As a parent/guardian of a student with a disability, you may have questions about the support your student can expect in Trinity. This handbook for parents/guardians will assist you in understanding how Trinity and the Disability Service works.

Information for Parents / Guardians

The transition to university is a big step for all students, but particularly for those with additional support requirements. It can be difficult to find out what needs to be done and the appropriate times to do so. We want to ensure that every student is adequately supported. Students who engage and participate in supports we offer do well in Trinity and we encourage students to avail of the supports we offer. The Parent handbook will answer some of the questions you may have and describes the kind of tasks and roles your student will undertake as part of engaging with university life. It explains fully the supports that the Disability Service offers. Please feel free to contact us if you have further questions or need more detailed explanations. For contact details click on this link.

Support your Student

Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin shares your goal of promoting your student’s growth and success. It is our hope that every student flourishes at Trinity, and leaves us, at the end of four years, as an educated, independent, self-confident adult. The following information describes both our role as an institution and your parental role during this joint venture.

Before reading on, get to know the Trinity lingo by reading the ‘jargon buster'.

Be confident in our expertise

Trinity has a very long history and has developed student services to meet the needs of a diverse student body. Read a brief description of each of these Support Services.  Parents can support students by acknowledging that getting to grips with the university, academically and socially, takes time. Assure your student that they possess the intelligence, character, and strength to succeed and, in time, will feel at home in Trinity. Encourage your student to talk with tutors, accommodation wardens, and the Student's Union. Feeling confident about using internal and external resources is a major developmental goal for the university years.

Parent/Guardians Communication

The DS is aware that parents or guardians may have questions or concerns that they may wish to discuss with staff. However, Data Protection legislation requires Trinity to establish a policy with regard to any discussion between members of staff in the Disability Service and parents/guardians, in relation to individual students and their progress through Trinity. All students are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning, and the DS is required to have due regard for its legal obligations to protect the confidentiality of its relationship with the student.

Legal obligations

Parents/guardians: Due to General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), information about your disability and your support requirements/arrangements will not be shared or discussed with your parents/guardians without your written consent. Please note that even if such consent is provided to share or discuss, parents cannot act, or request changes, on your behalf and you retain responsibility for engaging with the Disability Service. Trinity Consent to Disclose and Share Disability Information

Consent to Confidentiality Waiver will need to be discussed with your Disability Officer and then completed in advance of any meeting taking place.