Nurse Authority to Refer for Radiological Procedures - Micro-credential

ECTS 5 | Level 9
8 weeks
30   Places


*Please note that applications to this course are operating on a waiting list basis. Join the waiting list by submitting your contact information here: As places may become available, the school will contact individuals from this list in the order in which submissions were received.

Please note that applicants may receive a conditional offer following assessment of application.  This is not a guarantee of a place on the course. Your place will only be confirmed on receipt of all required documents above and will be granted on a first come, first served basis.

Who should take this MC?  

• Registered Nurses and Midwives who wish to develop competency and expand their clinical practice to include referral for radiological procedures, as identified by Trinity’s healthcare provider partners. 

• This cohort includes nurses who are required to complete the micro-credential to meet requirements set by the regulator, nurses and midwives in advanced practice roles, and nurse/midwife prescribers who require this module to allow for the expansion of their practice to the top of their licence. 

• This micro-credential is also suitable for practice nurses (in GP surgeries).

Why should I take this Micro-credential?  

• This micro-credential expands the nurse/midwife’s scope of practice to include radiological referral and allows them to practice at the top of their licence in meeting service need. This will reduce patient waiting times for radiological referral and will improve service efficiency.

• Through this micro-credential, nurses/midwives can be equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills, attitudes and competencies to refer persons for radiological and other imaging procedures safely and within the practitioner’s scope of practice.

When can I start this MC? 

• There is one intake annually in November

What do I need?

• Minimum of one year’s professional registration with Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland and experience.

• Currently work in an area where nurse/midwife authority to refer for radiological procedures is supported.

• Honours degree in a relevant discipline (however, relevant experience will also be considered which must include- evidence of completion of Physical Health assessment module previously and/or of previous hospital/locally provided in-house education related to the practice of referring for radiological procedures accompanied by practice for minimum of 3 years).

• Satisfy the selection panel.

Prerequisite documents:

• Curriculum Vitae & Transcript.

• NMBI Registration(copy).

• Site Declaration form and Site Audit form.

• Garda Vetting. 

What will I learn? 

Learning outcomes will include developing capacity to:

• Demonstrate a systematic understanding of the regulatory framework associated with the referral of persons for medical radiological procedures.

• Critically utilise evidence-based knowledge, skill and competence in the holistic assessment and care of a person in the referral for medical radiological procedures.

• Apply expert skills in decision making in relation to the referral of persons for appropriate medical radiological procedures.

• Demonstrate and understanding of medical radiological procedures and other imaging procedures and their implications in a person’s safety.

• Demonstrate knowledge of the role of the multidisciplinary team and effective communication processes involved in safe nurse/midwife authority to refer persons for medical radiological procedures.

• Know the justification process and understand the principles of radiation protection of the person and staff.

What will I do? 

• The learning methods include lectures, seminars, tutorials, online resources, clinical visits, and community interaction. 

• The topics of this micro-credential include:

1. Evidence-based practice and clinical governance in relation to referring for medical radiological procedures.

2. Principles of the referral process for medical radiological procedures.

3. Collaboration referral process with other health care professionals.

4. National and local health care providers’ guidelines, policies & protocols for referral for medical radiological procedures.

How will this MC delivered? 

This micro-credential is delivered in a blended format  (in-person/online) with 1-2 in-person days and 3-4 online days (full day).

• Online resources for directed learning will be available to learners to facilitate flexibility and increase access.
• Clinical mentorship will support the development of competency in practice, and assessment for this micro-credential.
• Learners will create a clinical portfolio with 10 new episodes of care demonstrating competency in referral for radiological procedures.

How is this Micro-credential assessed? 

Assessment for this micro-credential is via a clinical competency assessment and a clinical portfolio.




Course Details


ECTS 5 | Level 9

Number of Places

30   Places

Next Intake


Course Coordinator

Hellen Batista

Course Director

Dr. Mary Hughes

Closing Date

26th August 

students working in library/>

Admission Requirements

• Minimum of one year’s professional registration with Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland and experience.

• Currently work in an area where nurse/midwife authority to refer for radiological procedures is supported.

• Honours degree in a relevant discipline (however, relevant experience will also be considered which must include- evidence of completion of Physical Health assessment module previously and/or of previous hospital/locally provided in-house education related to the practice of referring for radiological procedures accompanied by practice for minimum of 3 years).

• Satisfy the selection panel.

• CV & Transcript.

• NMBI Registration(copy).

• Site Declaration form 

Course Fees

Click here for a full list of postgraduate fees


To apply, click on the relevant Apply Link below

Get in Touch

General Enquiries:

Course Coordinator: Hellen Batista -

Course Director:    Dr. Mary Hughes -

Register Your Interest

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