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Mailing lists - Mailing List FAQ

Below are our most common FAQs in relation to mailing lists.

I am trying to email a mailing list but it appears not to be working

Ensure you are entering the mailing list address correctly, following the instructions on the relevant website. For example, most mailing list addresses are of the form, and not simply

I am not a member of the correct mailing lists

In this case the affected students must verify that they are enrolled for the correct courses and modules by checking their record at If not on the correct course then the student must contact or if not on the correct module then the student must contact their School Administrator. Staff must ensure their records with HR are correct. There is no other way to add an email address to these lists.

Who can email the different student mailing lists?

Please see the information on who can send email to the student mailing lists.

How frequently are the mailing lists updated?

Mailing lists should reflect data changes from SITS after 48 hours. Student mailing lists are typically 'frozen' between the end of the Academic Year (during July) and the start of the next Academic Year (during September).

Faculty and School Mail Lists; what are these lists?

Each Faculty and School in College has an email list containing all the email addresses of the Staff in that Faculty or School to aid communication within the Faculty or School. The intention is that the lists are used to pass on information that would be of use or interest to all members of the Faculty or School.

Who can send mail to the Faculty and School Mail Lists?

Only members of the Faculty Office mail list can send mail to the relevant Faculty mail list and only members of the School Office mail list can send mail to the relevant School list.

How do I send mail to a Faculty or School List?

Only members of the appropriate Faculty or School Office list may send emails to the full Faculty or School list. The procedure for those not on the Faculty or School Office list would be to first send the email to a member of the appropriate Faculty Office or School Office and have them send it to the full Faculty or School list on your behalf.

Why can only staff members of the Faculty or School Office email lists send mail to the Faculty or School Lists?

Please see the College Protocol for staff and student emails. Emails to Faculty and School Office lists must confirm to these requirements, thus there is a requirement for access control to post to these lists.

What are the Faculty Office and School Office lists?

Each Faculty and School has a group of staff that are responsible for the administration of the Faculty or School. Separate email lists have been created for these groups. Only those on the Office list for the relevant Faculty or School can send mail to the full Faculty or School lists.

Who can send mail to Faculty Office and School Office mailing lists?

Any member of staff can send mail to the Faculty Office and School Office lists.

Discipline Lists; what are these lists?

Discipline lists are similar to the previous department lists. They contain all the email addresses of staff members associated with a particular discipline such as Economics or Computer Science for example.

Who can send mail to Discipline Lists?

All staff members can send mail to these lists.