Course Overview
International Peace Studies students are immersed in an interdisciplinary, cutting-edge course of study that examines the causes and consequences of war and armed conflict, with a view to understand how to achieve sustainable peace. Lecturers draw on interdisciplinary perspectives from politics and political science, international relations, philosophy, sociology, ethics, and conflict resolution.
Topics covered include: The Politics of Peace and Conflict; Research Methods; Forced Displacement, Conflict and Peacebuilding; Conflict Resolution & Negotiation Across Worldviews; Human Rights; UN and Conflict Resolution; Gender in War and Peace; and an Internship Module.
The course provides students with the opportunity to engage with those working in conflict resolution and peace-building, by providing an internship module, field trips to Belfast and UN Geneva, and various guest lectures from experienced diplomats and NGO officials throughout the year.
Is This Course For Me?
The M.Phil. in International Peace Studies is designed for those wanting to engage critically with the social, political and economic issues associated with peace and violence.
Career Opportunities
Our graduates find employment in a range of careers, such as: conflict resolution and mediation, peacebuilding, human rights, international development, NGOs and the non-profit sector, advocacy and activism, the public sector and government, diplomacy, the United Nations and international organisations, research, teaching, journalism, academia and law.
Course Structure
The duration of the programme is one year full-time and two years part-time. Taught modules are provided over two terms (September-December and January-April). Students then pursue independent research on a relevant topic of their choice for the M.Phil. dissertation.
Course Content
Students are required to take the two core modules: The Politics of Peace and Conflict; and Research Methods.
Students then choose four other modules from a list of electives. A sufficient number of optional modules must be taken to fulfill credit requirements. Electives offered in recent years include: Armed Conflict, Peace-building and Development; The United Nations and Conflict Resolution; Human Rights in Theory and Practice; Gender, War and Peace; Gender Theories; Forced, Displacement, Conflict and Peacebuilding; Religion, Conflict and Peace in International Relations; and NGOs in Theory and Practice: Internship Module.
Modules from the M.Phil. in Intercultural Theology and Interreligious Studies are open to students on the M.Phil. in International Peace Studies. Students may take up to two modules from this other course.
Students must complete a research dissertation of 15,000-20,000 words, to be supervised by an appropriate member of staff.
Students who complete the taught element of the programme but not the dissertation may be eligible for the Postgraduate Diploma.
Postgraduate Study in the School of School of Religion, Theology, and Peace Studies at Trinity
This video introduces the postgraduate taught programmes in the disciplines of Religion and Peace Studies offered in the School of Religion at Trinity College Dublin.
Course Details
NFQ Level 9Next Intake
September 2025
Course Coordinator
Professor Etain Tannam
Closing Date
31st July 2025

Admission Requirements
Applicants should normally have an Honours degree at second-class (2.1) level or GPA 3.2 (or above). Students not meeting these criteria may be considered at the discretion of the Dean of Graduate Studies in exceptional circumstances.
English Language Requirements
All applicants to Trinity are required to provide official evidence of proficiency in the English language. Applicants to this course are required to meet Band B (Standard Entry) English language requirements. For more details of qualifications that meet Band B, see the English Language Requirements page here.
Course Fees
Click here for a full list of postgraduate fees.
To apply, click on the relevant Apply Link below
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"The M.Phil. in International Peace Studies is unique: the modules I got to pick were fascinating and the materials/sources used very inspiring! The programme allows you to be an independent thinker while being patiently accompanied by the staff to fulfil your true potential as a critical yet open-minded thinker: key values in order to become an active agent of change in our society today. I can honestly say that studying at Trinity College Dublin for one year was one of the greatest learning experiences I’ve had.”
Carmel Irandoust, graduate