Pathway Explore Tool

As a Trinity student, you will have choices to make at the end of your first and second year about the type of degree you wish to finish with and the options you would like to take to get there.

Choose the video below that is relevant to your programme and explore your academic pathway options.


Your Trinity Pathways

Please note: Online Pathway and Module Enrolment for 2025/26 academic year for second and third year students on eligible programmes will be done via

Information for eligible students will be published in the Trinity Pathways section of the Academic Registry website. In addition, students will be sent a message and alerted through the Trinity social media channels.

Sample Case Studies of Pathway Choices

Please note that the case study videos illustrate only SOME of the available pathways.

Not all pathways are offered by all programmes. Check with your School/Programme Office to find out which pathways are on offer for your programme.

Single Honors:

New Minor Subject Choices for Year 2

Watch on Youtube

Single Honors:

New Minor Subject Choices for Year 2

Watch on Youtube

Joint Honors:

Year 2 Choices – Trinity Electives and Open Modules

Watch on Youtube

Joint Honors:

Year 2 Choices

Watch on Youtube

Joint Honors:

Year 3 Choices

Watch on Youtube

Frequently Asked Questions on Flexible Programme Pathways

Where do I go for advice on making choices for Year 2 or Year 3 modules/Trinity Electives/Open Modules?

There are a videos and PDFs above to support you in making decisions on the pathways available to you in Years 2 and 3. 
If, after viewing these resources you are still unclear on how to proceed, your School or Programme Office will be able to provide you with additional assistance and support. 

What are the implications, career wise, of my pathway choices?

It is best to discuss your career options with the Careers Service.

What can I expect from a Trinity Elective?

Trinity Electives provide you with the opportunity to take a module outside of your discipline and enhance the breadth of your learning while you are a student in Trinity. They are stand-alone modules that do not require any previous knowledge (except for advanced-level Language and Culture Electives). Find out more about Trinity Electives.

What can I expect from an Open Module?

Open Modules are modules that are related to or complement your discipline.  Each programme offers a range of Open Modules, providing opportunities for students to expand their breadth of learning while in Trinity. Find out more about Open Modules.

How do I find out if I can take up a New Minor Subject?

Take a look at the New Minor Subject FAQ section here.

When do I make my pathways selections?

You will make your pathway selections for Years 2 and 3 during the summer. You will be receive details on this in the form of a message in and in addition via social media. Further information on how to choose your pathway in is available here

Can all Single Honours students take up a New Minor Subject?

No – students on Deaf Studies and Sociology & Social Policy cannot take up a New Minor Subject.

If I don’t take a New Minor Subject (second subject) in my Year 2 can I still take the Major with Minor pathway?

No, you will need to take up a New Minor Subject (second subject) in Year 2 in order to graduate with a Major with Minor degree. The Single Honours Explore Your Pathways tool will provide you with a general overview of the pathways available. It is best to discuss the pathways specifically available to you with your School or Programme Office.

Queries related to New Minor Subjects can be directed to

What are the implications if I take Trinity Electives and Open Modules instead of a second subject?

If you take Trinity Electives and Open Modules instead of a New Minor Subject in Year 2, you will graduate with a Single Honours award only, i.e., the Major with Minor award will not be available to you. 

Do I have to take a Trinity Elective over the course of my studies?

This will depend on whether or not you take up a New Minor Subject.  If you take up a second subject in Year 2, you will not be required to take a Trinity Elective during that year. If you continue with this subject in Year 3, you will not take a Trinity Elective at any point during your course.  If you decide not to continue with the new subject in Year 3, you may need to take a minimum of one or a maximum of 2 Trinity Electives; if you take one Trinity Elective you will take one 5 ECTS Open Module as well in Year 3.

Where can I find more information about what New Minor Subjects are available?

See the New Minor Subject section of this FAQ page below and the website . Please note that students on Deaf Studies and Columbia Dual B.A. programmes cannot take up a New Minor Subject.

Programmes include: Business Studies and French; Business Studies and German; Business Studies and Polish; Business Studies and Russian; Business Studies and Spanish; Law and French; Law and German and Trinity Joint Honours programmes.

Please note that not all pathways are offered by all programmes or subjects. 

If I don’t continue with one of my two subjects in Year 2 and take Trinity Electives and Open Modules, can I still take the Major with Minor pathway?

No, you will graduate with a Single Honours degree.

Of my first year subjects can I choose either subject to focus on in Year 2?

Yes, in general you can choose to continue with any one of your subjects, or continue with both if you wish.  However, there may be some exceptions to this and it is important to check with your School or in the case of Trinity Joint Honours, your programme office.a

Are all exit pathways open to me with my subject choices?

This will depend on the Year 2 pathway you choose that is available within your programme. For instance, if you choose to continue one subject and not your second subject, your progression pathway will be limited to graduating with a Single Honours degree. It is important to talk to your School or programme office as some restrictions may apply locally (not all pathway options are available on all programmes or subjects).

Do I have to take Trinity Electives or Open Modules?

This will depend on the course you are taking and the pathway you choose. In some courses or on some award pathways you will need to take Trinity Electives and/or Open Modules and in other courses or pathways you will not have to. It is best to check with your School or programme office directly to see the options available. 

Programmes include: Business, Economics and Social Studies (BESS), Philosophy, Political Science, Economics and Sociology (PPES), Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology (CLAHA)

Can I continue all four subjects in Year 2?

It is only possible to take three of your four subjects in Year 2. The Common Entry Explore Your Pathways tool will provide you with a general overview of the pathway options.

What are the implications of taking only two subjects in Year 2 – can I pick up subjects again?

If you take two subjects in Year 2, you can continue with these subjects and graduate with a Joint Honors or Major with Minor degree depending on the number of ECTS you take in each subject and the levels at which these ECTS are at. You can decide not to take the second subject in Year 3 and graduate with a Single Honors award in your first subject. You will need to check your options with your School or Course Office as these may vary. The Common Entry Explore Your Pathways tool will provide you with a general overview of the pathway options.

What is the best pathway to take in Year 2 if I want to keep on most of my subjects?

To take three subjects in Year 2 you will need to select the pathway where you continue all three subjects and take 20 credits of modules in each. Talk to your School or Course Office about the subject options available to you. The Common Entry Explore Your Pathways tool will provide you with a general overview of the pathway options.

Programmes include: Ancient and Medieval History and Culture; Computer Science, Linguistics and a Language; European Studies; Middle Eastern and European Languages and Culture

What pathways are available to me on a multidisciplinary programme?

At present, once you enter via a multidisciplinary programme you will exit with a multidisciplinary degree award. 

Do I have the opportunity to take Trinity Electives?

On some programmes it is possible to take Trinity Electives and you will need to check with your School or Programme Office if this is the case.

Programmes include: Computer Science; Engineering; Engineering with Management; Global Business; Law; Music Education; Psychology; Theoretical Physics

Can I take another subject in Year 2?

No - you will continue with the subject you are taking in Year 1. 

Do the options that apply to Single Honors students apply to me?

No – these Single Honors degree programmes are subject to external professional accreditation or must comply with the requirements of professional bodies. However, you will be able to take Open Modules and Trinity Electives.

<pDo I have to take Trinity Electives and Open Modules?

Yes, you will take Trinity Electives and Open Modules over the four years of your programme, as per your course structure.  Trinity Electives and Open Modules add breadth to your learning.  Your School will advise when Trinity Electives and Open Modules are taken in your specific course. 

Programmes include: Science Streams: Biological and Biomedical Sciences; Chemical Sciences; Geography and Geoscience; Physical Sciences. Management Science and Information Systems Studies

Do I have to take Trinity Electives and Open Modules?

Yes, you will take Trinity Electives and Open Modules over the four years of your programme, as per your course structure.  Trinity Electives and Open Modules add breadth to your learning.  Trinity Electives are taken in Year 3. For further information, contact the Science Course Office.

Programmes include:  Children’s and General Nursing; Clinical Speech and Language Studies; Dental Science; Human Health and Disease; Medicine; Midwifery; Nursing; Occupational Therapy; Pharmacy; Physiotherapy; Radiation Therapy; Social Studies

Can I take Trinity Electives?

No – due to the professional requirements of your programme, you do not take Trinity Electives. The exception to this is the Human Health and Disease programme – students on this programme must take two Trinity Electives in Year 2.

What is the Capstone Project and what do I have to do on this project?

The Capstone project is a significant level of independent research that you will carry out that will result in significant piece of original work in your final year.  It will provide you with the opportunity to showcase the skills and knowledge which you have developed across a range of subject areas and across your four years of study.  The type of research that you will do will depend on your programme of study. More information on the Capstone project is available from

I am studying Two Subjects - can my Capstone focus on either of my subjects i.e. subject 1 or 2 or both?

Students on a Major with Minor pathway will complete their Capstone in their Major subject.  Students on a Joint Honours programme will normally complete their Capstone in one of their two subjects and will be advised of the Capstone selection process by their School or Programme Office.

It may be possible for elements of your other subject into your Capstone, but you will need to discuss this with your School or subject(s) as there may be some limitations depending on your subjects. Some subjects may have pre-requisites for undertaking the Capstone and students must familiarise themselves with this information.

I am a ‘BESS/PPES’ student can my Capstone focus on any of my subjects or is this restricted to subject one?

This will depend on the award pathway you have chosen.  If you are taking the Joint honours award pathway you can take your Capstone in subject 1 or 2.  If you are pursuing the Single honours/Major with Minor award pathways your Capstone will need to focus on subject 1.

I am a student on a multidisciplinary programme.  Can my Capstone focus on any of my subjects?

You will need to discuss this with your School as this may vary from programme to programme.

Where can I find more information about the Trinity Electives?

Go to

What can I expect from a Trinity Elective?

Trinity Electives provide you with the opportunity to take a module outside of your discipline and hence enhance the breadth of your learning while you are a student in Trinity. They are stand-alone modules that don’t require any previous knowledge (except for advanced-level Language and Culture Electives). Information on Trinity Electives is available at

What are the maximum number of Trinity Electives that I can take?

The maximum number of Trinity Electives that can be taken is two, and only one per semester. Whether you can take one or two Trinity Electives will vary according to the programme you are taking.  Trinity Electives are 5 ECTS stand-alone modules.  More information on Trinity Electives can be found at

What credits are awarded to Trinity Electives?

5 credits (ECTS) are awarded to Trinity Electives.

What is a New Minor Subject?

A New Minor Subject is a second subject that may be taken by Single Honors students on the majority of programmes. By taking this New Minor Subject, you will be provided with the opportunity to develop knowledge in this second subject.

Specific sets of New Minor Subjects are available to each of the following Single Honors programmes for students to choose from: Early & Modern Irish; Drama & Theatre Studies; English; Film; History; History of Art & Architecture; Mathematics; Music; Religion; Philosophy. See for further information.

Who can take up a New Minor Subject in Year 2?

It is only possible to take up a New Minor Subject if you entered on one of the following Single Honors programmes: Early & Modern Irish; Drama & Theatre Studies; English; Film; History; History of Art & Architecture; Mathematics; Music; Religion; Philosophy. Students on Deaf Studies and Columbia Dual B.A. programmesare not eligible to take up a New Minor Subject due to the requirements of their programmes.

As part of pathway selection, you may choose to take up a New Minor Subject in Year 2 by selecting up to three subjects in order of preference – places will be allocated based on a first-come-first-served basis and are subject to capacity limitations.  If you do not get allocated a place on one of the New Minor Subjects you indicated a preference for, you will take Trinity Electives and Open Modules instead.

If allocated to a new minor subject in Year 2, then towards the end of year 2 you will participate in pathway selection again.  At that time you can decide to continue with this subject into Years 3 & 4, which would allow you to graduate with a Major with Minor degree, i.e. majoring in your entry subject plus a minor in your new subject. You may also opt to drop the minor subject and exit with either a Single Honors degree in your entry subject.  

When and how do I apply to take a New Minor Subject?

You will apply online via to take your New Minor Subject as part of pathway selection. Some of the New Minor Subjects have pre-requisites that must be fulfilled and your eligibility for these subjects must be approved in SITS by the relevant area before pathway selection opens -See for further details. Further information on how to view your eligibility is available here.

If I apply for New Minor Subject, am I guaranteed a place?

No – places on New Minor Subjects are subject to availability, and are allocated on a first-come, first served basis. Some of the New Minor Subjects have pre-requisites that must be fulfilled and your eligibility for these subjects must be approved in SITS by the relevant area before pathway selection opens. See for further details. Further information on how to view your eligibility is available here

How are places allocated to New Minor Subjects?

Places are allocated based on a first-come, first served basis.

Some of the New Minor Subjects have pre-requisites that must be fulfilled and your eligibility for these subjects must be approved in SITS by the relevant area before pathway selection opens -See for further details. Further information on how to view your eligibility is available here.

Who can I contact to find out more about the New Minor Subjects?

If you have a general query about New Minor Subjects or the pathways available to you, please email for further information.  If you have a query regarding academic content or eligibility, please see the Contacts List on for the contact for each New Minor Subject.



What are the maximum number of Open Modules that I can take?

The number of Open Modules that you can take varies according to your programme. Open Modules are run as part of or by another programme but that are complementary and related to your own programme, worth 5 or 10 ECTS.  More information on Open Modules can be found at

What credits are awarded to Open Modules?

5 or 10 ECTS are awarded to Open Modules.

Where can I find more information about Open Modules?

Go to and see the section on Open Modules and click on ‘read more’ for additional information.