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Academic Mentoring

Mentoring - The Momentum Programme

If you are looking for the Early Career Mentoring Initiative please click here.

The attraction, retention and development of academic staff are very important for the Trinity’s continued success in teaching and research. As part of College’s support to developing our academic community (ref Action 3.4 of the Strategic Plan (2009‐2014), recently we launched a mentoring programme for early-career academic staff. We are now introducing an innovative programme for academic staff, more established in their careers - The Momentum Programme.

Who is it for?

The programme is designed to support academics, more established in their careers, who wish to enhance their academic potential through mentoring. Individuals who may consider participating in the programme include those who have recently taken on new leadership responsibilities in research, teaching, or academic administration, or those who are managing their own transition to leading large research groups or individuals looking to the next stage in their careers.

Programme Aims

The programme will help individuals to maintain or accelerate their career momentum as they move from the stage of competence to that of expertise by:

  • assuming responsibility for the development of the academic discipline;
  • assuming responsibility for the career development of others;
  • shaping the academic field,
  • exercising leadership and
  • creating a vision for the future.

The Process

Communication of Momentum Programme – to raise awareness and promote the mentoring initiative among potential participants in the college community

  • Expressions of Interest – potential mentors and mentees will be asked to register interest to the Learning and Organisation Development Team (
  • Matching Process – participants will be offered a mentor from the available mentors based on experience/interests fit. Because of the nature of the content of the mentoring partnership at this level, the partnerships will not necessarily be from the same faculty and the college may draw upon staff emeritus to contribute to its cadre of mentors which we believe will prove a valuable additional resource.
  • Briefing/Training – All involved in the programme will be invited to attend workshops to ensure the expectations, role requirements and relevant skills needs are met.
  • Ongoing Mentoring Activities –The content of each mentoring arrangement will vary according to the needs of the individual and will be confidential to the partnership.  A summary of how The Momentum Programme can support academics established in their careers is set out below.

The Career Stage and Mentoring Support





Academic Leadership


Development of Discipline


Moving from competence to expertise - Assuming responsibility for development of others

Shaping academic field - Exercising leadership and creating a vision for the future

Integrate teaching, research & service

Participate in governance

Mentor less experienced and less educated
Engage in strategic planning

Develop junior colleagues

Lead curriculum and programme initiatives

Consult in area of expertise

Serve as advisor/officer to regional, national and/or international efforts and organisations

Set research agenda

Influence translation of research to practice and policy development

Share successes, failures, and tips

Provide feedback regarding strategy and tactics

Expand vision

Help strategize

Provide tips on effective board behaviour


Adapted from Angela Barron McBride: Building an Academic Career: Stages, Interdisciplinary Development, and Needed Mentoring 2009

In addition, participants will have available to them additional supports for example:

  • leadership development
  • personal profiling – awareness of one’s own style of leadership, communication, decision-making and working with others and how it might differ from others

If you are interested in participating in The Momentum Programme please confirm by email to the Learning and Organisation Development Team ( who can provide you with further information.