Welcome to our group site
Our research covers a broad range of topics in supernova and extra-galactic explosive transient research. In particular, it focusses on the following topics:
- Unveiling the properties of electromagnetic counterparts to gravitational waves
- Understanding the progenitor systems of Type Ia supernovae
- The use of supernovae as cosmological distance indicators
- Exploring the extremes of supernova explosions

Prof. Kate Maguire
School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin
Email KATE.MAGUIRE@tcd.ie Phone+353 (0)1 896 4141Professor in Astrophysics
Prof. Kate Maguire leads a group studying explosive astrophysical phenomena such as supernovae, gravitational-wave counterparts, and exotic extra-galactic transients. She is the recipient of two European Research Council grants, SUPERSTARS (2018 - 2024) and CosmicLeap (2024 - ).
Prof. Maguire joined the academic staff at TCD in 2019 from Queen’s University Belfast, where she was a lecturer and STFC Ernest Rutherford Advanced Fellow. Prior to this she was a Marie Curie and ESO fellow at the European Southern Observatory and a post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Oxford.
She is involved in a number of large astrophysical surveys, including the leading European collaboration for follow-up of gravitational wave triggers, ENGRAVE, where she is a member of the ENGRAVE Executive Committee, the pan-European (~300 members) 4MOST instrument consortium, where she is P.I of the Time Domain Extragalactic Survey (TiDES), and the ePESSTO+ collaboration, where she is a member of the Science Board and was chair of its Target and Alert Team from 2014 - 2019.