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Webauthor account - Password reset and password expiry

In order to login and publish web pages to the 'on-premises' Trinity server, you must have a valid webauthor account and a specific set of permissions to the website you would like to edit.

If you do not already have a webauthor account, information on how to get one can be found here: Webauthor account - general information.

This page answers the most common questions relating to resetting your webauthor account password and checking its validity.

Frequently Asked Questions

I have forgotten my webauthor password

Your webauthor password is not linked to your network password, and is initially your original Trinity password .

If you cannot remember your webauthor password, please contact the IT Service Desk.

What software do I need to update my password?

If you are a PC user you will need to use Secure Shell Client

  • To check if you already have this programme, click Start > SSH Secure Shell > Secure Shell Client.
  • If this is not already installed on your PC please see our instructions on how to install SSH Secure Shell

If you are a Mac user you will need to use Terminal Utility

  • To check if you already have this programme, click Applications > Utilities > Terminal

Are there security requirements for my password?

A secure password should contain the following:

  • 8 or more characters (letters,numbers,symbols)
  • At least one symbol
  • A combination of lower and upper case letters
  • Example aB34jY?1)

How can I tell if my webauthor password is expired?

Applications like Dreamweaver and Secure File Transfer Client do not explicitly tell you that your password has expired - they simply fail to connect (and may or may not give you a password related error).

If you find you can no longer connect to the web server via Dreamweaver, or whatever client you are using, and have not changed your password within the previous 180 days then the likely explanation is that your webauthor password has expired. The best way to verify whether your webauthor password has expired is to follow the steps below to update your password.

For security reasons your webauthor account password will automatically expire every 180 days.

  • You should receive an automated email 6 days prior to the password expiry directing you to this page.
  • You will receive this email daily until you have set a new webauthor password.

Please note: If you cannot remember your webauthor password please call into the IT Service Desk in Áras an Phiarsaigh with your Trinity ID to ask for it to be reset.

What does webauthor password expiry really mean?

Password expiry does not affect the status of your webauthor account, your permissions on the server or any of your web pages; it simply means that you must set a new password before you can proceed with any other transactions on the web server.

Passwords can be changed at any time - you do not have to wait for your password to expire after 180 days. In fact, it is preferable to avoid the expiry scenario by routinely changing your password as part of your webauthor account management.

What are the steps to change my password on a PC?

  1. Start the SSH Secure Shell Client, click Start > SSH Secure Shell > Secure Shell Client.
  2. To connect to the web server click File > Quick Connect
  3. In Host Name, type
  4. In User Name, type your Trinity username. Click Connect.


  5. Click Yes if prompted regarding saving a new Host Key, this is an encryption setting to ensure a secure connection.

  6. Type your current webauthor password Click OK


  7. You will log on to the web server.
    • If your webauthor password has expired, you will see a notification message.
  8. You are then prompted to type your current webauthor password again
    • Because the web server is a unix based system, you will not see your key strokes appearing on screen when typing a password
  9. After typing your current password, type and verify your new webauthor password.
  10. Once the new password is accepted you should close this SSH Secure Shell window.

Please note:

A secure password will be required and should contain at least one symbol, one number, and consist of a combination of lower and upper case letters (e.g. aB34jYv?1).

If your password is repeatedly not accepted, you may have an incorrect password. To reset your webauthor password you will have to come to the IT Service Desk in person. After you reset it, can begin at step 1 again.

What are the steps to change my password on a Mac?

  1. Open Terminal by going to Applications > Utilities > Terminal


  2. Log in to the web server
    • Type ssh
    • Press Return
  3. If you are prompted to save a new Host Key, type Yes and press Return. This is an encryption setting to ensure a secure connection.
  4. Enter your most current webauthor password and press Return.
    • Note, you will not see your key strokes appearing on screen when typing a password.
  5. You are then prompted to type your current webauthor password again.
    • Again, you will not see your key strokes appearing on screen when typing a password.
  6. After typing your current password, type and verify your new webauthor password.
  7. Once the new password is accepted you should close the Terminal window.

Please note:

A secure password will be required and should contain at least one symbol, one number, and consist of a combination of lower and upper case letters (e.g. aB34jYv?1).

If your password is repeatedly not accepted, you may have an incorrect password. To reset your webauthor password you will have to come to the IT Service Desk in person. After you reset it, can begin at step 1 again.

I've changed my password, what do I do now?

You must now change your password in Dreamweaver, this allows you to connect to the server using your new password and continue to edit your web pages.

Remember you will need to do this for each site you manage.

In Dreamweaver previous to CS5

  1. Click Site > Manage Sites.
  2. Select the relevant website, then click Edit.
  3. Click Remote Info on the left.
  4. In Password field, type your new webauthor password.
  5. Click Test to check if the connection is successful.
  6. Click OK and Done.

In Dreamweaver CS5 / CS6 / CC

  1. Click Site > Manage Sites.
  2. Click Servers on the left.
  3. Double-click on the relevant server entry e.g.
  4. In Password field, type your new webauthor password.
  5. Click Test to check if the connection is successful.
  6. Click Save, Save and Done.