This course qualifies for a 50% subsidy under the HCI Fees Subsidy. Please refer to the fees section for details and eligibility criteria.
Who should take this MC
• Any multi-professional staff working in healthcare design and delivery across all grades and all services.
Why should I take this Micro-credential?
• So that the learner can get the best from digital health, it is important that they understand the application of digital health technology. One example is the adoption of the electronic patient records (EPR).
• The content of this micro-credential is varied; therefore, the learner will receive knowledge that will help them develop a critical understanding of digital health for their organisation.
• It is intended that this micro-credential prepares learners to engage with the topic of digital health and apply their knowledge to a real-world problem.
When can I take this Micro-credential?
• January 2025
What do I need ?
• Hold a level 8 degree in healthcare related programme
• Or satisfy the course committee that they have the ability to successfully complete the micro-credential programme based on evidence of experience of working in any healthcare setting and engaging with digital health systems
• Transcript as evidence of degree where applicable
• An up-to-date Curriculum Vitae
What will I learn?
Learners will receive knowledge across all five domains (as set out in All-Ireland Nursing & Midwifery Digital Health Capability Framework, 2021), these are:
• Domain 1 – Digital Professionalism
• Domain 2 – Leadership and Advocacy
• Domain 3 – Data and Information Quality
• Domain 4 – Information-enabled Care
• Domain 5 – Technology
What will I do?
On successful completion of this micro-credential, learners will:
• Have a systematic understanding of relevant national and international policies connected to digital health
• Be able to critically discuss the data lifecycle and application to real-world examples, such as electronic patient records (EPR)
• Analyse and critically appraise the application of digital health to person-centred, safe and connected care
• Demonstrate the appropriate application of digital health for a health workplace
How is this MC delivered?
This micro-credential is delivered in a blended format (in-person/online) with in 1 in-person day and 10 online days (full day) over a period of 12 weeks.
The Micro-credential will include:
• Live online lectures and in-person lectures, live online lectures by subject experts.
•Independent study guided by recommended reading and pre-recorded lectures on relevant topics.
• Self-directed learning time required by learner to develop proposal. As a formative assessment students present work to date and have an opportunity to seek feedback from their peers and faculty members. (5-minute presentation).
• Engagement with required activities such as identifying a problem in learners' workplace and discussion around this in the workplace.
How is this Micro-credential assessed?
• Learners consider a problem from their workplace and apply their newly acquired knowledge to identify a potential digital health solution.
• Learners will present a proposed digital health solution; this accounts for 20% of the overall grade.
• On course completion, learners will submit a final digital health proposal; and this accounts for 80% of the overall grade.
Course Details
10 ECTSNumber of Places
30 PlacesNext Intake
Course Coordinator
Hellen Batista - batistah@tcd.ie
Course Director
Sinead Impey and Freda Neill
Closing Date
4th January

Admission Requirements
Transcript as evidence of degree where applicable
An up-to-date Curriculum Vitae
Course Fees
Click here for a full list of postgraduate fees
HCI Fees Subsidy - Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria may qualify for a 50% fee subsidy, subject to the availability of subsidized places. For eligibility details, please refer to the Eligibility Criteria - https://www.tcd.ie/courses/microcredentials/hci-eligibility/
Subsidised Course fee for eligible candidates applying for micro-credential "Digital health - Understanding the Application of Technology in Modern Healthcare" in academic year 2024/25 will be 610 euro.
To apply, click on the relevant Apply Link below
Get in Touch
General Enquiries: micro-credentials@tcd.ie
MC Coordinator: Freda Neill – neillf@tcd.ie
Sinead Impey – impeys@tcd.ie
Register Your Interest
Register your interest at Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin.
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