Professor Na Fu
Professor, Trinity Business School
Email funa@tcd.ie Phone3531896 1994https://www.tcd.ie/research/profiles/?profile=funa https://www.drnafu.com/Biography
Dr Na Fu is a Professor in Human Resource Management at Trinity Business School, Fellow at Trinity College Dublin, Fellow at CIPD, and the Co-Director at Trinity Centre for Digital Business and Analytics.
Professor Fu's research is at the forefront of people and technology where she specialises in strategic, digital, and sustainable human resource management. Her influential work has garnered global recognition, evident through numerous publications, prestigious awards, research grants, and international collaborations. Her research has been published in top-tier journals such as the Journal of Management, Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management Journal , Human Relations , Journal of Business Ethics and Journal of Business Research among others. She is the author of over 100 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers in international conferences.
Professor Fu is an Associate Editor at Human Resource Management Journal . She sits or has sat on the editorial boards of multiple journals including Journal of Management Studies, International Journal of Human Resource Management among others.
With an amazing track record, Professor Fu has secured over €2.7 million in research funding, further fuelling her impactful contributions to the field. Her work has captured the attention of prominent national and international media outlets, including RTE, the Irish Times, People Management, Business Post, Global Voice, and Forbes. Beyond her scholarly achievements, Professor Fu is highly regarded as a sought-after speaker, frequently invited to deliver keynote talks at industry and academic events. She also serves as a respected judge for industry awards and publishes industry reports that inform policymakers, ensuring her expertise directly influences the development of HR strategies and policies.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Conway, E., Fu, N., Monks, K., Alfes, K., & Truss, K. , Demands or resources? The relationship between HR practices, employee engagement, and emotional exhaustion within a hybrid model of employment relations, Human Resource Management, 55, (5), 2016, p901 - 917Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- Conway, E., Monks, K., Fu, N., Katie, B., Kelly, G., & Hannon, E. , Enhancing Knowledge Exchange and Combination through HR practices: Reflexivity as a translation process, Human Resource Management Journal(UK), 26, (3), 2016, p304 - 320Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- Fu, N., Flood, P. & Morris, T. , Organizational ambidexterity strategy and firm performance: The moderating role of organizational capital', Journal of Professions and Organization, 3, 2016, p1 - 16Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- Fu, N., Ma, Q., Bosak, J., & Flood, P, Exploring the impact of intellectual capital on organizational ambidexterity in Chinese and Irish Professional Service Firms, Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 3, (2), 2016, p94 - 144Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Fu, N., The role of relational resources in the knowledge management capability and innovation of professional service firms, Human Relations, 68, (5), 2015, p731 - 764Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
- Fu, N., Flood, P.C., Bosak, J., O'Regan, P., & Morris, T. , How do high performance work systems influence organizational innovation in professional service firms?, Employee Relations, 37, (2), 2015, p209 - 231Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- Fu, N., Ma, Q., Bosak, J., & Flood, P. , Exploring the relationships between HPWS, organizational ambidexterity and firm performance in Chinese professional service firms, Journal of Chinese Human Resource Management, 6, (1), 2015, p52 - 70Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
- Fu, N., Flood, P.C., Bosak, J., Morris, T. & O'Regan, P. , Exploring the Performance Effect of High Performance Work System on Service Supply Chain in Professional Service Firms, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 18, (3), 2013, p292 - 307Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL
- Fu, N., Exploring the Impact of HPWS in Professional Service Firms: A Practices-Resources-Uses-Performance Approach, Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 65, (3), 2013, p240 - 257Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL
- Feng, B, Jiang, Z-Z., Fan, Z-P., & Fu, N., A method for member selection of cross-functional teams using the individual and collaborative performances, European Journal of Operational Research, 203, (3), 2010, p652 - 661Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL
- Wiese, A., Kilty, C., Bergin, C., Flood, C., Fu, N., Horgan, M., Higgins, A., Maher, B., O'Kane, G., Prihodova, L., Slattery, D., Bennett, D., Protocol for a Realist Review of Workplace Learning in Postgraduate Medical Education and Training , Systematic Reviews:Open Access, 6, (10), 2017, p1 - 6Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- Harney, B., Fu, N., & Freeney, Y., Balancing Tensions: Buffering the Impact of Organisational Restructuring and Downsizing on Employee Well-being, Human Resource Management Journal(UK), 28, (2), 2018, p235 - 254Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- O'Brien, D., Sharkeyscott, P., Andersson, U., Ambos, T., & Fu, N. , The Micro-Foundations of Subsidiary Initiatives: How Subsidiary-Manager Activities Unlock Entrepreneurship, Global Strategy Journal, 9, (1), 2019, p66 - 91Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- Kilty, C., Wiese, A., Bergin, C., Flood, P., Fu, N., Horgan, M., Higgins, A., Maher, B., O'Kane, G., Prihodova, L., Slattery, D., Stoyanov, S., & Bennett, D. , Clinical Learning Environments for Postgraduate Medical Education: Challenges and Priorities. A National Stakeholder Consensus Study, BMC Medical Education, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- Kirrane, M., Lennon, M., O'Connor, C., & Fu, N. , Linking perceived management support with employees' readiness for change: the mediating role of psychological capital, Journal of Change Management, 17, (1), 2016, p47 - 66Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- Fan, Z-P., Feng, B., Jiang, Z-Z., & Fu, N. , A method for member selection of R&D teams using the individual and collaborative information, Expert Systems with Applications, 36, (4), 2009, p8313 - 8323Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL
- Fu, N., Flood, P.C., Bosak, J., Rousseau, D.M., Morris, T., O'Regan, P., High-Performance Work Systems in Professional Service Firms: Examining the Practices-Resources-Uses-Performance Linkage, Human Resource Management, 56, (2), 2017, p329-352Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Fu, N., Ma, Q., Flood, P.C., Bosak, J., Liu, Y., Zhang, Y., When East meets West: Comparing the utilization of high-performance work systems in Chinese and Irish professional service firms, Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 54, (1), 2016, p8-31Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Fu, N., Flood, P.C., Rousseau, D., & Morris, T. , Line Managers as Paradox Navigators in HRM Implementation: Balancing Consistency and Individual Responsiveness , Journal of Management, 46, (2), 2020, p203 - 233Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Fu, N., Bosak, J., Flood, P.C., & Ma, Q. , Chinese and Irish Professional Service Firms Compared: Linking HPWS, Organizational Coordination, and Firm Performance , Journal of Business Research, 95, 2019, p266 - 276Journal Article, 2019, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Alfes, K., Shantz, A., Bailey, C., Conway, E., Monks, K., & Fu, N., Perceived HR system strength and employee reactions toward change: Revisiting HR's remit as change agent, Human Resource Management, 58, 2019, p239 - 252Journal Article, 2019, URL
- Conway, E., Monks, K., Fu, N., Alfes, K., &Truss, K., Reimagining alienation within a relational framework: evidence from the public sector in Ireland and the UK, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Keating, S., Fu, N., & Crowley-Henry, M. , Developing a strong HRM system: The role of line managers, Annals of Social Sciences & Management studies , 2, (5), 2019, p1 - 14Journal Article, 2019
- Zhao, X., Fu, N., Taylor, S., & Flood, P. , The dynamic process of customer psychological contracts in a service context, International Journal of Market Research, 2020Journal Article, 2020
- Yao., Z., Luo, J. Fu., N, Zhang, X., & Wan, Q. , Rational counterattack: The impact of workplace bullying on unethical pro-organizational and pro-family behaviors, Journal of Business Ethics, 2022Journal Article, 2022, URL
- Robbins, P., & Fu., N. , Blind faith or hard evidence? Exploring the indirect performance impact of design thinking practices, R&D Management, 2022Journal Article, 2022
- McCartney, S., & Fu, N. , Linking HR analytics to organizational performance: Why, how, and when, Management Decisions, 2022Journal Article, 2022
- McCartney, S., & Fu, N. , Promise versus reality: Ongoing debates in people analytics, Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 2022Journal Article, 2022
- Fu, N., Flood, P., Rousseau, D., & Morris, T. , Resolving the individual helping and objective job performance dilemma: The moderating effect of team reflexivity', Journal of Business Research, 129, 2021, p236 - 243Journal Article, 2021
- Mathias, M., Fu, N., & Oliveira, O. , Structuring a training-oriented High Performance Work System: A systematic review on frontline employees in the service sector, Human Resource Development Review , 20, (4), 2021, p399 - 435Journal Article, 2021, URL
- Enabling Neurodiversity at Workplace via Inclusive Human Resource Practices. in, editor(s)Giannantonio, C. & Hurley-Hanson, A. , Generation A: Research on Autism in the Workplace, Howard House, UK, Emerald Publishing Limited, 2022, pp85 - 111, [Molloy, A., O'Donoghue, A., & Fu, N.]Book Chapter, 2022
- ICT usage at work as a way to reduce the gender earnings gap among European entrepreneurs in, editor(s)Lechman, E. , Technology and Women's Empowerment, London, UK, Routledge, 2021, pp101 - 118, [Barrientos, J.H., Fu, N., Millán, J.M, & van Stel, A. ]Book Chapter, 2021
- Exploring the Drivers and Barriers for E-learning System Impact in the Higher Education Sector in, Allen, S. Gower, K. and Allen, D. , Handbook of Teaching with Technology in Management, Leadership, and Business, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021, pp364 - 376, [Chiong, N. & Fu, N. ]Book Chapter, 2021
- Fu, N., Keegan, A., & McCartney, S. , The duality of HR analysts' storytelling: Showcasing and curbing, Human Resource Management Journal, 33, (2), 2023, p261-286Journal Article, 2023, URL
- Kilroy, S., Fu, N., Bosak, J., Hayes, R. & Schaufeli, W. , Reducing day-level emotional exhaustion: The complementary role of high involvement work practices work practices and engaging leadership, Human Resource Management Journal, 2022Journal Article, 2022, URL
- Zhao, X., Fu, N., Freeney, Y. & Flood, P. , Revisiting the effect of emotional labor: A multi-level investigation in front-line service teams, Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 2020, p1 - 10Journal Article, 2020
- Fu, N., Flood, P., Rousseau, D., Morris, T. & Johnstone, M., When are clients helpful? Capitalising on client involvement in professional service delivery, PLOS ONE, 18, (2), 2023, pe0280738Journal Article, 2023
- Zhao, X., Fu, N., & Freeney, Y. , Leader-follower (in)congruence in transformational leadership and team performance, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 2023Journal Article, 2023
- Li, M., Fu, N., Harney, B. & Chadwick, C. , Untangling Human Resource Management and Employee Wellbeing Relationships: Differentiating Job Resource HR Practices from Challenge Demand HR Practices, Human Resource Management Journal, 2023Journal Article, 2023
- Awais, A., Fu, N. & Jones, S. , Developing students" resilience during the crisis: A moderated model linking college support, study demands, student resilience, and students" change-oriented behaviour, Higher Education Quarterly, 2023Journal Article, 2023
- Zhao, X., Liang, X. & Fu, N., Whose Customer Orientation? Exploring the Relationships between Leaders, Team Customer Orientation Climate, and Customer Satisfaction, Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 33, (5), 2023, p629 - 646Journal Article, 2023
- McCartney, S. & Fu., N., Enacting people analytics: Exploring the direct and complementary effects of analytical and storytelling skills, Human Resource Management, 63, (2), 2024, p187 - 205Journal Article, 2024
- Fahy, A., McCartney, S., Fu, N., & Roche, J., Investigating the Indirect Impact of Transformational Leadership on Performance and Work Alienation: Evidence from School Principals Navigating COVID-19, Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 2024Journal Article, 2024
- Wojtczuk-Turek, A., et al., Sustainable human resource management and job satisfaction" unlocking the power of organizational identification: A cross-cultural perspective from 54 countries, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 2024Journal Article, 2024
- Fu, N., High Performance Work Systems in Professional Service Firms: A Practices-Resources-Uses-Performance Approach, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, 2012Book
- Fu, N. & Flood, P., The 2019 Great Place to Work HR Trend Survey , Dublin/Ireland, 2019Report
- Professional Service Firms in, editor(s)Lucey, B., Maher, E. and O'Brien, E. , Recalling the Celtic Tiger, Dublin, Peter Lang AG, 2019, [Fu, N.]Book Chapter
- Trade Unions in, editor(s)Lucey, B., Maher, E. and O'Brien, E. , Recalling the Celtic Tiger, Dublin, Peter Lang AG, 2019, [Fu, N.]Book Chapter
- Fu, N., Alamro, R., Amin, V., Paterson, K. & McCartney, S. , Digital Transformation and Human Resource Analytics: Adoption, Implementation and Evaluation, Trinity Business + Technology Forum 20: Borderless Business, Dublin/Ireland, 4th of March, 2020, 2020Poster
- Fu, N., Line managers' role in building high performance, How to Instil a High Performing Culture Seminar, Dublin/Ireland, 19 Oct, 2019, AbriviaInvited Talk
- Fu, Na, Nguyen, Tam, and Prost, Barry, Recruitment during Covid and Trends for 2021, Dublin, Ireland, 2020Report
- Burke, A., Fu, N., Nguyen, Tam, & Sheehan, Jimmy, Ireland's Project Economy: A Barometer of Independent Professionals, Contractors, and Solo Self-Employed , Dublin, Ireland, 2021Report, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Zhang, X., Fu, N., & Brennan, L., Challenges and opportunities: International law firms in China, Dublin, Ireland, June, 2022Report, TARA - Full Text
- Burke, A., Fu, N., Sun, Y, & Sheehan, J., Ireland"s Project Economy 2023: A Barometer of independent professionals, Contractors and Solo Self-Employed, 2023Report, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Fu, N., McCartney, S., Fahy, A., & Collings, D., Responsible AI at work: Opportunities and Challenges for People Management, Trinity College Dublin Press, 2023Report, TARA - Full Text
- Huang, W., Fu, N., Wei, W., Gollan, P., & Xu, C.Y., Creating a safer workplace: A linkage model for labour"management partnership, psychological safety, collaborative industrial relations climate and organisational occupational and health safety performance, Journal of Industrial Relations, 2023Journal Article
- Burke, Andrew, Fu, Na, Sheehan, Jimmy and Penney, Geraldine, Ireland's Project Economy 2024: A Barometer of Independent Professionals, Contractors and Solo Self-Employed, 2024Report, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Finalist for the Alan Moon Memorial Prize at the International Human Resource Development Conference 2014
- Teaching Excellence Award, Trinity Business School 2021
- Leadership Award - Dragon 100 Young Chinese Leaders 2014
- Winner of the Benedictine University Scholar-Practitioner Collaboration Award, Academy of Management Conference 2022
- Research Excellence Award by Trinity Business School 2018
- Winner of the Honourable Mention Award in the Labor and Employment Relations Association 2012 Thomas A. Kochan and Stephen R. Sleigh Best Dissertation Awards Competition 2012
- Best Paper Award in the Innovation, Enterprise and Small Business Management track at the Irish Academy of Management Conference 2013
- Teaching Fellowship Award by Maynooth University 2016
- Research Supervision Excellence Award, Trinity College Dublin 2022
- Winner of the Benedictine University Scholar-Practitioner Collaboration Award, the Academy of Management Conference 2024 2024
- Winner of the Thomson South-Western Outstanding Research-Based Paper on Management Consulting at the Academy of Management Conference 2014
- Winner of the Bentley College & HEC School of Management Outstanding Graduate Student Paper Award at the Academy of Management Conference 2010
- Best Paper Award, Academy of Management Conference 2022
- Carolyn Dexter Award Nominee for Best International Paper at the Academy of Management Conference 2015
- Teaching Excellence Award, Trinity Business School 2022
- Research Excellence Award by Trinity Business School 2019
- Research Excellence Award by Trinity Business School 2017
- Research Proposal Runner Award from Emerald/IACMR Chinese Management Research 2011
- Fellowship, The royal society for arts, manufactures and commerce (RSA) 2021
- Chartered Fellow, the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) 2018
- Fellowship, Trinity College Dublin 2020
- Post-doctoral Fellowship (2 years) by the Irish Research Council 2012
- Teaching Excellence Award by Trinity Business School 2019
- Best Paper Nominee at the International Conference of the HR Division 2014
- Teaching Excellence Award by Trinity Business School 2018
- Best Paper Award in the Leadership and Organisational Behaviour track at the Irish Academy of Management Conference 2013
- Research Proposal Runner Award from Emerald/IACMR Chinese Management Research 2014
- Emerald Literati Outstanding Paper Award 2023
- Master of Arts (Honorary), Trinity College Dublin 2021
- William H. Newman Award (Sole authored paper award) Nominee at the Academy of Management Conference 2012
- Winner of the Highly Commended Award from the Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Fund 2011
- Best Paper Award in the Leadership and Organizational Behaviour track in the Irish Academy of Management Conference 2018
- Academic Fellow of Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) present
- Relational Coordination Research Collaborative (RCRC) present
- Academy of Management (AOM) present
- International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) present
- Evidence-based Management (EBM) present
- National representative (Ireland), European Academy of Management (EUAM) present
- Irish Academy of Management (IAM) present
- Advisory board member, Nirviva 2020 - present
- Judge, Irish Family Business Awards 2019 - present
- Research Lead, Abrivia/Trinity College Dublin Annual Salary Survey 2016 - present
- Council Member for the Irish Academy of Management 2017 - present
- Judge, gradireland Graduate Recruitment Awards 2020 - present
- Research Lead "The Future of HR in Ireland: HR Manager Annual Survey" collaboration with the Great Place to Work/Ireland 2015 - present
- Judge, Irish Early Career Awards Judge 2019 - present
- National representative (Ireland), European Academy of Management (EUAM) 2019
- Editorial Board Member for international leading journals including Journal of Management Studies Human Resource Management Journal International Journal of Human Resource Management Journal of Professions and Organization Employee Relations Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research. Journal of Management Studies 2014 - present