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Lecture Capture Service - Panopto Use Cases and Data Protection Advice

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Possible uses for the Panopto Lecture Capture Service

Lecture Capture Recording

A lecturer may record their lecture content (PowerPoint, video, audio, etc) to be shared with their fellow staff or students or a wider audience. Student in particular will find this enhances their learning experience to be able to playback lecture content presented by their lecturer and as a possible aid de memoire before exam time as part of revision. This can be done from seminar rooms, public theatres and from your own office, any machine which already has the Panopto software installed.

Flipped Classroom recordings

A lecturer may also record pre-lecture notes to share to their students in advance of a lecture itself to aid preparation for the lecture for students and to allow more time at the lecture itself for open discussion, feedback, etc.

Conference events/talks recording

The service may be used to record special guest speakers’ content from other institutions who may be speaking at a trinity sponsored conference or internal staff speakers at conference events in Trinity. This content can then be shared or published to the Trinity school or department’s website to publicise the content to a wider audience, It can be a promotional tool for the research or teaching work undertaken by the deptartment or school to a wider audience.

Research field work recording

As Panopto has an app from Android and iOS devices such as phones or tablets, research or teaching work undertaken away from the office desk may also be recorded and uploaded once the recording tablet or phone has an internet connection, so e.g. practical field work could be recorded on the tablet device and uploaded to the Trinity Panopto storage site.

Training video recording

Panopto can be used for recording training material which can be shared with internal or external audience, which may save time, travel and effort for a department or school.

Lecture/conference talk web streaming

Panopto allows a lecture or conference speaker talk to be web streamed live to a wider audience internally or externally.

Important Notes on Data Protection:

  1. Personal data Protection: It is advisable to consider in advance all content you record (especially at the editing stage of the recording) from the perspective of data protection of personal data before sharing or publishing any recordings which might identify a person or their personal data information. More information on data protection law and the EU general data protection regulation law can be sourced on the internet.
  2. Copyright Infringement: Please ensure just to include your own content and if using other’s content please ensure you have got consent from them.
  3. Notification to record/consent form: Please ensure that if you have any speakers/guests that you have got their written consent to record their content and also notify the audience in advance that the event will be recorded, maybe attach a note at the beginning of your first slide about the event being recorded.