Programme Overview

This course equips learners with the capacity to identify and exploit opportunities for nature-based solutions. The demand for positive climate action has become a key driver of today’s business landscape. From an entrepreneurship perspective, this represents an opportunity for nature-based enterprises and solutions. This module is for individuals and organizations seeking to cultivate the mindset of a nature-based entrepreneur for the long-term transformation of individuals, societies, and the economy.

Programme Overview



March & April  2025

Format  Online 
Duration 8 evenings
Schedule  6pm - 8pm
Dates 6, 13, 20, 27, March & 3, 10, 17, 24, April 2025
Tuition Fees Certificate for Completion Route (CC) €1,850
Micro – Credential Route (MC) €1,890 
MC Application Deadline 6th February 2025

What does the programme offer you? 

This programme provides practical framework and tools to help your business grow towards increased positive impact for people and nature. At the end of this programme, participants will be able to: 

  • Understand emerging drivers and barriers of market demand for nature-based solutions responding to the climate and biodiversity crisis.
  • Evaluate how these market trends will impact your business, learning from case studies on the adaptation strategies of other nature-based enterprises.
  • Develop a sustainable business model adapted to the context and mission of your organisation.
  • Identify financing and funding models for different stages of business development - learning directly from the funding success and failure of other nature-based enterprises and applying this knowledge to your own financing plans. 
  • Understand the importance of measuring impact on nature and people and the fundamentals of designing an impact measurement strategy for your organisation.
  • Improve your communication skills and design a pitch presentation for key stakeholder audiences. 

Who is this programme designed for?

  • Individuals with an idea for a nature-based business. This idea might be working directly with nature e.g. agriculture, forestry, coastal/marine, water management, peatlands, ecosystem restoration or indirectly e.g. eco-tourism, health and wellbeing, ecosystem service consultancy etc.  
  • Existing nature-based enterprises, working with and for nature, who want to grow their business for sustainable impact. Businesses may come from for-profit or not-for-profit sectors.   
  • Existing businesses working with nature, who want to move towards more nature-positive business models, reducing negative impacts on people and nature. 
  • Public sector bodies interested in understanding more about funding and business models for nature-based solutions and nature-based enterprises. 
  • Economic development agencies interested in learning about the characteristics, potential and needs of nature-based enterprises as part of a broader transition to more sustainable economic development. 
  • CSR / Sustainability managers from large organisations who are looking to partner with Nature-based Enterprises as a part of their sustainability and climate action agenda. 
  • Anyone with an interest in entrepreneurship and in how to balance economic success with ecological and social well-being. 

Programme Delivery

8 evenings online for 2 hours per session

Programme Details

Within the course, you will:

  • Learn from the first-hand experience of other nature-based enterprises about the fundamentals of business models and finance.
  • Develop a business model and financing strategy for scaling the positive impact of your business on people and nature.
  • Improve your communication skills and benefit from a rewarding peer-to-peer exchange with other nature-based enterprises at different stages of development. 

Hear what past participants say: 

"Trinity College Dublin is at the forefront of educational innovation with its Entrepreneurship for Nature-Based Enterprises programme – it's the only one of its kind in the world, and I can say that with confidence because I looked extensively!  My experience with TCD has been exceptional, showcasing its unique offerings and commitment to excellence. This kind of differentiation is crucial for maintaining strong enrolment numbers and ensuring a top-tier educational experience"

David Morrison, Executive Director, The Big Boing Indoor Trampoline Parks Pty Ltd. (Australia)


“I found the course to be an amazing and rewarding learning experience which challenged me to think critically about the opportunities and barriers that need to be overcome in the nature based economy especially in the blue bio-economy. After participating in the NBE course I can see a major link in the value chain missing for startups and already established companies in integrating both the production and business value chains, one cannot be stronger than the other and it is significant food for thought”.

Dr. Colin Hannon, Director, CuanMara Consultancy Ltd 


"The first three words that come to my mind after taking this course are - Engaging, enlightening, and empowering. This course has given me the confidence and knowledge to venture into the world of nature-based entrepreneurship. I'm excited for the future participants and the journeys they'll embark upon. I'm grateful for the experience and the knowledge I gained."

Rankeshwarnath Sanjay Mishr


"This course has great material, and the speakers have excellent content. The discussions are truly interesting, and the study cases help you understand a broader scope of the profession. Overall, the elements given by Entrepreneurship for Nature Based Enterprise enlightened me to think outside the box and helped me to find alternative sustainable solutions for urban forestry equity and equality.

I strongly recommend these learning opportunities as a valuable resource for any person who wants to learn more about how green and blue infrastructure helps us build better cities for future generations.”

Andres Olaya

Programme Director: Siobhan McQuaid

Contributor: Gemma Donnelly Cox

Why undertake the programme for credits?

Micro-credentials are short flexible modules that lead to accreditation in the form of ECTS. For further general information about micro-credentials please click here


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