Conference Topics

  • Hydration and formation of microstructure
  • Theoretical basis and instrumentation of microanalysis for cementitious materials
  • Development and application of novel microanalysis techniques for cementitious materials
  • Relationship between microstructure and durability
  • Curing technique and its influence on microstructure
  • Rheology and microstructure evolution of cementitious materials
  • Chemical admixture and its effect on microstructure
  • Construction technique (e.g. 3D printing, sprayed application) and its effect on microstructure
  • (Numerical) Modelling of microstructure and its influence on transport and degradation processes
  • Data processing and error analysis
  • Standards and specifications related to microanalysis of cementitious materials

Key Dates

Abstracts: 1st April 2024
Acceptance: 15th April 2024
Extended abstract: 1st June 2024
Early- Bird Registration: 15st June 2024

Call for Abstracts

Authors are invited to submit one-page abstracts (up to 300 words without figures and tables) for selecting, grouping sessions and allocating oral/ poster presentations. Please submit abstracts by 1st April 2024. Extended abstract (maximum 4 pages) should be submitted by 1st June 2024, prepared according to the template which will be provided on the conference website. All submissions should be made through the portal on the conference website.


Conference Chairs: 
Hongzhou Zhang, Trinity College Dublin and Yun Bai, University College London

Organising Committee:
Jingbo Wang, University College London
Jun Ren, Yunnan University
Kaushik Kannan, Trinity College Dublin
Yue Sun, Trinity College Dublin

Shi Shi, University College London
Yanfei Yue, Chongqing University
Yuqi Shen, University College London


All correspondence should be addressed to:
Na Jia, School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2 Ireland

M2CEM Programme