real outcomes in terms of meaningful employment for ID students.