This course of approximately forty lectures provides an historical survey of European art and design.
It covers major periods of art including Romanesque and Gothic Art, the Italian Renaissance, the
Baroque Period, French Impressionism and Modernism. Significant individual artists, architects and designers will be considered in more detail, for example Michelangelo, Palladio, Rembrandt, Cezanne and Le Corbusier.
While presented chronologically, the course will include thematic lectures introducing the critical
analysis of objects and considers such matters as practice, making and contexts.
In addition to the lectures, registered students attend seminars, many of which are held off site visiting the institutions such as the National Gallery of Ireland.
Assessment comprises visual tests, essays submitted throughout the year, and a viva voce / oral exam held in April / May.
The student who receives the highest grade is awarded the Purser-Griffith Scholarship.
Contact hours; 3 hours per week comprising two lectures and one seminar
Click here for further information on modules/subject.
As an introductory course, no previous experience in the study of art history is necessary for intending applicants and it is designed as a part-time course. However, students will be required to do independent study and full attendance of all classes is strongly advised.
Diploma students have access to Trinity College Dublin library facilities
Further information
Contact: The Executive Officer, Department of History of Art and Architecture, room 5082, Arts Building, Trinity College, Dublin 2. Phone: 01 896 1995, email: arthist@tcd.ie
See departmental website: http://www.tcd.ie/History_of_Art/european-painting
Course Details
To apply, click on the relevant Apply Link below