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How to connect iOS/iPadOS devices to Student Wi-Fi service

The Student Wi-Fi network will provide you with fast, secure internet access.

Those using the service are assumed to have read and agreed to the terms and conditions of the service.

In order to successfully follow the steps below, you must be in an area of Trinity with Wi-Fi coverage.

Connection steps

The exact steps may vary slightly depending on iOS/iPadOS version.

For security, you are required to have a screen lock such as a passcode, Touch ID or Face ID set on your device. This helps to protect both your device and the Student Wi-Fi network, in case of theft or accidental loss of the device.

  1. Launch the Settings app
  2. Choose Wi-Fi
  3. Under 'Choose a Network' choose TCDwifi
  4. Beside 'Username' enter the short form of your Trinity computer account username e.g. 'jbloggs' and not ''
  5. Beside 'Password' enter your Trinity network login password
  6. Tap Join at the top right
  7. If prompted regarding a 'TCDwlan' certificate then tap Trust at the top right