Master in Theology

NFQ Level 9
3 years part-time residential / 4 years part-time blended learning


Course Overview

The Masters in Theology is an innovative postgraduate degree designed for those preparing for ministry. Taught in conjunction with the Church of Ireland Theological Institute, the course offers a distinctive learning experience based on the integration of the fields of Theology, Biblical Studies, and Christian Practice.  Students will engage critically with the intellectual challenges of ministry through the study of key themes in biblical, theological and ministerial studies. The course is thus framed around a clear interaction between both theory and practice and across a variety of areas of ministerial formation.

This course aims to maintain a rigorous academic core whilst also broadening the scope of content and assessment to include professional application.

This course is offered either in: Mode A (residential learning) which runs for three years, or Mode B (non-residential blended learning), which runs for four years.

Is This Course For Me?

The Masters in Theology is aimed at those with a degree in Theology wishing to prepare to enter the ministry.

Course Structure

The duration of the programme is one year full-time and two years part-time. Taught modules are provided over two terms (September to December and January to April). Students then pursue independent research on a relevant topic of their choice for the M.Phil. dissertation.

Career Opportunities

The Masters in Theology is an innovative postgraduate degree that prepares students for ministry.

Course Content

Some of the modules students will study include: Christian Thinking About God; Jesus the Christ; Pentateuch and Psalms; Critical and Interpretative Issues in the Study of the Gospels; Sages and Prophets in the Context of Israelite History, New Testament Letters and Writings; Anglican Dogmatic Theology; Hermeneutics; Cosmology, Anthropology and the Church; Theology and Ethics; Mission, Culture and Social Context; Pastoral Studies; Liturgy, Worship and Spirituality; Anglican Studies in an Irish Context; and Church Leadership Practice and Practicalities.

Students take one of three optional modules: Ministry for Reconciliation; Church History; and Developing New Communities of Faith.

Co-requisite modules also form part of the ministry portfolio and are assessed by means of both written submission and an oral examination. They include: Homiletics; Spirituality; Ministerial Formation; and Integrated Learning.

A dissertation is a component of the final year and assessed both by written submission and oral examination.

Click here for further information on modules/subjects.

Postgraduate Study in the School of Religion at Trinity

This video introduces the postgraduate taught programmes in the disciplines of Religion and Peace Studies offered in the School of Religion, Trinity College Dublin.

Course Details


NFQ Level 9

Next Intake

September 2025

Course Coordinator

Dr Katie Heffelfinger

Closing Date

28th May 2025

students working in library/>

Admission Requirements

All candidates will be required to successfully complete the Foundation Course. In addition candidates will have either:

  • An Honours Degree in Theology or another discipline; OR
  • An appropriate qualification and at least 3 years ministerial experience or equivalent professional experience; OR
  • Otherwise satisfy the Course Admissions Committee that they have the ability to complete and benefit from the course. In exceptional circumstances candidates may also be required to submit a further piece of written work for assessment by the School of Religions, Peace Studies and Theology.

English Language Requirements

All applicants to Trinity are required to provide official evidence of proficiency in the English language. Applicants to this course are required to meet Band B (Standard Entry) English language requirements. For more details of qualifications that meet Band B, see the English Language Requirements page here.

Course Fees

Click here for a full list of postgraduate fees.

Register Your Interest

Register your interest in studying at Ireland’s leading university, Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin.

Register Your Interest


"Studying on this programme has provided opportunities to grow intellectually and spiritually as part of a community of learning. The course makes space for grappling with ancient truths in light of contemporary thinking, to hold theory and praxis in conversation, and to grow in the habit of critical thinking and theological reflection. The broad range of modules, the excellence of the teaching staff, and the space made for class discussions combine to prepare each of us for a life and ministry of loving the Lord our God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength."

Reverend Anna Williams