Always save your work

When working in the IT Services computer rooms you may save your work temporarily onto the computer you are working on. However, once you log off, any files that you saved to that computer may be automatically removed.

We regularly clear down data from computers in computer rooms.

For that reason it is important, before logging off, that you copy your data elsewhere. See below for a few options for saving your work.

The Drive app in MyZone

All Trinity students are provided with an online data storage facility, called 'Drive', as part of their MyZone account ( During your studies, here you can store data and can access it from any device with internet access.

Learn more


As part of your Microsoft 365 account, all students have access to Microsoft's cloud-based file storage service, OneDrive.

Learn more

Back up your work

You will have access to Drive and OneDrive for the duration of your studies in Trinity. When you are due to finish your studies, you may wish to back up any data saved to either or these storage platforms prior to your computer account expiry to an external hard drive or USB key, if you wish to retain your files.

If you have any questions, please contact the IT Service Desk via