Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances we are not able to deliver the MSc/P.Grad.Dip/P.Grad.Cert in Community Health this year. Please contact PGT.Nursing.Midw@tcd.ie if you need any further information.
Course Overview
The aim of this course is to enable students from across a broad spectrum of professional backgrounds to gain a grounded understanding of the core principles of public health and their application to the practice of community healthcare, and to increase graduates’ employability in community health practice. The course is suitable for people who are currently either working in, or intend to work in community health and who are seeking an enhanced qualification for their career advancement.
Is This Course For Me?
This inter-professional Masters course is designed for individuals from a wide range of health and social care professions. These include: community healthcare professionals and primary care practitioners such as general practitioners (GP), practice nurses, public health nurses, dieticians, dentists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists speech and language therapists, podiatrists, community pharmacists, and psychologists. This course would also suit individuals with a background in social care, mental health and intellectual disabilities.
Career Opportunities
This course will enable students to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for further clinical training, or a career in clinical research or further academic research. Our programmes also deliver training that will enhance your opportunities to gain employment as a counsellor, developmental psychologist and educational psychologist, among many other psychology-related careers.
Graduates of this course go on to work in NGOs, policy, government and research institution, as well as heath professions in a variety of sectors. The course also advances their career prospects both in terms of promotion eligibility and post-graduate training, as well as opens the doors to further academic research.
Course Structure
Year One usually starts with a full week of studying in September and continues thereafter generally one to two days per week for the remainder of the academic year for part-time students and some additional days per week for full-time students.
Year Two consists of workshops throughout the academic year. A blended learning approach is utilised in the delivery of theoretical content, which includes lectures, group discussions and self-directed learning. Assessments are one written examination, written assignments, group presentations applied to students’ area of community practice and discipline.
Course Content
P.Grad.Cert. students take two core modules: Determinants of Health; Principles and Practice of Community Health. Students then choose one of the following three elective modules: Deconstructing Mental Health and Distress; Child Health Provision in the Community; Clinical Practicum in Community Health (only available to nurses and midwives registered on a division of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland register).
P.Grad.Dip. students take five core modules: Determinants of Health; Principles and Practice of Community Health; Epidemiology and Healthcare Statistics; Theory and Practice of Enquiry Methods in Health Care; Health Promotion and Management of Chronic Disease. Students then choose one of the following three elective modules: Deconstructing Mental Health and Distress; Child Health Provision in the Community; Clinical Practicum in Community Health (only available to nurses and midwives registered on a division of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland register).
M.Sc. students take all the P.Grad.Dip. modules in Year One. In Year Two, students must complete a dissertation.
Study Community Health (M.Sc. / P.Grad.Dip. / P.Grad.Cert.) at Trinity
This video provides information on Trinity’s School of Nursing and Midwifery and the intended learning outcomes of the Community Health postgraduate programme.
Course Details
NFQ Level 9Course Coordinator
Dr Eimear McGlinchey

Admission Requirements
Applicants will be required to:
- Hold a minimum 2.1 grade (second class honours) in a relevant primary degree in the applicant’s field of practice.
- Where applicable, hold current registration with the relevant professions’ regulatory body.
- Or otherwise satisfy the course committee they have the ability to complete and benefit from the course.
SPECIAL INSTRUCTION FOR NON-EU STUDENTS: When asked to submit ABA PIN please insert ‘0000’ to bypass this question. This instruction also applies to all applicants who are not currently qualified as a nurse or midwife in Ireland.
Students will also be required to undergo Garda Vetting, to learn more please visit: www.tcd.ie/students/orientation/postgraduates/garda-vetting.php
English Language Requirements
All applicants to Trinity are required to provide official evidence of proficiency in the English language. Applicants to this course are required to meet Band B (Standard Entry) English language requirements. For more details of qualifications that meet Band B, see the English Language Requirements page here.
Course Fees
Click here for a full list of postgraduate fees.
To apply, click on the relevant Apply Link below
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Telephone Number
+353 (0)1 8962692
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