Course Overview
Trinity’s midwifery teaching team has a strong track record in advancing midwifery nationally and internationally. This is achieved through research and in supporting education in academic and clinical practice. The teaching team also represents midwifery on regulatory (NMBI) and Irish health service (HSE) bodies. We are delighted to be able to encourage and support Ireland’s future midwifery leaders. Students who successfully complete Year One may choose to exit with a Postgraduate Diploma in Midwifery, or proceed to second year where they complete the Masters in Midwifery.
The M.Sc. Midwifery programme does not lead to registration as a Midwife with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI); the programme is aimed at postgraduate registered midwives.
Is This Course For Me?
This course is designed for experienced midwives who are looking for professional development and promotion within midwifery practice, health service management, and education.
Career Opportunities
The course will provide midwives with a thorough understanding of midwifery theory, practice, education, management, and research. By developing and building on subjects undertaken at undergraduate degree level, graduates of this course will possess the skills necessary for advancing knowledge, initiating and encouraging innovation, and leading and developing midwifery practice.
Course Structure
The current M.Sc. is being revised and will involve some module changes. In addition to what is currently being offered, students will now have the option of completing the M.Sc. over 3 years with the option to exit with a Postgraduate Certificate, a Postgraduate Diploma or a M.Sc. in Midwifery. This course will be running for the next academic year 2024/25 and updates will be made available on these course revisions.
Year One starts with a full week of studying in September and continues thereafter one to two days per week for the remainder of the academic year (depending on whether the course is being undertaken full time or part time).
Year Two consists of classes and workshops throughout the academic year. A blended learning approach is utilised in the delivery of theoretical content which includes lectures, group discussions and self-directed learning. The assessment process is a combination of written and practical assignments.
Course Content
Students take six modules in Year One: Advancing the Theoretical Foundations of Nursing/Midwifery; Theory and Practice of Enquiry Methods for Healthcare; Ethics and Law in Health and Social Care; Leadership, Quality Improvement and Governance; Advancing Midwifery Practice; and Women Centred Maternity Care in Ireland.
In Year Two, Masters students must complete a research dissertation.
Click here for further information on modules/subjects.
Study Midwifery Practice and Leadership (M.Sc. / P. Grad.Dip.) at Trinity
An introduction to the Midwifery Practice and Leadership (M.Sc. / P.Grad.Dip.) programme at Trinity College Dublin.
Course Details
NFQ Level 9Next Intake
September 2025
Course Coordinator
Dr. Margaret Dunlea
Closing Date
30th June 2025

Admission Requirements
Applicants must hold:
- Registration as a midwife with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland.
- A minimum of one year full-time recent clinical midwifery practice or equivalent since registration as a midwife.
- An Honours undergraduate degree in Midwifery or a related discipline, or equivalent professional and academic qualification.
Students will be required to undergo Garda Vetting, you can learn more at: https://www.tcd.ie/students/orientation/postgraduates/garda-vetting.php
English Language Requirements
All applicants to Trinity are required to provide official evidence of proficiency in the English language. Applicants to this course are required to meet Band B (Standard Entry) English language requirements. For more details of qualifications that meet Band B, see the English Language Requirements page here.
Course Fees
Click here for a full list of postgraduate fees
Get in Touch
Telephone Number
+353 (0)1 8962692
Register Your Interest
Register your interest in studying at Ireland’s leading university, Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin.