William Davenport 1807-1822

William Davenport was born in 1772 in Capel St, Dublin. He enrolled in Trinity College on 6th November 1787, aged 15. He became a Scholar in 1791 was elected a Fellow in 1795. He graduated BA in 1792, MA in 1796 and DD in 1808. From 1807 to 1822 served as the eighth Erasmus Smith’s Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy. He was Archbishop King’s Lecturer in 1815. He was Director of the Armagh Observatory and incumbent at the parish of Clonfeacle, Co. Tyrone, from 1815 until his tragic death in 1823.


  1. Thomas Ulick Sadlier (1935), Alumni Dublinenses: a register of students, graduates, professors, and Provosts of Trinity College in the University of Dublin (1593-1860), Thom Co Ltd, page 212, https://digitalcollections.tcd.ie/concern/works/70795b624
  2. Armagh Space (Accessed July 2023), William Davenport, Armagh Space https://www.armagh.space/our-people
  3. Erich Finch (2016), Three Centuries of Physics in Trinity College Dublin, Living Edition
  4. Image of Trinity College and Bank from Irish Pictures Drawn with Pen and Pencil (1888) by Richard Lovetthttps://www.libraryireland.com/IrishPictures/I-2.php