How do I book the IT Services Group Study Room?

Visit our online booking form and select the date and time you need. Then enter your name, email address, and a few other details. Click 'book' at the bottom of the form and that's it!

Key Features

  • Wi-Fi access
  • Large monitor for presentation and project work (wirelessly or via display cable provided to attach laptops, you must bring your own laptop)
  • Will hold up to 12 people comfortably

Terms and Conditions of the IT Services Group Study Room

  • Students working as part of a group can book the room for a maximum of two sessions per week. This is to allow a range of student groups to get an opportunity to book the group study room each week. The bookings for this resource room will be monitored by IT Services.
  • Groups must consist of at least three students or more, up to a maximum of 12 students in one booking.
  • Please ensure you keep your confirmation emails as proof of your booking
  • Students are free to use the Group Study Room as suits their needs but we ask that the room is left clean and tidy for the next group of students who have booked the facility.
  • The student who makes the booking is ultimately responsible for ensuring that no damage is caused to any furniture or equipment in the room.
  • IT Services will not be responsible for any loss or damage of goods or property left on these premises by any student.

If you have any questions, please contact the IT Service Desk.